Chapter 71 Preparation for Breakthrough

Liu Yuanchen himself also has a deep understanding of his own strengths and weaknesses.

When fighting with others, he found that his physical body and magic power were much stronger than those of monks of the same level.

Even when he was at the seventh level of Qi Yang Realm, his physical body and magic power were only slightly inferior to those of the ninth level Qi Yang Qi Apeman trained by the Feixian Sect.

Later, I learned the dead wood longevity technique, which also had some improvement effects on the physical body.

The current strength of the physical body is difficult to match among monks in the Qi-nourishing realm.

In terms of magic power, thanks to the skills taught by Zhenyuan Immortal, he is naturally far better than monks of the same level.

It is difficult to compare in terms of Gang Qi. After all, there are not many immortal monks in the Red Wasteland.

However, many people have praised themselves for their pure Gang Qi, which is not bad among monks of the same level.

Only in terms of spiritual consciousness, there is really nothing outstanding about it.

When fighting with others, he has never relied on the power of divine consciousness.

"Master, how can a disciple break through the limits of his spiritual consciousness?"

Zhao Hong chuckled: "The best way to break through the limits is to engage in a life-and-death fight.

Other methods push the limits and can only improve a certain aspect.

Only life-and-death fighting can improve oneself in all aspects, and even one's state of mind can be improved.

Unfortunately, now that the war is over, there are not many monsters in the Red Wasteland, so it is difficult to find suitable ones for training.

Therefore, this path is more difficult to take. "

“If it is specifically to enhance the power of spiritual consciousness, it would be relatively simple.

Whether it is refining elixirs, refining weapons, making talismans, or arranging formations, the power of spiritual consciousness can be enhanced.

Although these methods are useful, the improvement speed is indeed not fast.

If you want to improve your spiritual consciousness as quickly as possible, you still need to rely on visualization charts. "

Liu Yuanchen thought that when he practiced the Cang Yuan's forest-piercing technique before, he put his spiritual consciousness into the visualization picture and felt the charm of the Cang Yuan.

It only took a short time for his spiritual consciousness to be almost completely exhausted.

In this case, it is indeed good to practice spiritual consciousness.

"The last time I used the Cang Yuan visualization chart to comprehend the charm of Cang Yuan, it only took a short time for my spiritual consciousness to be almost completely exhausted.

After taking the Awakening Pill to restore my consciousness, I found that my consciousness had improved somewhat. "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "The so-called visualization map is actually the perception left by other people when they observe something.

You put your spiritual consciousness in and seem to see a special world.

In fact, that world does not exist.

The reason why you can see it is that the insights left in the visualization map consume your spiritual consciousness and create an illusion.

Using spiritual consciousness to construct an illusion naturally consumes a lot of money. "

"Based on your current situation, it would be a waste if you continue to use the Cang Yuan visualization diagram.

You already have the peak level of Qi cultivation, and when you break through the limit in terms of spiritual consciousness, you will be able to break through to the Qi Sea realm.

When you reach the Qi Sea Realm, you can learn a lot of things, such as the flying spell that you have always wanted to learn.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to hone your spiritual consciousness to gain some insights can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen looked surprised.

It can be said that flying is a dream that everyone has had. Now that the opportunity is right in front of him, how can he not be tempted?

"Master, can I really start practicing flying spells now?"

Zhao Hong casually took out an animal skin picture scroll: "This is the visualization picture of the Black Eagle. The last time I saw the Dark Feather Black Eagle, I wanted to get the eggs of the Dark Feather Black Eagle because of this visualization picture.

The Mingyu Black Eagle is originally a type of Black Eagle, but it has undergone tremendous changes because it has been shrouded in black mist all year round.

The potential of the ordinary Black Eagle is not as good as that of the Mingyu Black Eagle, and neither are its weird methods.

However, the two have one thing in common, that is, they fly extremely fast and are extremely flexible.

It is precisely because of this that the sages of ancient times created the method of flying specifically based on its charm. "

Liu Yuanchen took the animal skin scroll and opened it to see a one-foot-square picture inside.

In the painting, the eagle, which has always been pitch black, is soaring with its wings.

Under the Black Eagle is a lush mountain forest.

The Black Eagle looks down at all living beings, with the majesty of the King of the Sky.

“To feel the charm of Black Eagle, you can also watch the real monster beast.

Although your little eagle has impure blood, it has half the blood of Mingyu Black Eagle.

Moreover, the little eagle's mother is a black-feathered kite, and she looks very similar to Xuan Ying.

When it can fly, you can also use it to feel the charm. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen thought of Xiaoying.

I haven't returned to the spiritual realm for such a long time, and I don't know how Xiaoying is doing now.

However, I stayed in the spirit realm for a while before and prepared a lot of spirit beast pills for it.

In another year and a half, he will not be short of food.

Moreover, higher-level monsters can activate their bloodline power and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth when their cultivation level is high.

When the time comes, there is no risk of starving to death if you don’t eat food.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely understand the charm of Xuan Ying."

Zhao Hong chuckled: "As long as you have confidence, as my founding disciple, I don't have many demands on you.

I suppressed He Daoheng of the Feixian Sect for hundreds of years. You can't lose to his disciples. "

He Daoheng's disciple is naturally Yue Kongming, and his spatial skills are indeed very tricky.

"Master, don't worry, my disciples who were previously lower than him in cultivation can defeat him.

In the future, if you catch up with him in cultivation, it will be easy to defeat him. "

Zhao Hong nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, our disciples from Bahuang Pavilion have always been better than Feixian Sect.

In your generation, don’t break this convention. "

Liu Yuanchen took the visualization picture and prepared to understand the charm of it.

Originally, there were only three small stone rooms in the cave apart from the large stone room that served as the living room, but now there are two more small stone rooms, which should have been dug by my master.

Entering the existing bedroom, he sat cross-legged on the stone couch.

Open the scroll of animal skin and explore the painting with your spiritual consciousness.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically. There were dense trees everywhere in front of him, and he himself was on the top of the tree.

Above the head, an eagle covered with black feathers was soaring in the sky.

A pair of sharp eyes stared intently at the woods below.

This Black Eagle is not that big, with a wingspan of only four or five feet.

Soon, his eyes were fixed in one direction, and it was obvious that he had found prey.

Liu Yuanchen followed his gaze and saw a sparrow the size of an adult's fist, hidden under the leaves.

With just a little bit of feathers exposed, Xuan Ying stared at him.

The black eagle flapped its wings silently a few times, then slightly retracted its wings and pounced on the sparrow.

When encountering the obstruction of a branch, the black eagle's tail swings slightly and its wings slightly adjust its posture, so that it can flexibly avoid the branches when diving.

After several screams, the sparrow died under the eagle's claws.

After getting its prey, the black eagle nimbly shuttles between the branches.

Liu Yuanchen performed the Cang Yuan Chuan Lin Gong and followed closely behind.At this time, he discovered that his speed could actually keep up with Xuan Ying.

Most flying monsters are known for their speed.

At the same level, running on the ground is naturally not as fast as flying in the sky.

The aura of this Black Eagle was extremely powerful, no less powerful than the Condensation Realm monks he had seen, and it should be the Qiling Realm monster clan.

The speed of the Qiling Realm monster bird is much faster than that of the Condensing Yuan Realm monk flying with his sword.

How could he possibly catch up with his own speed?
The world in the visualization picture is indeed illusory. As long as you think about it, you can achieve many impossible things.

Not long after, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of him became distorted.

The black eagle, the sparrow, and the lush mountain forest all disappeared. In front of him was a stone room, and he was sitting cross-legged on the stone couch.

After exiting the fantasy world of visualization pictures, Liu Yuanchen suddenly felt a splitting headache. This was the feeling of exhaustion of the power of his spiritual consciousness.

He took out a few refreshing pills and really wanted to take them.

Zhao Hong's voice sounded: "To break through the limit, it is best not to use pills to restore consciousness.

You can enter a meditative state or sleep like a normal person. "

Liu Yuanchen did as he was told, continuing to sit cross-legged and slowly operating the Shenmu Towering Technique.

Although his cultivation level can no longer be improved, the Divine Tree Towering Technique also has a certain strengthening effect on the physical body.

At this moment, he discovered that when he was running the Shenmu Shengtian Technique, the speed of the Dead Wood Immortality Technique also increased.

Ever since he started practicing the Dead Wood Immortality Technique, he would still be able to function slowly even if he didn't practice it.

All kinds of energy that are about to escape in the body will gather into the lower Dantian, and will eventually be converted into black liquid and red mist, which are stored in the kidney meridian and heart meridian respectively.

Whenever Liu Yuanchen gets a chance, he will practice a lot.

Two years have passed, and the dead wood longevity technique has made considerable progress at the level of fallen leaves.

Even if the technique is not activated, the effect is about [-]% of the effect when the technique is activated.

At this time, the speed of the dead wood longevity skill is slowly increasing, and it seems that there will be another breakthrough.

Then I thought about it, the two techniques were both created by the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, and the Divine Tree Towering Technique was still the prerequisite technique of the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

There is nothing strange about the connection between the two.

As time goes by, the energy movement in the body undergoes new changes.

Part of the black liquid produced by the Dead Wood Immortality Technique actually left the kidney meridian, followed the meridians, and slowly moved toward the center of the eyebrows.

Finally, a ball of black liquid the size of a dragon's eye dissipated into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment the black liquid dissipated, Liu Yuanchen suddenly felt a cool feeling flow throughout his body.

This feeling is like taking a cold shower in the middle of summer.

The feeling of splitting headache also disappeared in an instant.

During meditation, Liu Yuanchen's power of consciousness was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

An hour later, he opened his eyes and suddenly felt energetic and full of strength.

After releasing the power of his spiritual consciousness, he found that his spiritual power had actually increased somewhat.

Although it is only about [-]%, how much kung fu does this person have?
It can increase by one percent in more than an hour, and it won't take long for the power of divine consciousness to double.

Seeing him waking up so quickly, Zhao Hong was a little surprised: "I really underestimated you. I thought you were strong in magic, energy, and physical body, but your spiritual consciousness was a major shortcoming.

Unexpectedly, your spiritual potential is extremely high.

After practicing for less than an hour, the power of spiritual consciousness has been significantly improved.

Moreover, the power of divine consciousness recovers very quickly.

For ordinary monks at the peak of the Qi-nourishing realm, if they want to recover after their spiritual consciousness is completely exhausted, they will need to meditate for at least three hours, but you only need about one hour. "

"You are not a top genius in terms of energy, spirit, etc., but you have no weaknesses and can reach the first-class level in every aspect.

All aspects put together are more terrifying than top geniuses. "

"Such talents would indeed be wasted if one only cultivates the Earthly Immortal Way."

Liu Yuanchen was a little puzzled: "Master, you said before that Earth Immortal Dao monks do not cultivate spiritual consciousness.

When reaching the realm of the golden body, it is even more necessary to integrate the soul and the physical body into one, only in this way can the golden body be cultivated.

If a disciple also practices Qi Dao, can he still cultivate a golden body? "

Zhao Hong nodded: "You can cultivate a golden body without integrating the soul into the physical body, but if you do this, the golden body will be weaker.

Moreover, the soul still exists independently, so it cannot ignore the attack of spiritual consciousness.

In addition, there is another flaw in practicing this way, that is, it may cause disaster. "

“Earth Immortal Dao monks do not have heavenly tribulations, but Qi Dao monks will trigger a heavenly tribulation every time they break through the realm after entering the realm of condensation.

Moreover, if you practice Qi Dao at the same time, it will take a lot of time.

After all, starting from the Condensing Yuan Realm, the cultivation of the two paths is no longer the same thing.

Although there will be no conflict between the two, it is still very difficult to practice both techniques at the same time. "

"It's too early to consider these things now. If you want to practice both paths when you reach the Condensing Yuan Realm, it's not too late to practice them at the same time.

I don’t have the ability to teach you how to practice Qi Dao.

When there is a chance in the future, I will take you to see Master.

Not only is he the Alchemy King, he also has in-depth research on the three methods of cultivation. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Hong couldn't help but tremble: "The better your talent is, the worse I will be beaten when I see your master in the future."


From then on, Liu Yuanchen lived a life of self-abuse every day.

Continuously insert your spiritual consciousness into the visualization map to enhance the power of your spiritual consciousness.

When the power of his spiritual consciousness was exhausted and he had a splitting headache, he started to use the exercises again to continuously restore the power of his spiritual consciousness.

This kind of life lasted for a full year. At this time, Liu Yuanchen's power of consciousness had more than doubled than before.

At the same time, aspects such as physical body and mana have also been slightly improved.

He slowly stopped running the technique and then walked out of the bedroom.

At this time, Zhao Hong and Meng Tieshan were eating barbecue again.

While eating, Zhao Hong did not forget to comment: “The spiritual beasts from the Beast Control Division are getting more and more delicious.

And you, my boy, are also good at barbecue. "

Meng Tieshan chewed the barbecue in his mouth and said vaguely: "As long as it is related to eating, the disciple's talent is good."

Seeing Liu Yuanchen come out, Zhao Hong picked up a piece of barbecue with an iron pick and said, "Yuanchen, you can eat some too."

Liu Yuanchen did not refuse, took the barbecue, sat on a stone chair and started to eat.

After eating, Liu Yuanchen asked: "Master, I recently used visualization charts to improve my consciousness, but I found that the improvement was getting smaller and smaller, and this time there was almost no improvement.

Is it possible that the spiritual consciousness has reached the limit of the Qi-nourishing realm and can break through the Qi-sea realm? "

Zhao Hong swallowed the roasted meat in his mouth, and then nodded: "That's almost it. Your current power of spiritual consciousness is no less than that of most early Qi Sea monks.

After all, he is a monk in the Qi-nourishing realm and will always be restricted by this realm.

Since this method can no longer continue to enhance the power of divine consciousness, it is indeed time to make a breakthrough.

You should take a few days to slowly adjust your physical condition.

Once you practice the auxiliary secret skills I gave you before, you can break through the Qi Sea realm. "

(End of this chapter)

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