Chapter 5 Alchemy Master

Liu Yuanchen, who had already walked out of Qinghe Town, naturally didn't know that there was such a thing in Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Relying on his identity as a disciple of Qingdan Sect, he returned to Yujin Mountain safely.

Entering the cave, Liu Yuanchen took out the red copper furnace, forced out a drop of blood essence, and dropped it into the furnace.

Then, a ray of spiritual consciousness was released, mixed with the essence and blood, and a universal master-recognition inscription was outlined on the bottom of the red copper furnace.

After dozens of breaths, the recognition pattern was completely formed.

Subsequently, the inscription is integrated into the furnace body.

He poured mana into the red copper furnace, and the palm-sized furnace instantly turned into a copper furnace nearly three feet high.

Liu Yuanchen entered the alchemy room with the alchemy furnace. This alchemy room also existed before.

A stone chamber two feet square, with a small stone pit in the middle, and there were traces of fire inside.

He placed the alchemy furnace directly above the small pit and placed a few dense charcoal blocks in the pit.

He took out two pieces of flint and knocked them against each other a few times.

The sparks from the flint fell on the charcoal, causing a small red flame.

The flames expanded rapidly and soon enveloped the bottom of the stove.

He doesn't know fire-attribute spells, so he can only rely on this simple and unpretentious method to light fire.

In the red copper furnace, an inscription glowed faintly.

Soon after, the entire alchemy furnace became hot.

There was a faint flash of fire in the alchemy furnace. This was the first step in alchemy - the hot furnace.

Later, Liu Yuanchen took out a pound of golden rice and put it into the alchemy furnace.

What he wants to refine is Bigu Pill, the simplest among the first-order low-grade pills.

There are many versions of Bigu Pill recipes, the simplest one is to use only Linggu Pill.

By tempering the essence and condensing it into pill pills, you can refine it into Bigu Pill.

A monk who eats one pound of first-grade low-grade spiritual grain can be guaranteed not to be hungry for three days.

Taking three Bigu Pills can also guarantee that you will not be hungry for three days.

One Bigu Pill weighs only one coin, and one hundred Bigu Pills only weigh one pound.

It is better to eat Linggu cooked, while Bigu Dan can be eaten directly.

When going out, it is obviously much more convenient to carry Bigu Pill than Linggu.

Liu Yuanchen released the power of his spiritual consciousness, drew flames from the furnace wall, wrapped the golden rice, and extracted the essence from it.

He didn't deliberately detect it, but the distribution of energy in the rice grains was clearly visible through his senses.

While he was distracted, the flame in the furnace was a little unstable. He quickly calmed down and activated the flame to roast the golden rice.

Use your spiritual consciousness to pull the energy in the rice grains, and without much effort, a small drop of liquid will flow out of the rice grains. This is the essence of the golden rice.

After losing their essence, the rice grains turned into ashes in a very short period of time.

After more than a hundred breaths, all the rice grains had disappeared, leaving only a ball of essence the size of a fist.

Tempering the essence of the elixir is an extremely important step in alchemy.

The upper limit of how many pills can be turned into is the step of refining the essence.

Assuming that the tempered essence is only enough to form two pills, no matter how exquisite the subsequent fire control and pill condensation techniques are, they can only form two pills at most.

Liu Yuanchen was so surprised that he was distracted for a moment, and the flames lost control.

But in one breath, there was only a wisp of smoke and some ashes left.

After failing to make alchemy for the first time, Liu Yuanchen was not depressed, but his face was full of joy.

The mass of essence that was just tempered was a bit ridiculous.

When I first started, I worked as a boy for a second-level alchemist.

The basics of his alchemy skills were all learned at that time.

Liu Yuanchen was also present when the alchemist taught his disciple how to make Bigu Pill.

The golden silk rice essence tempered by the alchemist is only about [-]% of the essence just now.

In the end, the batch of Bigu Pills became five pills.

Using one pound of golden silk rice to refine the Bigu Pill, the limit is six pills.

A second-level alchemist who can make five pills is already a master.

Liu Yuanchen whispered to himself: "I haven't officially stepped into the threshold of an alchemist yet, and my level of alchemy is incomparable to that of a second-level alchemist.

But the golden silk rice essence I tempered was even more than his.

Also, when the essence was being tempered, I could clearly sense the energy distribution in the rice grains.

Just a little stimulation with spiritual consciousness, the energy flows out and condenses into essence. "

"Being able to do this is definitely not due to alchemy, it should be related to the immortal seeds.

Previously, I could sense the vitality of vegetation and extract it.

The essence in rice grains is also the energy in plants and trees. The two have something in common.

It should be the prototype of opening up a blessed land. After modifying the technique, the ability to sense the vitality of vegetation has been enhanced. "

“The essence that was tempered before can be completely converted into six pills, which means that the essence can be tempered to nearly [-]%.

For me, I can completely ignore the difficulty of refining the essence.

As long as the fire control ability can be improved to a qualified level, the rate of [-]% to [-]% of the elixir can be easily achieved. "

The success rate of elixir refining is about [-]%, which can basically guarantee that you will not lose money.

If there is a [-]-[-]% success rate, that is more than double the profit.

Alchemists are either fire-attribute or wood-attribute monks, and both have their own advantages.

Fire attribute monks are good at controlling fire, so it is not easy for a batch of elixirs to be scrapped.

However, there is not much refined elixir essence, and the elixir-formation rate is generally not high. It is considered good to have four or five achievements.

Moreover, the essence of the elixir they refine has many impurities, and the quality of the elixir is usually not high.

Wood-attribute monks have an advantage in tempering the essence of elixirs. The tempered essence is more, less impurities, the upper limit of the elixir formation rate is high, and it is easier to produce high-quality elixirs.

However, fire control capabilities are generally insufficient, the probability of all elixirs being scrapped is high, and the risk of furnace explosion is also higher.

The most suitable person to be an alchemist should be a monk with dual attributes of fire and wood.

Liu Yuanchen adjusted his condition and started refining the Bigu Pill again.

Just like last time, he tempered a ball of essence the size of a fist without expending much effort.

After that, you need to divide this mass of essence into six parts, and then bake them with flames, that is, high fire to collect the juice.

It is also important to divide the tempered essence into several portions. If the number of portions is too much and each portion of essence is too little, it will be easily burned during the subsequent process of collecting the juice over a high fire.

Even if a pill is obtained by luck, if the pill is too small, it will be considered a defective product and cannot be sold at a high price.

If the number of portions is too small, each portion contains too much essence, and the internal and external fires are uneven, it is likely that the elixir will not be formed.

When each ball of essence is only the size of a dragon eye, it is the final stage of condensation.

It is necessary to reduce the firepower at an extremely fast speed to solidify the thick elixir liquid into elixir pills.

From the time the fire collects the juice to the completion of the elixir condensation, during the entire process, if the firepower is slightly different, the essence may be completely burned to ashes.

Liu Yuanchen was a wood-attributed monk with a natural weakness in fire control. He failed more than ten times in a row before finally refining a Bigu Pill.

Looking at a bright yellow Bigu Pill, he felt a little excited.

After so much effort, it finally paid off.

In the next four or five days, he refined several batches of Bigu Pill every day, and the rate of pill success soon increased to about [-]%.

When refining any kind of first-level elixir, as long as the elixir yield rate exceeds [-]%, you can be regarded as a first-level low-level alchemist.

The success rate of Bigu Pill is over [-]%, so he is naturally a first-level low-grade alchemist.

It took nearly thirty kilograms of spiritual grain and more than sixty pills, barely keeping the cost.

Having just crossed the threshold of an alchemist, not losing money is a victory.With the foundation laid by the Bigu Pill, Liu Yuanchen began to try to refine the Spiritual Recovery Pill.

The raw materials of Hui Ling Dan include five elixirs, and the refining process is similar to the previous Bigu Pill.

That is to say, there is an additional process of fusing the essence of different elixirs. This process is the easiest to explode.

With the foundation laid previously, the refining process went extremely smoothly.

It only failed twice, and on the third time, it succeeded in refining two soul-reviving pills.

The fourth furnace produced four pills, and the next three furnaces produced five pills.

One Spirit-Rejuvenating Pill requires three spirit stones. In theory, it can be turned into up to ten pills. One Spirit-Returning Pill costs one spirit stone.

Seven ingredients make a total of 21 pills, which is enough to save the cost of raw materials.

If the loss of spiritual charcoal is included, it is actually a bit of a loss.

But once you have mastered your skills, a little loss is nothing.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen had not a single spiritual stone left in his hand.

He left Yujin Mountain again and went to Qinghe Town to sell elixirs, buy some elixirs to refine into elixirs, and continue to make elixirs to earn spiritual stones.

When I arrived in Qinghe Town, I came to a pill shop.

On the plaque above the door, there are the words "Dongyang Liu's Pill Shop" written in large characters.

Entering the store, a monk in his 40s asked, "What does this fellow Taoist from the Qingdan Sect want to buy?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Uncle Six, you don't even recognize me?"

This person's name is Liu Qingfeng, he is a descendant of the main lineage of the Liu family and the cousin of the head of the Liu family.

The monk took a closer look and said, "You are Yuan Chen, we haven't seen each other for seven or eight years.

If you hadn't looked similar to your third brother, I wouldn't have recognized you.

What do you want to buy when you come here this time?I'll give you a [-]% discount. "

Liu Yuanchen took out a cloth bag from the storage bag. After opening it, 21 milky white pills were revealed, which were the Spiritual Recovery Pills.

"Uncle Six, I came here this time to sell pills."

Liu Qingfeng picked up a pill, looked at it carefully for a while, and then smelled it.

"Yuan Chen, where did you get these pills?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled: "My nephew made it himself."

There was a trace of surprise on Liu Qingfeng's face: "The quality of this elixir is really good, it is very close to a good product. Is it really made by someone?"

The quality of elixirs is divided into four levels: inferior quality, ordinary quality, good quality, and top quality.

Substandard elixirs can exert [-]% to [-]% of their efficacy, but they contain a large amount of erysipelas. Taking too much can lead to blocked meridians or even poisoning, so they generally cannot be sold.

Fanpin is the most common elixir on the market. It has less erysipelas and no obvious side effects. At most, there are more obstacles when breaking through the realm. Generally, it is sold at a reasonable price.

Good-quality elixirs are relatively rare on the market, their erysipelas is negligible, they have no side effects when taken regularly, and their prices are [-]% higher than normal prices.

The top-grade elixir is almost perfect, without any erysipelas, and its efficacy is about [-]% higher than that of ordinary and high-quality elixirs.

Even the elixirs of low value are [-]% to [-]% higher than the normal price.

If it is a top-quality elixir that can assist breakthroughs, such as the Barrier-Breaking Pill, the price will double or triple and people will rush to get it.

The so-called erysipelas mainly comes from impurities in the essence of elixirs.

It is also possible that the fire control is insufficient, resulting in unknown changes in the properties of the medicine, resulting in erysipelas.

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "It was indeed refined by me. You also know that I am a plant fairy.

The refined elixir essence has fewer impurities and is easy to produce high-quality elixirs. "

"How about the success rate?"

"After practicing for several months, the success rate is already [-]%."

Liu Qingfeng's face was full of smiles: "Yes, with this skill, you can earn a lot of spiritual stones, and it is not impossible to break through the Qi Sea realm in the future.

If someone else comes to sell elixirs, I always lower the price by [-]% or [-]%.

Since you are here to sell the elixir, I will buy it at the market price. "

After that, he collected the elixirs and gave Liu Yuanchen 21 spiritual stones.

The elixirs that are close to the best ones have much less erysipelas than the ordinary ones.

No matter which store you take it to sell, there is no reason to lower the price.

With his status as a disciple of the Qing Dan Sect, ordinary small medicine shops would not dare to lower their prices.

Liu Qingfeng said this out of pure shamelessness.

But Liu Yuanchen still put away the spirit stone, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Uncle Six."

Liu Qingfeng waved his hand: "Over the years, the family's resources have been concentrated on Yuan Si, and few others have received funding.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Resources are scarce in the Red Wasteland, and it is impossible to train every disciple.

We can only focus on cultivating those with the best talents, and don’t blame the family. "

This is the case for all families in the Red Wasteland. Most of their resources are concentrated on a few mainline disciples with good talents.

Other mainline disciples with poor talents can still drink some soup.

When you go out to do things, you can also make money.

As for the children from distant branches, unless they are extremely talented and can lead the entire family to a further step, they can only work hard on their own.

The talent is average, that is, the family will provide some spiritual stones and send them to Qingdan Sect.

Liu Yuanchen, a distant descendant with poor talent, has never received a spiritual stone subsidy from his family since he was a child.

In the early years, all the resources needed for cultivation came from his father's meager salary.

He was able to join the Qingdan Sect only because of his father's trust and connections, and had nothing to do with his family.

If you say you hate your family, you can't say that. I just don't have a sense of belonging.

It doesn't matter which store you sell the elixir you refine to yourself. This kind of thing that does not harm your own interests can give priority to the family.

If the main line wants to pay a price for the family, that is just wishful thinking.

"Uncle Six is ​​serious, if I have a grudge against my family, there is no need for me to sell pills here.

I haven't been home for about a year. How is your family? "

Liu Qingfeng's expression changed slightly, then returned to normal: "Third brother, he has been guarding Yanze, nothing happened."

Yanze is a small saltwater lake downstream of Dongyang Lake, the ancestral home of the Liu family.

The family built a salt farm there, and the salt produced could be sold for about a hundred spiritual stones every year.

Three distant tribesmen were arranged to sit in charge and protect the ordinary tribesmen who were drying salt there. Liu Yuanchen's father Liu Qingyun was one of them.

Liu Yuanchen has followed his father since he was a child and grew up by the salt lake.

Seeing him like this, Liu Yuanchen's heart sank. It seemed that something happened at home.

"Uncle Six, don't hide it from me. What happened to my father?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Liu Qingfeng sighed: "More than ten days ago, several red sand wolves attacked Yanze.

A dozen ordinary tribesmen died, and your father was slightly injured, but he's fine now. "

"My eldest brother is also in Yanze. How is he?"

"Yuan Fu is fine. Third brother was injured just because he was trying to save him."

Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief: "I have to go back and take a look."

After all, let's go outside.

Liu Qingfeng grabbed him and said, "The family is five to six hundred miles away from Qinghe Town. If you walk back like this, it will take at least two or three days.

The road is not smooth and it is easy to be attacked by casual cultivators at night.

It just so happens that the family's cargo ship is going back to pick up cargo. You go back on the cargo ship.

Smooth sailing is faster than walking back. "

(End of this chapter)

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