Chapter 68 Treasure House of Finance Hall

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen wanted to curse.

He knew the value of Xuanhuang Stone very well.

The three black yellow stones in his hand can completely fuse the spiritual realm with the second spiritual hub.

If he could get more Xuanhuang Stones, he could fuse the five spiritual hubs in the spiritual realm and be promoted to a blessed place in a very short period of time.

Moreover, the level of weapon refining in Qingdan Sect is shockingly low.

For such a group of weapon refiners to use a rare treasure like Xuanhuang Stone to refine weapons, this is simply a waste of natural resources.

"How many Xuanhuang stones has the Qingdan Sect been wasted in so many years?"

Zhao Hong chuckled: "Who knows, I estimate there are several thousand kilograms.

Moreover, they not only ruined the Xuanhuang Stone, but also the Kongming Stone and other materials. "

“The great war that year destroyed the earth’s veins and damaged space, making it easier for space materials to be produced.

The three major sects in the Red Wasteland were all founded by casual cultivators. Without any advanced inheritance, they naturally would not make use of these spatial materials.

In their eyes, Xuanhuang Stone, Kongming Stone and other materials are just strange weapon refining materials.

There should be some such things hidden in the treasure house of Finance Hall.

You have to make good use of this opportunity to get three treasures. "

Liu Yuanchen also secretly made up his mind to get more benefits back.

After eating and drinking, he drove the flying boat and headed straight for the Finance Hall.

Among the various halls in the Qingdan Sect, the Danyao Hall is the first, and the Shennong Hall is the second.

These two halls are the main source of income for Qingdan Sect.

It can be said that most of the spiritual stones needed by other halls are earned by these two halls.

If you make more money, you will naturally have a high status and a strong waist.

Apart from these two halls, the one with the highest status is the Finance Hall.

The Finance Hall is in charge of the sect’s purse and resource allocation, and the profits generated by each hall, except for some retained, must be handed over to the Finance Hall.

Including the elixirs refined by the Elixir Hall and the elixirs grown by the Shennong Hall, they are also kept in the warehouse of the Finance Hall.

What each hall wants to do requires the sect to allocate spiritual stones, which naturally requires the Finance Hall.

In addition to the powerful Dan Yaotang and Shen Nong Tang, the Financial Hall also has to be careful.

Whether other halls can have enough to eat depends on the mood of the finance hall.

With such power, his status is naturally not low.

Liu Yuanchen drove a flying boat to Jin Yufeng, where the Finance Hall is located.

Just by hearing the name of this mountain peak, you can tell that it is quite noble.

Jinyu Peak is not high, but the mountain is thick and gentle.

The various buildings of the Finance Hall are all on the top of Jinyu Peak.

Liu Yuanchen drove the flying boat and landed in front of a tall palace-like building.

I saw the three characters "Financial Hall" written on the plaque of this palace.

The size of the palace is second only to the Qingdan Sect's meeting hall, and in terms of decoration, it is far above the meeting hall.

Although Liu Yuanchen was able to gather tens of thousands of spiritual stones, he still felt like a poor man standing in front of the main hall of the Finance Hall.

Walking straight into the main hall, I found that it was quite lively.

The war had just ended, and all the monks who participated in the war were rewarded. Naturally, there were many monks who came to seek benefits.

As soon as he entered the main hall, a middle-aged monk immediately greeted him.

This man was fat and his face was shiny.

He was even wearing a golden Taoist robe and a golden crown on his head, which gave him the impression of being rich.

This person's magic power fluctuates above Mo Lian Mountain. Although Liu Yuanchen, a small Qi-nourishing realm monk, cannot tell his specific realm, he can also guess that this person is a Condensing Yuan realm monk.

In Qingdan Sect, the powerful elders are not necessarily the Ning Yuan Realm monks, but the Ning Yuan Realm monks must be the real powerful elders.

He bowed and saluted: "Disciple has met the elder."

The middle-aged monk waved his hand: "You're welcome, nephew Yuan Chen. I am Jin Wanliang, the master of the finance hall."

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: "This outfit really matches the name."

However, he still saluted respectfully: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen, see Master Jin."

Jin Wanliang waved his hand: "You're welcome. The sect master has already given instructions for you to pick three treasures. I will take you to the treasure house to get them."

After that, he took him out.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "Isn't the treasure house in this hall?"

Jin Wanliang smiled and said: "This main hall is where we usually do business, and the public treasury where general supplies are stored is in the main hall.

After all, the Finance Hall also represents the financial resources of the sect, so it has to be built more luxuriously.

Although this hall looks magnificent, it is actually just a show-off.

Who would put a really good thing in such a conspicuous place? "

Liu Yuanchen followed Jin Wanliang, and the two of them quickly arrived at the back mountain.

There are quite a few buildings here, but they are all inconspicuous small courtyards, but I don’t know their specific uses.

Jin Wanliang came to the door of a slightly desolate courtyard and knocked on the door a few times. Soon an elderly monk opened the door and came in.

Jin Wanliang was quite polite to the old man: "On the order of the sect leader, bring Liu Yuanchen in to get three things."

The old man turned to Liu Yuanchen with a straight face: "Did you bring the token?"

Liu Yuanchen recalled what the sect leader gave him, and it seemed that there was only a golden token.

He took out the token: "This is given to the disciples by the sect master himself."

The old man took the token, injected a ray of mana and nodded slightly: "It's right, you guys, come in with me."

The two entered the courtyard, and the old man looked out the door warily before closing the door.

This small courtyard looked a little desolate from the outside. Entering the courtyard, Liu Yuanchen wondered if he had wandered into some barren mountain.

There is only a piece of grass in the courtyard and a house with three rooms.

The hut was very dilapidated, and the easternmost room had collapsed.

Jin Wanliang sighed: "I said Mr. Luo, even if you want to hide it, there is no need to go through such trouble, right?
After all, this is also the finance palace, and it is so dilapidated.

How about I find someone to repair it? "

Mr. Luo didn't say anything at all and walked straight into the hut.

The three of them came to the westmost room of the house, and Mr. Luo knocked twice on the wall of the house.

A stone slab on the wall moved away, revealing a one-foot-square depression.

At the bottom of the pit, there are also indentations for two tokens.

Mr. Luo took out a token from his waist and placed it on an indentation.

Jin Wanliang also took out a token and placed it on another indentation.

Both tokens were put on, and there was a noise from the ground.

I saw only a few stones in the middle of the room, dented downwards.

Not long after, a black hole appeared, along with stairs leading down.

Mr. Luo returned the golden token to Liu Yuanchen: "The door to the treasure house has been opened, you can go in.

Whichever treasure you want to get, use this token to open the formation.

Remember, your token can only be used three times.

Think clearly before using the token. "

Liu Yuanchen bowed and saluted, and then followed Jin Wanliang to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hall Master Jin, who is Mr. Luo? I feel like you are very afraid of him?" Jin Wanliang said with a proud look on his face: "As you said, I am the head of the Finance Hall, how can I be afraid of him?

It's just that he was sent by the sect leader to guard the treasure house.

Opening the treasure house requires two tokens, one each for me and Mr. Luo.

The two of them restrain each other, and no one can guard and steal from themselves.

It's just that he is an elder in the sect, and as a junior, I naturally have to respect him more. "

The two of them went down the stairs and soon came to a door.

Jin Wanliang took out his hall master's token and injected mana into it.

The token emits a dazzling light, and the door slowly opens.

After entering the door, there are flashes of light everywhere in the house.

There is no lighting method in the treasure house, but these spiritual lights can already illuminate the treasure house as bright as day.

Jin Wanliang introduced: "This is the treasure trove managed by my Finance Hall.

The sect has a total of three treasure houses, one of which is under the personal control of the sect leader, and I have not been in it.

The other two are both in the Finance Hall, namely the Treasure House and the Public Treasury.

The public treasury stores common resources such as spiritual stones, spiritual elixirs, and low-level magic weapons.

This is the treasure house. The treasures here are not common.

There are special refining materials, high-level magic weapons, precious elixirs, elixirs, etc., as well as some treasures whose uses are unclear.

These things are not classified, just numbered according to grade. "

“All treasures are divided into five levels, namely A, B, C, D, and E.

The area closest to the gate is the 'E' area, where first-level treasures are stored.

By analogy, the 'B' area stores fourth-level treasures.

As for the A-shaped area, it stores treasures of level four or above, as well as items whose level cannot be determined. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Then let's go directly to the A-shaped area."

Jin Wanliang said with a smile: "You are really not at a disadvantage! The treasures in the A-shaped area are indeed the highest grade, but there may also be extremely precious treasures in the other four areas."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "Forget it. If you want to pan for gold, working near the gold mine is much better than working in the mud pit."

Jin Wanliang took him deep into the treasure house. There were also three-tiered shelves in the treasure house.

On each shelf, there are twelve small two-foot square grids.

Each small grid is guarded by a small formation.

The two of them did not stop in the first four areas and went straight to the deepest part of the treasure house.

There are only a dozen shelves here, each with a big "A" written on it, and there are only more than 100 spiritual objects in total.

Jin Wanliang pointed to the two outermost shelves: "The things on these two shelves can definitely be of the fifth level.

As for the things inside, we tried our best but could not determine the specific grade. "

Liu Yuanchen glanced at the two shelves, which were similar to the previous ones. They also mainly contained weapon refining materials and magic weapon fragments.

After all, various wars broke out in the Red Wasteland back then, and there must be many fragments of the remaining magic weapons.

The fragments of magical artifacts outside have fallen to the lowest level and are obviously useless.

But the fragments of the magic weapon here are not necessarily the same.

Especially those things whose grade cannot be determined, it is likely that they are mythical objects that have been obscured by themselves.

Soon, Liu Yuanchen discovered something good.

He walked to a small grid. In this small grid, there were six green and yellow stones, which were black and yellow stones.

Each stone is the size of an adult's fist, and is not contaminated by the black mist.

Seeing him staring at the small grid, Jin Wanliang introduced: "This is Xuanhuang stone, obtained from the depths of Wuyun Ridge.

In order to find out its function, the sect also sent people to the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to inquire.

The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce collected dozens of spiritual stones and only said that this thing was called Xuanhuang Stone and could be used to refine magic weapons.

If it were outside the Red Wasteland, it might have a big effect.

But in the Red Wasteland, this thing has no other function except refining magic weapons. "

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Is this thing available elsewhere?"

Jin Wanliang nodded: "There is still some in the public treasury, but the grade is very low, and most of them have been used by the weapon refining.

Most of the remaining ones are infected by the black mist and cannot be used directly to refine weapons, and we have no way to get rid of the black mist.

Therefore, it can only be thrown into the corner of the warehouse to collect dust. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's eyes widened: "You are really wasting a good thing."

Seeing his appearance, Jin Wanliang was a little curious: "What? Do you know how to use this thing?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "This thing can indeed be used to refine weapons, but if it is used to refine ordinary magical weapons, it is a waste of resources.

There is a method of cultivation in the outside world, which is very different from our inheritance in the Red Wasteland.

This way of cultivation requires Xuanhuang Stone very much in its early stages and later in its growth process.

My disciple is following this path of cultivation. "

"Can you sell the black and yellow stones in the public treasury? I can buy them with spiritual stones."

Jin Wanliang nodded: "Of course, the things in the public treasury are not treasures, except for a few strategic materials, they can all be sold.

Those Xuanhuang stones contaminated by the black mist cannot be used directly, and the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce does not want to acquire those things.

If you put it in the public treasury, it will be useless except to eat dust.

As long as you give me a purchase price, I will send it to you later. "

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed when he heard this. If he could get a large amount of Xuanhuang Stone, it would only take a year or two for the spiritual realm to grow into a blessed place.

Moreover, now that the war is over, the possibility of a master war breaking out is extremely small.

He was not in a hurry to get these black and yellow stones. After all, these black and yellow stones were clearly of the fifth level.

There are also treasures of uncertain grade in the shelves at the back.

There are many reasons why the grade cannot be determined. It may be that the grade is too high and beyond the cognitive scope of the Qingdan Sect monks.

It may also be that the divine object has concealed itself, hiding the fluctuations in spiritual power.

Of course, it is also possible that the spiritual power of the high-level treasure has been lost, leaving only an empty shell.

No matter what the situation is, if the grade of the spiritual object cannot be determined, there is a high possibility that a high-value treasure will appear.

Liu Yuanchen looked at other shelves and soon discovered the real treasure.

This treasure is a roughly round stone, just over a foot in diameter.

The edges are gray, and the closer to the center, the darker the color.

The center is pitch black, like a black hole, which is the Kongming Stone I saw before.

This is also the treasure needed to advance to the Cave Heaven Paradise. My master had been happy for a long time when he got a fist-sized piece.

The value of this Kongming Stone will only be higher.

Seeing him stop here, Jin Wanliang asked: "What? Do you know this thing?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "This object is called Kongming Stone, and it is also an extremely important thing in my master's cultivation method. Is this thing available elsewhere?"

Jin Wanliang shook his head: "This thing is rare, and the sect only received this piece.

Moreover, this thing is extremely hard, and even though we tried our best, we could not damage a single hair on it.

Knowing that this thing was extraordinary, we didn't dare to take it out for appraisal. "

This time Liu Yuanchen didn't hesitate at all, he took out the token and touched it on the formation.

Then the formation on the small grid disappeared, and the Kongming Stone was exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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