Chapter 59 Zhu Yan Dharma Appearance
At this moment, an old man appeared out of thin air: "What an arrogant boy, today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the Ghost Hand Pill King."

The old man was wearing a white Taoist robe and a lotus crown on his head. He looked like an immortal.

Zhao Hong's expression remained unchanged, and he pointed the long red stick in his hand at the old man: "Who did I think he was? It turns out to be the martial arts uncle of the Feixian Sect.

Why, you Feixian Cult are going to bully the small ones too? "

The old man's expression remained unchanged: "Don't you Bahuang Pavilion often say that you are from the same family as Feixian Sect? Since you call me uncle, I will naturally discipline you well."

After saying that, thousands of silver light and shadows flew out of his body and turned into long swords.

The long swords gathered together and turned into a silver dragon that was more than a hundred feet long.

Before the silver dragon made any move, Liu Yuanchen was already unable to hold on to its overwhelming murderous intent.

Zhao Hong's face was slightly gloomy: "Yuan Chen, Tieshan, you two hide in the temple."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan retreated to the temple.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen discovered that Cheng Jiao, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, had not turned into a walking corpse like the legendary soul that left the body.

Sweat dripped from his face, and at the same time, countless mana continued to pour into the ground.

The golden figure on the side is also constantly pouring golden energy into the ground.

Liu Yuanchen naturally did not dare to disturb him, so he just hid on the side of the hall and observed the scene outside through the window.

The silver dragon hung in the air, ready to pounce.

Zhao Hong's whole body was filled with flames, and countless fiery red auras surged out of his body, slowly condensing into a five- to six-foot-tall ape silhouette.

The head of this ape phantom is covered with white hair, and its body is red.

Especially on a pair of feet, the fiery red gas was extremely thick, like a flame.

The long stick in his hand pointed at the silver dragon, with a look of disdain on his face.

In mid-air, the old man's face was full of surprise: "Zhu Yan? No wonder your boy's fighting power is so terrifying, there are few opponents among his peers.

Moreover, you, Zhu Yan, actually already have the embryonic form of Dharma. You are truly a genius.

However, you are still far from defeating me. "

Before he finished speaking, the silver dragon transformed from the Ten Thousand Dao Long Sword rushed towards him.

Zhao Hong smiled and swept out his long stick.

Wherever the long stick touched, it turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The silver dragon was surrounded by a sea of ​​fire and kept screaming.

Zhao Hong jumped up and rushed straight into the silver dragon's mouth.

After a hard fight, the silver dragon, which was more than a hundred feet long, turned into a silver stream of light that filled the sky.

Zhao Hong held a stick in one hand and pointed it at the old man named Wu: "Uncle Wu, if you don't use your true skills, I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat me."

At this moment, a dark cloud floated out of the black fog.

The black mist changed and turned into a monk wearing a black robe and a bamboo hat.

He made an old and hoarse voice: "Old Wu, you really miss old feelings.

Can a little kid stop you? "

Zhao Hong sneered: "Who did I think he was? It turned out to be a lackey of the demon clan."

Hearing this, the old man in black was furious.

A white bone flag appeared out of thin air. On the black flag, black air was swimming around, and the sound of ghosts crying was endless.

This magical weapon should be called the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and it was made with the sacrifice of tens of thousands of resentful souls.

Each resentful soul requires dozens or even hundreds of human lives to be sacrificed.

This Ten Thousand Souls Flag must have been successfully sacrificed. There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of human lives in it.

Such evil thieves are too light to be cut into pieces with a thousand cuts.

At this time, Zhao Hong also had an angry look on his face: "He is really a good dog of the demon clan, helping his master to kill his fellow clansmen."

After saying that, Zhu Yan's shadow grew bigger again.

Fire actually ignited under his feet, and even the rocks where his feet stepped were burned into lava.

The old man in black's eyes widened, he quickly stepped back a few dozen feet, and put away the Ten Thousand Souls Flag.

The old man surnamed Wu sneered: "Old Monster Qi, you have an sworn feud with Bahuang Pavilion. It's up to you to teach this junior a lesson."

"Are you kidding me? I have spent more than 3000 years in refining this Ten Thousand Soul Banner, and I don't dare to mess around.

Mr. Wu, you are one of the best swordsmen in this world, why haven't you revealed your magic weapon yet? "

The old man surnamed Wu chuckled: "If you can beat him, you will bully the small ones. The Ghost Hand Pill King will come to trouble me.

If you can't defeat him, you will lose face.

You demon gods are jumping up and down, wanting to kill Cheng Jiao and Zhao Hong.

You've come here, but you can't go back empty-handed. "

Old Monster Qi snorted coldly and held out a big bell.

This bell is more than one foot tall and is golden in color with various mythical beasts carved on it.

The old man surnamed Wu looked serious: "Old Monster Qi, I really underestimate you.

You, the Demon God Cult, have always been the loyal dogs of the Demon Clan, but I didn’t expect you to dare to refine the magic weapon for controlling beasts. "

Old Ghost Qi sighed: "Those of us who don't have ancient inheritance have a hard life!"

After saying that, he waved his robe sleeves lightly, and a stream of black energy surged out and hit the clock.

A dull bell rang.

The bell seemed to contain some kind of magic power, and Liu Yuanchen felt his blood surge all over his body.

A wave of anger rose from his heart and went straight to his forehead.

Liu Yuanchen activated his skills and his anger was quickly suppressed.

Meng Tieshan on the side seemed not to be affected at all.

The bells kept ringing, and soon the entire Crouching Tiger Mountain was shaking slightly.

The vibration came from due east. Looking from a distance on Crouching Tiger Mountain, black mist surged in the distance, as if something was stirring up the wind and rain.

Not long after, a black panther jumped out of the black mist.

Behind it, there are many other monsters, ranging from lynx and weasels to elephants and giant bears, there are dozens of them in total.

Every monster was covered in black, with crazy bloodthirsty expressions in its eyes.

Obviously, these monsters are all strange monsters coming out of Wuyun Ridge.

Liu Yuanchen looked at it from a distance and was frightened.

In front of the mountain temple, Zhao Hong sneered: "Those monsters are really powerful. If they were at night, just a dozen of them could kill me.

But now it's three quarters to noon, when the black mist is at its weakest.

If those monsters want to run to me, they must first cross the chasm that is not blocked by black mist for more than [-] miles.

Under the scorching sun, when they run up to me, how much ability will they have left? "

Old Monster Qi remained unmoved and held out a small gray flag in his hand.

“Although Earth Immortal Dao monks are powerful in combat, their fighting methods are still too simple.

Although the sun was shining brightly at this time, there were inevitably dark clouds covering the sky. "

After saying that, he waved the small gray flag in his hand.

Dark clouds suddenly appeared in the clear sky. The dark clouds rose in the wind and covered the entire sky in just a few breaths.

Without the sunshine, those monsters suddenly became full of energy and pounced towards Crouching Tiger Mountain.

At the same time, the black mist from the east quickly spread to Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Old Monster Qi sneered: "Zhao Hong, you are still too young.

Go back and learn from the Ghost Hand Poison King for hundreds of years, and it won't be too late to leave the mountain again. "

Zhao Hong still had a confident smile on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to those weird monsters at all.

"We at Bahuang Pavilion are really not good at making clouds and rain, but if you do this in front of the monks of Shenting, isn't it just a trick?" After saying that, a gray cattail leaf fan appeared out of thin air.

He held a cattail fan and fanned it a few times, and a strong wind blew in the forest.

The dark clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the dazzling sunshine once again shone on the earth.

Under the strong wind, even the black mist surging between the mountains in the east was retreating continuously at this time.

After leaving the black mist, those monsters did not dare to move forward.

No matter how old Monster Qi rings the bell, many strange monsters will not advance but retreat.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Hong looked up to the sky and smiled: "The demon god sect's minions are nothing more than this. Your cultivation of more than 5000 years has been transformed into a dog's body."

Old Monster Qi's face turned green and red, his hands were clenched into fists, and the veins on his forehead were jumping. He wanted to jump down and fight Zhao Hong for three hundred rounds.

But looking at the blazing flames at Zhao Hong's feet, most of his anger dissipated in an instant.

Looking at the old man surnamed Wu on the side: "Old Ghost Wu, this guy is so arrogant and doesn't take our Ten Thousand Gods Sect into consideration, why don't you show any sign?"

The old man surnamed Wu looked indifferent: "What does this have to do with me? I, the Feixian Sect, just make a living. Zhao Hong doesn't take the Wanshen Sect in his eyes. What does this have to do with me?"
He directly scolded you, how can you still swallow it? "

Old Monster Qi said angrily: "Zhao Hong has been fighting the monsters on the front line since he came out of the mountain.

Tens of thousands of demons and half-demon died in his hands.

I didn't know why he was so crazy before, but now I know that he wants to practice Zhu Yan Dharma.

Zhu Yan is a symbol of military calamity. As long as it appears, weapons will be launched.

The two balls of fire at his feet must be sword and weapon calamity fire.

Even I, the ghost king in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, am no different than an ant in the face of swords, weapons, and fire. "

Although he didn't say it explicitly, he was obviously afraid of Zhao Hong.

The old man surnamed Wu was unmoved: "What does this nonsense have to do with me? Can I still know how to use swords, weapons, and fire?
I, the Feixian Cult, am not familiar with your Demon God Cult, so don’t talk to me about these useless things. "

Old Monster Qi persuaded again: "Brother Wu, you and I both know what the consequences will be if we let this junior Cheng Jiao gain a foothold here.

If he can't be stopped, the strange creatures will not dare to approach Crouching Tiger Mountain in the future, let alone go around Crouching Tiger Mountain to threaten Jin'ao Lake. "

"Without the threat of weird creatures, Moyun Sect has no chance of capturing Jin'ao Lake.

At that time, either we give up on the Red Wasteland and watch helplessly as Shenting takes over this place.

Or we have to send a large number of experts to confront Shenting head-on here. "

After hearing this, the old man named Wu's face changed slightly.

Obviously, neither situation he wants to see.

Seeing that he was a little shaken, Old Monster Qi continued to persuade: "You just need to suppress Zhao Hong, and I will kill that kid Cheng Jiao.

Whether it is Zhao Hong or his two disciples, I will never hurt them.

As long as you help me this time, no matter success or failure, I will help you sneak into the Bone Dragon Pond to get the treasure. "

Hearing this, the old man named Wu's eyes shone brightly: "In that case, I will believe you for once."

After that, he held out a silver sword.

This long sword is ordinary, without any gorgeous decoration.

However, as soon as the long sword came out, the strong wind stopped instantly.

The strange monster, which was slowly retreating, was even more frightened to the point of peeing.

Zhao Hong's face was as gloomy as water, and he held the long stick tightly with both hands. The red flames under his feet continued to spread towards the giant ape's shadow.

Not long after, the entire giant ape's shadow was wrapped in flames.

The old man surnamed Wu held a sword in both hands and slowly slashed it down towards where Zhao Hong was.

There was a sound of glass breaking, the dazzling sunlight disappeared instantly, and there was darkness between heaven and earth.

Only the silver light on the long sword and the red fire on Zhao Hong's body were left.

Zhao Hong stepped on the ground suddenly, and the rocky ground beneath his feet shattered, and a large spiderweb-shaped crack appeared.

Then, he jumped up high, waved the long stick in his hand, and faced the silver sword.

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the red fire light and silver sword light intertwined, turning into a tornado, entangled in the dark space.

In the dark space, a black shadow quietly sneaked into the mountain temple.

Suddenly, Cheng Jiao's voice sounded: "Senior Qi, you and my master are of the same generation.

To deal with a junior like me, you have to use sneak attacks, which is really disgraceful. "

"Jie Jie Jie..." Old Ghost Qi let out a strange laugh, "Young man, you dare to speak rudely when you are about to die."

At this time, Liu Yuanchen had already taken out the Bahuang Pavilion Disciple Token, ready to use the spells in it at any time.

Old Monster Qi glanced at him: "Little guy, for the sake of your ancestor, I won't touch you.

But if you take the initiative to cause trouble for me, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Just by being glanced at, Liu Yuanchen felt that the blood and mana in his body were almost stagnant.

The whole person was out of breath, as if he was about to die at any moment.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the immortal seed transformed into the image of a ginseng fruit tree.

The green light flowed all over the body, and the feeling of dying disappeared instantly.

Old Monster Qi just looked at him doubtfully and made no other move.

Suddenly, a purple light illuminated the dark space.

This purple light was emitted from a token on Cheng Jiao's waist, and the purple light gradually converged into a human shape.

This man is wearing a gold embroidered python robe and a seven-pointed crown.

"Old Monster Qi, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you want to deal with my disciples?"

Old Monster Qi was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear, and his pupils also dilated sharply.

With a scream, Old Monster Qi flew out upside down.

Before he hit the ground, his entire body turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

The figure emits a dazzling purple-gold light, and the dark space instantly melts, leaving the world clear and clear.

The figure in the python robe snorted coldly: "Brother Wu, are you leaving by yourself, or should I send you away?"

Before he finished speaking, a black crack appeared in the sky ahead.

A ray of silver light broke away from the entanglement of the crimson flames and transformed into the appearance of the old man named Wu again.

At this time, the Taoist robe on his body was burnt black, his beard was burnt bald, the lotus crown was broken, and half of his hair was burned off.

"I can just leave by myself, so I won't bother my brother to see me off."

After that, the black crack disappeared.

The purple figure chuckled: "The Feixian Sect really understands the way of space, but it's a pity that it is not used by our divine court."

The purple figure turned into purple light again and penetrated into the token at Cheng Jiao's waist.

At this moment, Crouching Tiger Mountain shook violently.

The entire grass and trees on Crouching Tiger Mountain bow their heads in the direction of the mountain temple.

The golden figure that emerged from Cheng Jiao's body has been holding the jade book and absorbing the golden light in it.

At this time, the jade book completely disappeared.

The golden figure turned into a golden light and poured into the statue in the main hall of the mountain temple.

At the same time, the red cloth covering the statue disappeared without a trace.

Under the red cloth, there is an image wearing a red brocade robe and a black Haechi crown.

However, this statue does not have an iron mask on its face, it looks quite handsome, and it looks like a young man in his twenties.

Cheng Jiao stood up, wiped the sweat from his face, and said with a smile: "Finally it's done."

He bowed his hands to Zhao Hong and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhao, for protecting the law."

(End of this chapter)

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