Chapter 50 The Battle of Xuansha River

The Chen family was completely brought down, and all the elders felt much better.

Anyone who has a place in this meeting hall is extremely well-informed.

Everyone knows the reason why the Chen family suffered this time.

It was Chen Changlin of the Chen family who teamed up with Liu Yuanchen to kill an evil cultivator with strange methods.

Now people are staring at the Chen family and beating them, obviously for revenge.

Everyone could guess that Liu Yuanchen must be the main force in killing the evil cultivators, and Chen Changlin only helped.

But those evil cultivators were very obedient. Not to mention causing trouble for the Liu family, even when passing by the Liu family, they were afraid of crossing the border and entering the Liu family's territory.

After this incident, everyone became more in awe of Zhao Hong.

Sect leader Qingyang Sanren spoke again: "Now that the recruitment scope has been determined, who should take the lead in rescuing the Chen family this time?"

According to the usual practice, when the sect needs to send a large number of men to fight, it must be led by powerful elders.

The most common one is that the hall master or deputy hall master of the guard hall takes command.

This time to rescue the Chen family, the guard hall was empty, and it was not suitable to take charge.

As for Moyun Sect, they are coming fiercely, and no one is willing to come forward.

Everyone looked at Ye Lingshuang.

Although she is young and has no qualifications, as the deputy head of Shennong Hall, she is also a truly powerful elder.

Maybe the professionalism is not the right one, but the strength and status are sufficient.

Moreover, she is the backer of the Chen family, and she was the one who facilitated the rescue of the Chen family. Naturally, she should be in charge.

Ye Lingshuang did not refuse: "Sect Master, since I am the one who advocates supporting the Chen family, I will be responsible for this matter."


In Qinghe Town, Liu Yuanchen was chatting with Mo Lianshan, wanting to know more about the battle situation.

Mo Lianshan took out a message jade talisman and took a look at it.

"The sect has already discussed it and issued a recruitment order again to select disciples from various halls in the sect to go rescue the Chen family."

Liu Yuanchen was not surprised by this.

The Chen family has a very strong family background. There is a second-level high-grade spiritual vein around Xuansha Lake, which is quite large.

If it is allowed to be taken over by evil cultivators, the Qingdan Sect will feel uncomfortable all over.

Coupled with the Chen family's use of connections, it was only a matter of time before the sect agreed to send troops for rescue.

Mo Lianshan continued: "This time, Chen Changshan and Chen Zongming, the genius child of the Chen family, also have to participate.

The elder in command turned out to be Ye Lingshuang, the deputy head of Shennong Hall. "

Liu Yuanchen looked happy. It seemed that the master had worked hard and finally allowed those guys from the Chen family in the sect to go to the battlefield.

Seeing that he didn't look surprised at all, Mo Lianshan asked, "Why aren't you surprised at all?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "What's so surprising about this?"

Mo Lianshan didn't talk about it anymore, and asked instead: "The battle is going on at Xuansha Lake now. You were ordered by Deputy Hall Master Zhao to come out for training. Do you want to go over and have some fun?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head repeatedly: "I just want to experience, not to seek death.

That evil cultivator died mainly in my hands, probably because his fellow disciples were trying to cause trouble for me.

Now and in the past, it is not much different from seeking death. "

Mo Lianshan looked curious: "We have even killed the evil cultivators in the Qi Sea Realm before, and we have never seen the Moyun Sect cause many fires.

The evil cultivator you killed was just a Qi-nurturing cultivator.

On the other hand, Moyun Sect was like crazy and wanted to destroy the Chen family.

What is the background of that evil cultivator that allows Mo Yun to teach such a great skill? "

"Our two families have been friends for a long time. You can give me some insight and I can take precautions early.

In order to prevent my descendants from provoking the wrong people and causing the disaster of genocide. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled slightly: "Actually, it's not a big deal, the Blood Bat Sect is a big force outside of the Red Wasteland.

In front of this force, Moyun Sect is just a dog.

Chen Changlin and I killed their disciples, but they didn't dare to touch me, so they naturally wanted to cause trouble for the Chen family. "

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan's eyes changed when he looked at Liu Yuanchen.

In the past, there was an expression of admiration for outstanding juniors, but now there is a hint of awe.

The Blood Bat Sect was a force outside the Red Wasteland, and they didn't take the Moyun Sect seriously at all. They didn't even dare to touch Liu Yuanchen, and they didn't even dare to harass the Liu family.

It can be seen how terrifying Zhao Hong's background is.

In the next few days, Liu Yuanchen did not rush to the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm, but stayed in Qinghe Town temporarily.

Anyway, the arrangements for integrating the spirit hub in the spiritual realm have been made.

The rest can only be left to time.

No matter how busy I work, it won't work.

Moreover, the spirit realm fusion spirit hub cannot fuse multiple ones at one time.

Otherwise, there is a possibility of damaging the spiritual space barrier.

Although the spiritual energy in Qinghe Town is a bit poor, it is completely enough for the monks in the Qi Nourishing Realm.

If you stay here, you can know as quickly as possible if the battle situation changes.


After half a month.

In the middle reaches of the Xuansha River, streams of various sizes crisscrossed each other and finally merged into a lake with a radius of more than [-] miles.

In the red wasteland, most of the place is covered with red Gobi desert. This kind of water town scene is really rare.

This lake is Xuansha Lake, the ancestral home of the Chen family. The Chen family built dams on the banks of Xuansha Lake and opened canals to divert water, irrigating many spiritual fields.

More than [-]% of the entire Xuansha River Basin has been intercepted by the Chen family.

It is precisely with the Xuansha River water and many spiritual fields that the Chen family has become the little overlord in the Qingshui River Basin.

Today, ruins are everywhere around Xuansha Lake.

Among the rubble, dark red blood stains and broken magic weapons can also be seen.

The ruins seem to tell the tragic past.

Large areas of spiritual fields were also destroyed in the war.

The spiritual plants in the spiritual field were either dug away by evil cultivators, or turned into dead branches and leaves.

It will take at least 30 to [-] years to restore these spiritual fields and spiritual plants.

Only on the shore of Xuansha Lake, protected by layers of defensive formations, are many complete buildings still preserved.

There is a spacious house on a higher slope on the north shore of Xuansha Lake.

The front door of the courtyard was quite lively, with many monks wearing Qingdan Sect robes coming in and out.

The main room in the courtyard is extremely spacious, and at this time, more than a dozen Qi Sea Realm monks are gathering together.

A cold woman wearing a green palace dress and a golden crown with a phoenix pattern sat on the throne. This person was Ye Lingshuang.

Other monks, old or young, were sitting on both sides.

Ye Lingshuang's pretty face was neither sad nor happy: "This time we captured Baixikou and forced the evil cultivators back more than twenty miles. How many gains were made and how many casualties were ours?"

Chen Changshan, the steward of Shennong Hall, stood up and replied: "To return to the hall master, nine disciples of the sect died in this battle, and five disciples of the Chen family died in the battle. They were all in the late stage of the Qi-nourishing realm.

Including a Qi Sea Realm monk, a total of 23 people were injured.

Half of the monks who died in the battle were turned into mummies.

We found 31 evil cultivator corpses on the battlefield, checked their storage bags, and found six Moyun Cult disciple tokens and one Blood Bat Cult token. "

Hearing this, everyone looked sad.

They were not worried about their heavy casualties, but they were worried about the Blood Bat Cult token.

After the two sides fought several times, the Qingdan Sect also gained some understanding of the Blood Bat Sect.

This group of evil cultivators attacked the Chen family's territory because a disciple of the Blood Bat Sect was killed by Liu Yuanchen and Chen Changlin.Although I don’t know the details of the Blood Bat Sect, I can guess that the Blood Bat Sect has a higher status than the Moyun Sect.

Now that the evil cultivators have not been defeated, they have killed another disciple of the Blood Bat Sect. How can the Blood Bat Sect just let it go?

They didn't want to provoke the Blood Bat Cult anymore, but there was no writing on the foreheads of the Blood Bat Cult disciples, so it was impossible to hold back during the melee.

In a war, casualties are inevitable.

Seeing everyone in despair, Ye Lingshuang, as the coach, naturally wanted to come out to comfort them.

"No matter who the Blood Bat Sect is, since they don't dare to take full action against our Qingdan Sect, it means they still have concerns.

No matter what they think now, drive them out of the Xuansha River Basin first.

When they no longer have a foothold, the threat to us will be worth mentioning. "

"Chen Changshan, please compile a list of the meritorious disciples and the fallen disciples, and reward them based on their merits.

Wang Shu, you summon disciples who are good at healing to be responsible for treating the injured monks.

Jiang Hai, take three Qi Sea Realm monks and fifty Qi Nourishing Realm monks to sit down at Baixikou.

First guard the mouth of Baixi and prepare to capture Heiyan Mountain. "

Everyone claimed yes, and then retreated.


The Black Rock Mountain Mine is where Liu Yuanchen learned the longevity technique of dead wood.

At this time, only sawdust and coke remained in the dense woods surrounding the mine.

The buildings in the mine were now in ruins, but several more layers of defensive formations had been added.

At the entrance of the mine, there is a very spacious stone chamber, and many monks are now gathered in the stone chamber.

Two monks wearing dark red robes, their faces covered, sat on the throne.

One of them is strong and the other is thin.

Many other monks were sitting quietly below.

The strong monk cursed angrily: "What a bunch of trash. There is a formation guarding Baixikou, but you can't defend it. What's the use of you?"

If you ask me, you trash should use it to practice qigong.

It doesn't matter if the stronghold is lost. Relying on defense formations, the losses are still so great. One of my disciples of the Blood Bat Sect also died in the battle. "

The thin monk opened his mouth to smooth things over: "It's not their fault, there are too many Qingdan Sect disciples.

The Chen family has been operating in Baixikou for hundreds of years and knows the place very well.

It is not surprising that the formation was easily broken.

You go down and try your best to strengthen the defense force of Black Rock Mountain.

If Black Rock Mountain can no longer be defended, there is no need for you to live. "

Hearing this, all the evil cultivators are as if they have been pardoned.

After thanking him repeatedly, he ran out of the mine like crazy.

The sturdy monk was so angry that he slapped the table: "What's the use of keeping this kind of trash?

Our choice to support Moyun Cult was the biggest mistake.

It would be better to send out a few direct disciples, establish a sect near the Demon Cloud Sea, and swallow up the Demon Cloud Sect. "

The thin monk chuckled: "The Moyun Sect's expedition across thousands of miles of wilderness was originally at a disadvantage.

Before that, they desperately attacked Xuansha Lake and lost a lot of men.

The current situation is reasonable.

In my opinion, we should withdraw. "

Hearing this, the strong monk was furious: "Why withdraw? This time our Blood Bat Sect has lost face, and the culprit Liu Yuanchen cannot be moved.

Qingdan Sect has Zhao Hong in charge, but it still cannot move.

Can’t even fight the Chen family now? "

The thin monk patiently explained: “It’s not that you can’t fight, it’s that it’s difficult to fight.

Before the Qingdan Sect's reinforcements arrive, we can kill all the Chen family with a strong attack.

But now the Qingdan Sect has sent hundreds of disciples, as well as monks from the Condensation Realm.

With the few baskets of rotten peaches we have, it is impossible to capture Xuansha Lake. "

"The elder's plan is to capture Jin'ao Mountain with all his strength, and then use Jin'ao Mountain as a fulcrum to launch a war to destroy the Qingdan Sect.

We invade the Qingshui River Basin to make the Qingdan Sect retreat and abandon Jinao Mountain.

Before taking Jin'ao Mountain, it is impossible to send us too many additional manpower.

The opportunity to destroy the Chen family has passed, and it makes no sense for us to continue to persist.

The Chen family has suffered a lot of losses, and we have demonstrated the majesty of the Blood Bat Cult.

Now we can take people back, the loss is not big, and we have gained a lot of resources.

With the elders, we will only have merit, not faults. "

The sturdy monk slapped the table: "Our Blood Bat Sect also has some reputation outside of the Red Wasteland.

When we slaughtered the lackeys of the Divine Court, we didn't care about anything.

Why do we have to tie our hands and feet when we arrive in a remote place like Chihuangyuan?
There has just been a small Condensation Realm monk from the Qingdan Sect, so we have to give in.

Is it possible that all our years of training have been in vain? "

"This time I personally took action to break the formation of Xuansha Lake and let those brats enter.

I don't believe it, and the Chen family can't be destroyed. "

The thin monk quickly dissuaded him: "The elder has said that we masters cannot take action without permission.

Once the lackeys of Shenting are attracted, we will have to confront them head-on.

We, the Blood Bat Sect, cannot afford to waste this wealth with Shenting. "

The sturdy monk snorted coldly: "But the elder also said that we can intervene in the battle between local forces.

The Moyun Sect's gang of losers plotted against the Qingdan Sect before, weren't we the ones who tried to cover it up?

This time I help break the formation, why not?

When we come out to attack the Chen family this time, the elder asked us to discuss it, but he didn't say that everything would be up to you. "

“I will never retreat until Xuansha Lake is breached.

Either you use your means to break through Xuansha Lake.

Either I take action myself and smash Xuansha Lake's formation into pieces. "

Seeing his resolute attitude, the thin monk took out a blood-red seal.

This seal is only three inches square. There is a tiger carved on the seal button, and mountains and rivers are carved on all sides of the seal pad.

Unfortunately, there are many cracks on this seal, and the cracks go deep into the seal.

It looks like it could crash at any moment.

The sturdy monk was a little surprised: "Shaking Mountain Seal? This is your treasure at the bottom of the box, why are you willing to take it out?"

The thin monk sighed: "Besides taking out this thing, is there any other way?

You reckless man refuses to listen and insists on making a big fuss. I can't just watch you ruin the elder's plan.

In addition to offense and defense, this mountain-shaking seal can also vibrate small and medium-sized spiritual veins, cutting off the flow of spiritual energy in the spiritual veins in a short period of time.

Without the spiritual support provided by the spiritual veins, Xuansha Lake's formation would be self-defeating.

In this way, we can break the Xuansha Lake formation without having to show up directly. "

"I got this thing from the place where the ancient monks sat and transformed. It was almost falling apart.

I have been cultivating it with essence and blood for more than ten years before I can barely use it.

This time, more than ten years of hard work will be used up.

This is the last shot. No matter whether we can destroy the Chen family or not, we must retreat. "

(End of this chapter)

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