Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 542: The Effects of the Innate Yin-Yang Gourd

Chapter 542: The Effects of the Innate Yin-Yang Gourd

Hunyu stood up and was about to leave, but Liu Yuanchen hurriedly stopped him.

"I have something else to discuss with you, fellow Taoist."

Hunyu sat down again: "I wonder what it is?"

What Liu Yuanchen wanted to discuss was the token to travel from the Hanging Ghost City to other worlds.

“I heard from the Hanging Ghost City that there are seven other worlds connected to the Yuanling Realm.

Just traveling to other worlds requires special tokens.

At that time, the wizards and liches were in charge of the hanging ghost city. I guess the wizards should have a lot of tokens. I wonder if they could give me a few.

Although I will not leave the Yuanling Realm for the time being, I also want my clone to visit other worlds first."

Hearing this, Hun Yu casually took out seven tokens and said, "That's easy to say. Originally, these tokens were made by my Wu Clan and the Demon Clan together.

Even now, my witch clan can directly refine the token.

Unfortunately, these tokens are just for show and cannot be used at all."

Liu Yuanchen was very happy when he saw these tokens.

These seven tokens can be used to travel to the other seven worlds.

With these tokens, you can travel to other worlds at will.

According to Tang Yunhai from the Canghai Realm, among these seven worlds, there are two middle thousand worlds.

In the Middle Thousand Worlds, it is not difficult to cultivate to become a Golden Immortal.

If it is a stronger middle thousand world, it is possible to cultivate Taiyi Golden Immortal.

With the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, even if you go to the prehistoric world in the future, you can easily gain a foothold and even establish your own sect.

But Hunyu said that these tokens could not be used, which made Liu Yuanchen quite puzzled.

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?
I met a person from the Canghai Realm in the Hanging Ghost City, and his token could be used normally. "

Hun Yu sighed: "It's the fault of the demon tribe and our Wu tribe. When the two tribes were fighting for supremacy, the battle was too fierce.

Not only did the masters of both sides suffer heavy losses, but the entire Yuanling Realm was also severely damaged."

“When my Wu clan discussed escaping from the prehistoric world with the Dragon and Phoenix clans, the small worlds we selected all had extraordinary potential.

It is not difficult to raise a celestial being, and there is even a chance to go one step further and become a middle thousand world."

"You have also seen what the Yuanling Realm looks like now."

“When the Yuanling Realm was invaded by the demons, we lost too much strength in the war between the wizards and the liches and were unable to wipe out all the demons in one fell swoop.

Even now, the Hanging Ghost City is still under the control of the demons."

"Because of this, several other worlds have already abolished the Xunfeng Order of the Yuanling Realm in order to avoid being invaded by the demons."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned.

If the Xunfeng Order has no effect, doesn't that mean that the Yuanling Realm can no longer travel to other worlds?

If this is true, the loss would be too great.

When heading to the ancient world, the higher your cultivation level, the better.

With the purple-gold grapes in his hands and the immortal golden nature left by Marshal Tengu, he could at most cultivate to the Golden Immortal realm.

As for the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, that is unlikely.

Although the five-needle pine can provide the essence of the five elements, the level of the five-needle pine in his hand is too low.

It may take tens of thousands of years for it to grow to a usable size.

If you don't visit other worlds, the losses will not only be in your cultivation, but also in your innate spiritual treasures and innate spiritual roots.

According to the records in the classics of Earthly Immortals, the number of innate things nurtured in the Small Thousand Worlds can reach up to nine.

In other words, the total number of innate spiritual roots, innate spiritual treasures, and innate gods is nine.

In the Yuanling Realm, the Dinghai Pearl is from outside, and the Wanshou Peaches should also be from outside.

In addition, a total of four innate spiritual treasures and two innate spiritual roots were born in the local area, which is far from the limit.

Of course, with the current state of the Yuanling Realm, it is impossible to reach its limit.

Things are different in the Canghai Realm. It is still possible to cultivate immortals there.

The innate spiritual roots and innate spiritual treasures produced should be no less than those in the Yuanling Realm.

Among the eight worlds that have escaped from the primitive chaos, there are two middle thousand worlds.

The limit of the middle thousand worlds can produce nine medium-grade innate treasures and eighty-one low-grade innate treasures.

If you can become the king of these two middle thousand worlds, you can obtain middle-grade innate spiritual treasures and middle-grade innate spiritual roots.

If we cannot travel to other worlds, the loss will be too great.

"According to what you said, doesn't it mean that the creatures in the Yuanling Realm will never be able to go to other worlds?"

Hun Yu shook his head: “Not entirely.

If our Yuanling Realm can completely expel the demons, we can then pass on the news to other worlds through the monks who come from other worlds to do business.

Once the other worlds are convinced that the Yuanling Realm has expelled the demons, the Xunfeng Order can be used."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it cannot be used now, there will be a chance in the future.

In the Yuanling Realm, it may take a long time to completely destroy the demon race.

But using the decapitation tactics, killing the top masters of the demon clan, and snatching the innate spiritual treasures is not a difficult task.

If you can get all the innate spiritual treasures of the demon clan and kill all the immortals, you won’t have to do the rest yourself.

With the development potential of the human race, the demon race can be completely wiped out in a few thousand years.

As for the Witch Clan, you can leave a few clones with magical powers to take charge.


After leaving seven tokens, Hunyu said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen just gave a message to Wendao Mountain and asked them to strengthen the defense of the human border.

This time the attack on the dragon's lair caused too much noise, so it's no surprise that it caused some big commotion.

Make preparations in advance, so that humans won’t suffer heavy losses when there are unusual movements from the demon clan.

Afterwards, he practiced peacefully in the Dongyang Realm, waiting for a reply from the Wu Clan.

Five years passed and Liu Yuanchen was 591 years old.

Although he did not go out to do anything during these five years, he still helped a lot.

First, his eldest nephew Liu Chengye broke through the sixth realm and survived the tribulation in the Dongyang Realm.

With Liu Yuanchen protecting him, there was naturally no danger.

He doesn't have good talent, but with sufficient resources, it will not be a problem for him to cultivate to the Yuanxian realm in the future.

If that doesn't work, give him a longevity peach to help him improve his qualifications.

There is also the Venerable Diaolong, who, with the help of the Dongyang Realm, upgraded the Diaolong Cave Heaven into a small world.

He was the first among his generation of masters to cultivate to the peak of Yuanxian. In the beginning, he often studied the laws with his great masters, and already mastered forty-nine laws.

The only shortcoming is that he is too young and his experience in the cave world is not enough.

Therefore, Diaolong Dongtian has only been promoted to a small world now.

Among his ancestors, he has the best talent.

After the cave heaven is promoted to a small world, it won’t take long to successfully break through the earthly immortal realm.

He is much younger than his ancestors, and is less affected by the incomplete Taoist techniques of the past.

Compared with the other great masters, he has a brighter future.

In addition to Venerable Diaolong, there are several other masters who have also cultivated to the peak of Yuanxian.

In the next few hundred years, there will be a continuous emergence of earthly immortal monks from the generation of masters.

After waiting for five years, Liu Yuanchen finally received a reply from Hunyu.

The Witch Clan has already agreed to take action, and the specific details will be discussed after he comes over.

He also breathed a sigh of relief: "Now that the Wu Clan agrees, we can finish dealing with the Monster Clan as soon as possible.

Without the help of the Wu Clan, the human race would have to fend for itself.

It will take at least several thousand years to force out the demon race's celestial master."

More than an hour later, a yellowish-brown rainbow bridge appeared out of thin air. One end was on the Panlong Mountain in the underworld, and the other end disappeared into the void, as if it appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, twenty-five beams of light of different colors flew over along the Rainbow Bridge.

Numerous escaping lights fell on Panlong Mountain and transformed into figures.

These guys are all human-shaped, but they have the characteristics of the ancient witches, so they are naturally from the witch clan.

Except for Hunyu, the other twenty-four people belong to the twelve meridians, which can just form two twelve-dutian gods and demons formations.

Hunyu brought these experts here, and they should be the ones to fight.

A group of Wu clan masters bowed and saluted: "Greetings, Lord God."

In the ancient legends, the witch clan has always been brutal and overbearing.

Liu Yuanchen was a little uncomfortable with the politeness of these witches.

However, considering that he had Pangu Daotai, it was understandable that these guys were so respectful.

He also returned the greeting politely: "Hello, fellow Taoists."

Hun Yu pointed at the group of masters and said, “My Wu Clan has long been planning to give the Demon Clan a hard time.

Daoist friend's earth book can help us solve the problem of lack of earth's turbid air in the sea.

Our Wu Clan has unanimously agreed to raid the Dragon Clan's lair."

“It’s just that the journey is long and mobilizing a large army is rather cumbersome.

Therefore, our Wu Clan decided to send only 24 top-level Earth Immortal masters to directly reach the Dragon Clan’s lair.”

“The surprise attack is enough to cause great damage to the dragon clan.

Even if the battle goes badly, you can still get out of it safely."

"If you have any requests, you can also raise them."

Liu Yuanchen was naturally very satisfied with this style of play.

A sneak attack is not a head-on confrontation with the dragon clan. Once a large army is dispatched, the concealment will be completely lost.

The damage caused to the demon race is not necessarily that great.

On the contrary, the cost of departure is extremely high, and it will cost a lot of money to prepare various resources.

“I also agree with this style of fighting. In the water, except for Gonggong’s lineage, everyone’s strength has been greatly reduced.

It is indeed inappropriate for a large army to enter the sea, and a quick battle with experts is the right way to go."

"I don't have anything to prepare. I can go out at any time."

Hun Yu nodded slightly: "In that case, let's set off now and try to resolve the battle within a day."

Before he finished speaking, a khaki rainbow bridge appeared again.

One end is on Panlong Mountain, and the other end is immersed in the void.

Liu Yuanchen followed a group of Wu clan masters onto the Rainbow Bridge, only to find that the scene before him suddenly changed.

This feeling was like sitting on a high-speed train and looking out the window, with the mountains and rivers rapidly receding before his eyes.

Soon, everyone came down from the Rainbow Bridge.

Liu Yuanchen looked around and found that there was land behind him and endless water in front of him.

A breeze blew, bringing with it the smell of the sea.

"We're at the seaside already? I've lived for over five hundred years, and this is the first time I've seen the ocean."

The territory of the human race in the Yang world is in the central part of the Yuanling Realm continent, thousands of miles away from the sea.

Humans under 60,000 years old have basically never seen the ocean.

“Daoyou’s Golden Bridge of Space is indeed extremely powerful.

In just a few moments, we can cross thousands of miles and reach the coast."

Hun Yu waved his hand and said, "My space golden bridge can only travel through space. Compared with Daoist friend's flying and hiding magical power, its function is too simple."

“The Wanlong Sea, where the dragons reside, is still a million miles away.

I will cast the Space Golden Bridge once more and we will be able to reach the Ten Thousand Dragon Sea, so fellow Daoist, please be prepared."

Liu Yuanchen nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I know the seriousness of the matter."

The khaki rainbow bridge appeared again and everyone walked onto it.

When he came down again, Liu Yuanchen was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In front of us is a sea dotted with islands of varying sizes.

Everyone hid in the space and did not reveal any traces.

There is not even a trace of yin energy in this sea area.

Except that there is no sun in the sky, it is no different from the world of the living.

The Yang energy here is even stronger than that in the world of the living.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the surrounding situation and confirmed that he was not in the cave.

"What means did the dragon race use to allow the underworld to have such a strong yang energy?"

Hun Yu smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, have you ever heard of the Yin Yang Gourd?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Of course I have heard of it, the Yin Yang Gourd was originally grown from the Yin Yang Gourd Vine, an innate spiritual root.

Unfortunately, the gourd vine withered after it produced gourds.

All his essence was integrated into the Yin-Yang Gourd, and the gourd became an innate spiritual treasure.

Legend has it that this gourd vine has the power to reverse yin and yang and bring the dead back to life."

"Could it be that the scene before our eyes was caused by the Yin-Yang Gourd?"

Hun Yu nodded slightly: "That's right, if you say that the Yin Yang Gourd can bring the dead back to life, it's absolutely bragging.

But reversing yin and yang is not a difficult task.

This treasure can absorb yin and yang energies and transform them.

The dragon clan uses the Yin-Yang gourd as the core and sets up a formation to reverse Yin and Yang.

This is what caused the Wanlong Sea, which is a million miles in radius, to become what it is today."

"If I were in the world of the living, I could also use this Yin-Yang Gourd to set up a large formation and create a small underworld."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also became very curious about the Yin-Yang Gourd.

Although this gourd is only a low-grade innate spiritual treasure, its function is indeed not weak.

If we could capture it and place it in the Dongyang Realm, we might be able to create an underworld without reincarnation.

"I wonder if this gourd has the ability to kill?"

Hun Yu shook his head slightly: "It's hard to say, the news coming from the demon tribe is only about reversing yin and yang and resurrecting the dead.

The lethality of this treasure has never been mentioned in various legends.

However, this gourd contains the innate yin and yang energy, which should be able to be used to refine spiritual treasures with yin and yang attributes."

At this time, Liu Yuanchen secretly explored the Book of the Earth.

The spiritual veins and earth veins of the Wanlong Sea have left marks on the Book of Earth.

Soon, Liu Yuanchen discovered a place where spiritual veins converged.

The dragon clan's formation that reverses yin and yang is so powerful that it must need energy to support it.

It is most appropriate to place the core of the formation where the spiritual veins converge.

He pointed to two islands in the distance and said, “According to my investigation, between the two islands ahead is where the spiritual veins of the entire Wanlong Sea are most concentrated.

The core area of ​​Wanlong Sea should be there.

Fellow Daoist Hunyu, how should we proceed?"

Hun Yu clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Daoyou is indeed the descendant of Zhenyuan Daxian. The methods of the demon tribe cannot be hidden from you at all.

My original intention was to destroy some of the demon tribe’s properties, kill a few masters, and lure out the dragon tribe’s celestial beings.

Now that we know the core area of ​​the dragon clan, let's head for that core area.

Even if this trip fails to achieve its goal, it can still cause the demon race to suffer heavy losses."

After that, he turned to a water witch and ordered: "Xuan Tao, split that piece of sea, and we will go straight to the bottom of the sea."

(End of this chapter)

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