Chapter 549: The White Tiger Tribe’s Attitude
When Liu Yuanchen sent his clone to meet Feng Yi, this guy's face was full of arrogance.

Now, he seems like a different person, extraordinarily humble.

Seeing this, Liu Yuanchen really wanted to ask: "Why are you so respectful at first and so respectful later?"

However, now that the Xuanwu clan has surrendered, it is the time to win over the hearts of the people and recruit various forces from the demon clan.

The Phoenix Clan showed signs of surrendering, so naturally we couldn't provoke him anymore.

"You don't have to be so polite, fellow Daoist. It's just a coincidence today that fellow Daoists Xuan Yu and Xuan Lin from the Xuan Wu clan have just arrived."

Feng Yi also bowed to Xuan Yu and Xuan Lin and said, "Greetings to Senior Xuan Yu and Chief Xuan Lin."

Xuan Yu also responded politely: “So it’s my friend Feng Yi, you have been following Feng Yu when we were dealing with the Wu Clan.

Twenty thousand years have passed in a flash, and you have become a high-ranking member of the Phoenix Clan.

Go back and see fellow Daoists Feng Yu and Huang Yan, and give them my regards."

As a junior, Feng Yi's attitude was naturally extremely respectful.

"The two elders often talk about you."

With the Xuanwu clan present, Feng Yi was extremely embarrassed.

He came here this time to test Liu Yuanchen's opinion.

But many things are difficult to say in front of the Xuanwu clan's ancestors and clan leader.

Xuan Yu naturally saw his embarrassment: "Lord God, Xuan Lin and I will step aside for a moment."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "Okay, you guys go to my cave and wait for a while."

After saying that, he just waved his hand and put the two black tortoises into the cave in the wilderness.

Then, he looked at Feng Yi: "Feng Yi, what is the important matter that brought you here?"

Feng Yi nodded slightly: "The Dragon Clan calls on the entire demon clan to fight against the human race together.

My Phoenix Clan does not want to be enemies with the human race, so I have come to inform the Lord of God about this matter."

Liu Yuanchen laughed inwardly: "The Phoenix Clan still can't bring itself to lose face. It has been several years since the Dragon Clan made this decision.

The human race had already known this news two years ago.

Reporting this now is purely hindsight.'

'Now the Xuanwu tribe has surrendered as a whole and stands with the human race.

The demon clan hasn't even started to take action yet and someone has already betrayed them. This war can't be fought any longer.

As long as the news of the Xuanwu tribe joining the human race spreads, the White Tiger tribe will soon join them.'

'Now, the attitude of the Phoenix Clan is of very low importance.'

Although I can see that the Phoenix Clan is not sincere, I still don't hit someone who smiles at me.

They appeared to be sincere, so Liu Yuanchen couldn't blame them.

"Thank you so much, fellow Daoist. Now the Xuanwu tribe has already joined our human race, and the White Tiger tribe also has this intention. I wonder what the Phoenix tribe is planning?"

The White Tiger Tribe occupies the western region of Yuanling Continent, which is the farthest away from Liu Yuanchen, and has not sent anyone over yet.

Liu Yuanchen said this to reduce the confidence of the Phoenix Clan.

Upon hearing this, Feng Yi also became suspicious.

'From what he said, the White Tiger Tribe has also sent people?

Or is he just making up lies to try to shake my confidence?'

'However, the White Tiger Clan is far less powerful than our Phoenix Clan.

During the Longhan catastrophe, the White Tiger Clan was just a vassal of the Qilin Clan.

Like the Xuanwu clan, the White Tiger clan has never been the overlord of the ancient world, nor does it have that kind of arrogance.

Choosing to join the human race is also a natural thing to do.'

'The Xuanwu tribe has surrendered, the situation of the White Tiger tribe is unclear, and the Dragon tribe should have been destroyed.

How can we, the Phoenix Clan, fight against the human race if we are the only one left?'

"If you want to protect the Phoenix Clan, you should at least send some of your clan members to join the Divine Court like the Dragon Clan did."

Thinking of this, he didn't avoid the topic anymore.

"My Phoenix Clan does not wish to be an enemy of the Human Clan. We are willing to give up part of our land in the Southern Region, and the two clans will no longer be enemies.

In addition, our Phoenix Clan is willing to send some of its members to join the Divine Court and be at the command of the Divine Sovereign."

The Phoenix Clan does not have the courage to be enemies with the human race, but they still put on airs and are unwilling to surrender.

Liu Yuanchen laughed inwardly: "This Phoenix Clan is worthy of being the former overlord of the prehistoric sky, they really can put on airs.

Well, let's give the Phoenix Clan some sweet treats to keep them stable.'

'Once the news of the Xuanwu tribe's entire clan joining the human race spreads, the Baihu tribe will most likely also join in.

By then, I will be able to free up my hands and completely destroy the dragon clan.'

'In a few decades, I will be able to completely refine the Dinghai Pearl, and my cultivation should be able to advance further, reaching the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal.

I am waiting for my own strength to improve, and the Phoenix Clan can only wait for death.'

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen chose to pretend to be cooperative.

"That couldn't be better. When the demons invaded, the Yuanling Realm suffered a great catastrophe and has not fully recovered yet. It is really not appropriate to start a war again.

It is a blessing for the entire Yuanling world that the human and phoenix races can turn hostility into friendship."

After hearing his words, Feng Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The purpose of coming here this time was to test Liu Yuanchen's attitude.

By now, I have figured out the attitude of the Xuanwu clan and the situation of the Dragon clan.

Now we have received Liu Yuanchen's promise and have exceeded the task target.

How to discuss the matter further depends on the opinions of Emperor Feng and the two ancestors.


Feng Yi did not stay in Dongyang Divine Mansion for long. After chatting for a few minutes, he said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen sighed softly: "Subduing the Phoenix Clan is indeed not an easy task.

As for whether the White Tiger Tribe will come to join us, it is still unclear now."

Before he finished speaking, he thought of Xuan Yu.

This guy is also of Ao Yuan's generation. He was born and raised in the prehistoric times, so he should know a lot about the White Tiger Clan.

He immediately invited Xuan Yu and Xuan Lin out, who were still a little confused at this time.

Xuan Yu sighed: “That cave heaven does not seem to be in the Yuanling Realm, I can sense more than 200 kinds of laws.

I think that cave should be in the God’s small world.

There are more than 200 kinds of laws. It seems that the Divine Lord’s small world is not far from the small world.”

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "The laws are indeed not much different, but the origin of the world is still far away.

Even if I borrow the power of the Earth Book to collect a lot of caves, it will still take thousands of years to gather the origins to advance to the Small Thousand Worlds."

Hearing this, Xuan Yu and Xuan Lin's mouth corners twitched.

To a being with an infinite lifespan, what are thousands of years? Just the time it takes to take a nap.

There are quite a few earthly immortals in the Yuanling Realm, but cultivating a small world is already the limit, and no one has ever heard of anyone who can cultivate a small thousand worlds.

This guy, on the other hand, thinks it's too slow to cultivate a small world in thousands of years.

Liu Yuanchen didn't care about their thoughts and asked about the White Tiger Tribe again.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyu, I will take you to Daoshan Mountain to receive the title in a while.

You said that I would record the scene of your deification with the photo beads and then spread it out.

Will the White Tiger tribe surrender as a whole?"

When the image-keeping beads were mentioned, Xuan Yu's face twitched.

Before, Liu Yuanchen relied on the Image-Retaining Pearl to put the Xuanwu tribe on the fire.

In the end, the Xuanwu tribe had to surrender.

Judging from the situation, he is addicted to using the Image-Retaining Pearl and wants to use it on the White Tiger Tribe again.

Xuan Yu thought for a moment and said, “I do have some friendship with Bai Geng, the ancestor of the White Tiger Clan.

I do have some understanding of the temperament of the White Tiger Clan.

In my opinion, there is a very high possibility that the entire White Tiger Clan will surrender.

However, it is difficult to get them to hand over the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade. "At this time, Liu Yuanchen also remembered the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade.

This sword is a low-grade innate spiritual treasure born in the Yuanling Realm. Although it is not too powerful, it is connected with the luck of the White Tiger Clan.

Once there is a problem with the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade, the entire White Tiger Clan in the Yuanling Realm will be in trouble.

"Are you talking about the White Tiger Clan linking the clan's destiny with the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade?"

Xuan Yu nodded slightly: "That's right, in the hands of my Xuanwu clan, the Xuanming Water Control Seal is just a powerful spiritual treasure that can take advantage of the geographical advantage.

The Divine Court can guarantee the safety of our Xuanwu clan, so without this treasure, it is not a big problem."

“But the White Tiger Clan is different. Once the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade is handed over, the White Tiger Clan’s luck will collapse.

Next, everything went wrong for the White Tiger Clan.

If it is affected by external forces again, it will soon perish."

The life and death of the White Tiger Clan depends on the Gengjin Tiger Soul Sword.

To force them to hand over the knife is to force them to death.

But now the Phoenix Clan is still putting on airs, and the Dragon Clan is still preparing for a desperate fight.

It is really troublesome to free up hands to deal with the White Tiger Clan.

"The Xuanwu clan is proficient in the art of luck. What methods do you have, fellow Daoist?"

Xuan Yu smiled slightly and said, “It is very difficult for ordinary people to subdue the White Tiger Clan.

But with the strength of the Lord of God, it is not a problem."

"If the White Tiger Clan is willing to hand over the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade, I can sever the connection between this blade and the White Tiger Clan's destiny."

Since Xuanyu has the means, then it will be easy.

We can stabilize the White Tiger clan first, and everything will be easy after we destroy the Dragon clan.

Afterwards, Liu Yuanchen took Xuan Yu and Xuan Lin to Wendao Mountain to receive the title.

At this point, the human race’s divine court once again had an emperor and a god king.

During the entire ceremony of conferring the gods, there was also a scene where the clan leader Xuan Lin personally presented the Xuanming Imperial Water Seal.

Of course, the entire ceremony of conferring the gods was also recorded using the recording beads, and quickly sent to the border areas and spread to the territory of the demon clan.


A year passed and Liu Yuanchen was 598 years old.

Thanks to the efforts of the Demon-Suppressing Temple, the photo beads recording the deification of the Xuanwu clan quickly spread throughout the Yuanling Continent.

The White Tiger Clan, which had not expressed its stance until now, finally sent someone over.

Liu Yuanchen sent his clone to welcome him to the main hall of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

A middle-aged man in a silver robe strode into the hall.

After entering the palace, the middle-aged man in silver robe bowed and saluted: "I am Bai Geng, the little demon from the West Sea, and I pay my respects to the Lord God."

From Ao Yuan's memory, we learned that Bai Geng was indeed the only remaining celestial ancestor of the White Tiger Clan.

Naturally, he is also in charge of the innate spiritual treasure such as the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade.

The White Tiger Clan sent the Celestial Immortal Ancestor personally, which was much more powerful than the Phoenix Clan just sending the Great Elder.

"No need to be polite, please take a seat."

After taking his seat, Bai Geng bowed and said, "Lord God, I am here to represent the White Tiger Clan and surrender to you, Lord God."

“Back then, my tribe was coerced by the Dragon and Phoenix tribes and had no choice but to become the enemy of the human race.

Now that the God has risen, the Dragon and Phoenix tribes can no longer display their power.

We, the White Tiger clan, are willing to give up the dark and join the light, and we beg the Lord to accept us."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed.

I thought that when the White Tiger Clan's celestial ancestor came, he would be willing to give up part of his land and send some of his clansmen to join the human race, just like the Phoenix Clan did.

This is to show goodwill to the human race and avoid being beaten.

But I didn't expect the White Tiger Clan to be so direct.

"The White Tiger Clan is willing to turn from darkness to light, so our human race will naturally welcome it.

The Phoenix Clan and the Xuanwu Clan also sent people here before, and our human race accepted them all.

The Phoenix Clan plans to give up part of its land in the southern region and send some of its members to join the Divine Court.

The Xuanwu clan handed over the Xuanming Imperial Water Seal and joined them.

From then on, the Northern Territory and the North Sea were also under the control of the human race.

However, these places are still under the jurisdiction of North Sea Emperor Zhi Xuanyu. "

“If the Wu Clan returns to the mortal world in the future and attacks the Xuanwu Clan, that means they are attacking my human race. I will definitely help them resist the Wu Clan.

But the Phoenix Clan is different. If the Wu Clan attacks the Phoenix Clan, it has nothing to do with our human race."

He was also using the Witch Clan to threaten the White Tiger Clan. If you want the human race to protect you, you have to hand over the clan's treasure.

If you are unwilling to give benefits to the human race, don't blame the human race for watching when you get beaten in the future.

Bai Geng is also an old fellow from the ancient times, so he could naturally understand the meaning of his words.

Now that the Dragon Clan has suffered a severe blow and the Xuanwu Clan has taken refuge with the Human Clan, it has been declared that the Demon Clan is in name only.

The demon clan used to be able to withstand the attacks of the witch clan, but now it is simply impossible.

If you want to avoid being exterminated by the witch clan, you have to find a way out for yourself.

Currently, only the human race’s divine court can accommodate creatures of all races, and its strength is strong enough.

If the White Tiger Clan was like the Phoenix Clan, they would only give up part of their territory and allow some of their members to join the Divine Court.

Only a few seeds can be left behind when the tribe perishes.

It doesn't do much to protect the ethnic group.

“Lord God, my White Tiger Clan wants to join the human race, and the Western Regions and the Western Sea will all be handed over to the human race.

However, our clan's Gengjin Tiger Soul Sword is different from other innate spiritual treasures. It has been connected with our clan's destiny through secret methods.

Once it is handed over, the fortune of our clan will be greatly reduced.

Even if the Wu tribe didn't attack, our tribe would still be in danger of extinction."

Liu Yuanchen had already discussed this matter with Xuan Yu before, so he naturally had a countermeasure.

“I have mentioned this to Xuanyu before. Fellow Daoist Xuanyu is confident that he can untie the connection between the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade and the nobles’ luck.

After the White Tiger Clan surrendered to the human race, its destiny also became linked with that of the human race.

The human race is the overlord of heaven and earth appointed by the great heaven, and has unparalleled luck.

In the future, the future of the nobility will be much better than it is now."

Hearing this, Bai Geng's tiger eyes sparkled with excitement.

If this is true, giving up the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade is nothing.

The Xuanwu clan was able to offer the Xuanming Water Seal, and I heard that the Dragon clan’s Dinghai Pearl was also stolen.

It is not a shameful thing to offer the Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade in exchange for the protection of the human race.

"Is this true?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "That's right, you can go to Daoist Xuanyu to discuss this matter.

The Xuanwu tribe is skilled in divination and has also done extensive research on the subject of luck.

The secret technique that the nobles used to connect this Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade with their destiny can't be more advanced than the Xuanwu clan's inheritance, right?"

The White Tiger Clan is best at fighting, and their other methods are not very good.

In terms of luck, he is not much better than an outsider.

“Thank you for your guidance, Lord God. I will go to Beihai to visit fellow Daoist Xuanyu now.

Once we have untied the connection between this Gengjin Tiger Soul Blade and our clan's destiny, we will present this blade to the Lord of God as a token of our White Tiger Clan's allegiance."

After saying that, he bowed and said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry: "This White Tiger Clan is really straightforward.

Even the pledge of allegiance has come out, making our human race look like bandits."

"Now that the White Tiger Clan has returned, the only ones left in the demon clan are the Phoenix Clan and a half-crippled Dragon Clan. They can't cause any big waves."

(End of this chapter)

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