Chapter 73
When Liu Yuanchen walked into the cave, he saw his master taking the small fish out of the fish basket and placing it in the clear spring.

Seeing him come in, Zhao Hong said seriously: "This kid Tieshan is really ignorant. I don't know when he learned to lie."

Liu Yuanchen knew it well and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I will train my disciples more in the future."

At this time, Meng Tieshan's voice came from outside the door: "Master, I didn't lie. You just didn't catch any fish before."

Zhao Hong became angry from shame, and with a wave of his hand, the cave was surrounded by the array he had set up earlier.

Then the formation was activated, and the entire cave was enveloped by the soundproof formation.

He had a relaxed look on his face: "This way I won't be disturbed by this silly boy Tieshan."

"You just made a breakthrough, so you probably still have a lot of doubts, right?
I happen to be free today, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. "

Liu Yuanchen asked: "After breaking through the Qi Sea Realm, the magic power changes from gaseous to liquid. How to cultivate the Gangqi?"

Zhao Hong nodded with satisfaction: "This is a good question. When we reach the Qi Sea Realm, we should also prepare for the Condensing Yuan Realm to condense Yuangang.

After breaking through the Qi Sea Realm, Gang Qi, like mana, will change from gaseous state to liquid state.

Of course, you did not use Gang Qi to break through, and Gang Qi has not changed yet. "

“Even if you use magic power to break through the sea of ​​​​qi, you only need to continue to practice the Guidance Technique and Condensation Technique to improve the quality and quantity of the Gang Qi.

When the Gang Qi is purified to a certain extent and the amount reaches a certain level, it will naturally transform into a liquid state. "

“Because Gang Qi is energy derived from itself, it is very controllable.

Using Gang Qi to break through the Qi Sea Realm will not take huge risks like you did before.

However, Gangqi breakthrough also has a big drawback, that is, it requires a lot of time and energy.

There are many Qi Dao monks who can break through the Qi Sea realm before the age of 30.

However, if an Earth Immortal monk breaks through the Qi Sea realm before the age of 30, he is a top genius.

Being able to break through the Qi Sea realm before the age of 50 is considered a person with good talent. "

"You have good physical talents and a poison-resistant constitution, which makes you very suitable for opening up a spiritual realm in the red wasteland.

Even if you also practice Qi Dao in the future, I hope you can focus on Earth Immortal Dao. "

Liu Yuanchen did have the idea of ​​practicing Qi Dao at the same time, not because of his good talent in spiritual consciousness, but because of the inheritance of Immortal Zhenyuan.

The Earth Immortal Way in the Yuanling Realm requires the soul to be integrated into the body, which makes him a little worried.

After all, the legendary gods in previous lives all wanted to cultivate their souls.

What if I integrate my soul into my body according to the cultivation method of the immortal way in the Yuanling Realm?

As a result, the method of cultivating the soul appeared in the sermons of Zhenyuan Immortal, and it was also related to the subsequent cultivation methods.

I am completely unable to cultivate Yuanshen, and I can't even practice the subsequent inheritance related to Yuanshen.

Will it be useless to listen to Immortal Zhenyuan’s sermons in the future?
Since he has the inheritance of Immortal Zhenyuan, he naturally hopes to take it as the main one.

However, the Earth Immortal Way of the Yuanling Realm can also retain the soul in the Golden Body Realm and cultivate the Yuanshen at the same time.

Even if the golden body is a little weak, it is not unacceptable.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely major in Earth Immortal Dao.

You said before that after breaking through the Qi Sea, you can practice flying spells.

Now that the disciple has achieved a breakthrough, can he practice flying magic? "

Zhao Hong replied without hesitation: "Of course, in addition to using flying instruments, there are two methods of flying in the world of immortality.

One is flying with weapons, such as flying with swords.

This magic weapon does not need to have the flight function to fly.

Moreover, the flying speed is not slow.

The second is the flying spell inherited from our Earthly Immortal Dao.

There are many techniques included in the Book of Ten Thousand Beasts, which were created by the ancestors of the human race by imitating the cultivation methods of the demon tribe, including the cultivation methods that imitate the birds. "

"The black eagle visualization picture I showed you before is from the flying spell in the Book of Beasts - "The Black Eagle Wind Control Technique".

As long as you can comprehend the charm of the Black Eagle and practice the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique, you can fly. "

“However, it is still a bit difficult for Qi Sea Realm monks to practice this kind of direct flying spell.

Even if you learn this spell, you are just walking on the wind.

If there is wind to help, it can fly ten or twenty miles in the air, and its speed can even exceed the speed of flying weapons.

Without the help of wind, it can only fly more than a hundred feet at most, and the speed is very slow.

It's more like gliding than flying. "

“When you wait for the Qi Condensation state, you can condense Yuan Gang.

You can use Yuan Gang to transform into two wings, and your flying ability will be as good as flying with a royal weapon.

Only then can the power of the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique be truly unleashed. "

Although the Qi Sea Realm monks were somewhat reluctant to use the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique, Liu Yuanchen still wanted to practice it.

"This disciple is willing to practice the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

Also, as for the flying weapon, can a disciple learn both? "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "As long as it doesn't affect your practice, there's no problem in learning both.

It's just a magic weapon that can fly. You can't just take a magical weapon and fly.

If you want your weapon to fly, you must first cultivate the prototype of the magic weapon.

When you want to control the weapon to fly, you should integrate the power of the prototype of the magic weapon into the magic weapon you are controlling.

Refining magic weapons requires collecting a lot of special materials, which cannot be accomplished overnight. "

“In the process of refining the magic weapon, a lot of energy and energy will be consumed.

Especially for Earth Immortal Dao monks, when they open up the spiritual realm in the future, they will also need to cultivate a suppressive magic weapon, which will consume even more money. "

After that, he took out two animal skin books.

"This is the introductory knowledge of the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique and the ritual refining of magic weapons. If you don't understand anything, feel free to ask me."

Liu Yuanchen took the animal skin book and bowed: "Thank you, Master."

Afterwards, he returned to the bedroom again and began to comprehend the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

In order to enhance the power of his spiritual consciousness, Liu Yuanchen spent a full year studying the Black Eagle Visualization Diagram.

The charm of Xuan Ying has already been deeply engraved in my mind.

At this time, after understanding the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique, there is naturally no pressure.

Especially this Black Eagle Wind Control Technique, there are only two difficulties.

The first is to comprehend the mysterious charm of the Black Eagle, which has been completed a long time ago.

The second is to learn to use the power of wind. Although the Wind Control Dun that I practiced before is very superficial, it can definitely play a role in laying the foundation.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it becomes easier once you have the foundation.

After reading the entire spell from beginning to end, Liu Yuanchen was confident that he could use the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

Afterwards, he read the introductory knowledge of sacrificial magic weapon again.

After writing down the contents, return the two animal skin books to Zhao Hong.

"Master, this disciple has memorized the contents of both books.

The disciples had not returned home for several years due to successive wars.

Now that the disciple has broken through the Qi Sea Realm, he must have some treasures with him, and no one would dare to take action.

The disciple wanted to go out for a trip and then go home to visit his parents. "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "Your temperament is really a bit like mine. You don't like to stay in one place all the time and always want to travel around.

That’s fine, if you go out more, you can see more things.

I have no choice but to be tied down by Tieshan. If I want to get out, I'm afraid I have to wait until Tieshan breaks through the Qi Sea Realm. "Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Junior Brother Tieshan's talent is so strong that the disciples have never seen or heard of it.

Presumably it won't take long to break through the Qi Sea Realm. "

Zhao Hong nodded: "I hope so. Although you have good talent, your foundation is also very solid.

In terms of strength, there should be very few monks in the early stages of the Qi Sea Realm who can beat you.

Even if you are a monk in the middle stage of the Qi Sea Realm, you can fight against them.

However, you have no experience fighting against Qi Sea Realm monks.

You should still be careful when encountering Qi Sea Realm monks. "

"The method of Cang Yuan Penetrating the Forest Kung Fu is still very powerful in the Qi Sea Realm. If you can't defeat your opponent, you can use the Wind and Thunder Stick to sneak attack."

Liu Yuanchen said yes, then said goodbye and left.

He did not leave the mountain gate directly, but went to the elixir hall and standing hall to report.

When rewards were given based on merit, he enjoyed the treatment of an elder of the sect.

But you need to wait until you break through the Qi Sea realm before you can officially become an elder and concurrently serve as the manager of the elixir hall.

Now that he has broken through the Qi Sea Realm, the position of manager of the Pill Hall needs to be approved by the head of the Pill Hall.

The identity of the idle elder needs to be approved by the great elder.

It didn’t take much effort to go through the formalities at these two places.

After all, now the entire sect wants to embrace Bahuang Pavilion's lap, so naturally no one dares to make things difficult for him.

After completing various formalities, he also received the standard robe of an elder of the Qingdan Sect.

Although it looks no different from the Taoist robes worn by ordinary disciples, it is actually a second-level high-grade defensive magic weapon.

In addition, there is a gold seal.

The seal itself is a second-level low-grade magic weapon, but it has no special function. It is just a symbol of the elder's identity and power.

Afterwards, Liu Yuanchen left the mountain gate and headed east.

Along the way, he did not directly control the flying boat, but moved forward on two legs.

The main reason is to take this opportunity to practice the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

When I walked out of the Qingdan Sect gate, a breeze blew by.

Liu Yuanchen used the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique and walked on the wind.

It flew more than 20 feet in the air and fell down helplessly.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed to be able to reach this level.

This time, he came out not empty-handed, but with a lot of things.

The Xuanhuang Stone that was previously obtained from the treasure house of Finance Hall, as well as the Xuanhuang Stone and Kongming Stone that were exchanged for the Wujin Stone from the Master.

After that, he went to the Finance Hall and bought some black yellow stones that were contaminated by the black mist.

As for the Kongming Stone, which weighed more than 800 kilograms, he left it in the cave.

The Kongming Stone, which is about to grow to the seventh level, is really a waste of resources now.

This time I returned to the mountain gate and collected so many black and yellow stones, which was enough for the spiritual realm to grow into a blessed place.

Let’s wait for the large piece of Kongming Stone to be used later when the blessed land grows into a cave.

In addition, there are alchemy furnaces, magical instruments and other fragments, which weigh nearly two thousand kilograms.

If he hadn't broken through the Qi Sea Realm and carried so many things with him, it would have been difficult to even walk, let alone riding the wind.

Along the way, he continued to use the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique. Although he didn't really fly, his speed became faster and faster.

From Shanmen to Yujin Mountain, the distance between the two places was more than 500 miles, and it only took about three hours to carry the load.

Afterwards, he wandered around Qingshi Mountain until nightfall, when he used the cover of black mist to head to Qingshi Mountain.

Now that he has broken through the Qi Sea Realm, the distance at which he can sense the vitality of vegetation has increased dramatically, directly reaching two hundred feet.

He sensed the changes in the ears and eyes spirit plant after the breakthrough, and found that the detection distance of the ears and eyes spirit plant itself had also reached two hundred feet.

At the same time, the distance between the ears, eyes, and spiritual plants for transmitting messages reached twenty miles.

As a result, the number of eyes and ears that need to be cultivated to establish an intelligence network in the future has been greatly reduced.

Since I left the mountain gate last time to receive a reward, I stayed at the mountain gate and spent more than half a year cultivating to the peak of Qi cultivation.

After that, it took another year to settle down, plus the breakthrough time, it has been nearly two years since I returned to the spiritual realm.

As soon as he entered the spiritual realm, he was shocked again by the changes in the spiritual realm.

In the past two years, the scope of the main body of the spiritual realm has not grown much, that is, the diameter has grown from eight feet to ten feet.

What really changed the most was the single horn that stretched out due south in the spiritual realm.

At this time, the horn has grown to 25 feet long and more than [-] feet in diameter.

If it continues to grow like this, the entire spiritual realm will grow into a semi-cylindrical shape sooner or later.

Xiaoyu is also very diligent. He has planted various spiritual plants on the newly added large areas of land.

The black yellow stone had completely disappeared at this time.

A piece of Xuanhuang stone weighing ten kilograms can make the entire spiritual realm grow to this point.

Now that I have a large amount of Xuanhuang Stone in my hand, it is completely enough to fuse five spiritual hubs in the spiritual realm.

Now, the length of the horn is 25 feet, plus the radius of the main body of the spiritual realm, it will be [-] feet long.

The distance between the spiritual hub in the spiritual realm and the second spiritual hub is about forty feet.

In other words, the single horn only needs to be extended by about five feet to integrate the second spiritual hub.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

After working hard for so long, I finally see hope.

He looked back at the ginseng fruit sapling beside him. This guy was growing fast and was now more than three feet tall.

However, the brilliance has not changed significantly.

The clear water peach tree has blossomed and bear fruit.

Unfortunately, it came at the wrong time. The peach blossoms had faded, leaving only peaches the size of soybeans.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the amount of mana he was feeding back. He was in the spiritual realm and the mana he was feeding back in a hundred breaths of time had exceeded four low-grade spiritual stones.

If you are fighting with someone near Qingshi Mountain, you probably don't need to consider the issue of mana consumption at all. Spells that consume a lot can be thrown away casually.

He took out a piece of black yellow stone contaminated by black mist from his storage bag, controlled it with his spiritual consciousness, and threw it to the top of the horn.

As soon as the black yellow stone came into contact with the space barrier, it was firmly stuck to it.

Afterwards, a large amount of black and yellow energy escaped, and Dujiao began to expand again.

Turning around, he looked at Xiaoyu who was meditating next to the sapling.

At this time, his cultivation was still at the peak of the first level. Although his aura was much stronger than two years ago, he had not made a breakthrough.

Next to him, there is an eagle.

At this time, the little eagle has grown to the size of a rooster, and its whole body is covered with black feathers.

Between the feathers, there was a faint flash of gray light.

This guy's aura is comparable to Xiaoyu, and he has reached the peak of the spirit-swallowing realm.

Its posture almost made Liu Yuanchen laugh out loud.

At this time, the little eagle did not lie down like ordinary birds, but sat cross-legged like Xiaoyu.

Because of its body structure, it rests on the ground with its tail, interlocks its two paws, and holds its two wings against its chest.

This look of serious cultivation makes people laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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