Chapter 75 Mainline’s Promise

His own son has become successful, Liu Qingyun, as a father, is naturally very proud.

Especially now that his son has broken through the Qi Sea Realm, becoming the first member of Liu Jiayuan's generation to break through the Qi Sea Realm.

The father and son walked towards their small courtyard, chatting along the way, and soon arrived near the small courtyard.

In the mud ditch next to the small courtyard, two four or five-year-old boys were wrestling.

Seeing this, Liu Qingyun stepped forward, picked up one of the little boys, and slapped him twice on the buttocks.

"I asked you to practice martial arts well, and you ran out to play again."

After being slapped twice on the buttocks, the little guy not only didn’t cry, he even smiled and shouted, “Grandpa.”

Liu Yuanchen looked at the little boy who had turned into a mud monkey. He grabbed it and condensed a small water ball to wash away the mud on his body.

Arouse the wind of spiritual energy to dry his clothes.

He looked carefully: "Is this my eldest nephew? He looks really like my eldest brother."

Liu Qingyun chuckled: "He is your eldest brother's son, his name is Huzi.

This little guy is much cuter than you and Yuan Fu were when they were young. They asked him to practice more boxing and kicking, but he just wouldn't listen.

He ran away from home whenever he had the chance, and your mother couldn't stand him.

When Yuan Fu comes back, he will be beaten. "

Huzi stared at Liu Yuanchen for a long time with his round eyes: "Why do you look so similar to my father?"

Liu Yuanchen pinched his chubby little face: "I am your second uncle, and I am a biological brother to your father. How can I not be different?"

Huzi nodded as if he had some understanding: "You are my father's brother, just like Alan and I."

Liu Qingyun smiled and said: "Alan is your eldest brother's daughter, she is only over two years old now.

Alan is much better behaved than Huzi. He either follows your sister-in-law or your mother and never runs around.

Unlike Huzi, he has never been honest since he could walk. "

After that, he sighed and walked towards the small courtyard with Hu Zi in his arms.

Before Liu Yuanchen entered the door, a strong scolding voice rang out: "Huzi, you sneaked out again.

If you don't practice martial arts well, what will you be able to do when you grow up? "

Hu Zi was still dissatisfied: "Dad, I heard that you practiced martial arts very hard when you were a child, but you still have no future."

Huzi and Liu Yuanfu had a quarrel, and naturally suffered another disaster on their buttocks.

Then, a scream came.

Listening to this voice, Liu Yuanchen remembered the beatings he had received as a child.

When he walked into the small courtyard and saw Huzi crying with his mouth wide open, he felt so happy in his heart.

Seeing him come in, the anger on Liu Yuanfu's face suddenly turned into joy.

"Second brother, you are back."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I have wanted to come back for a long time, but I have been fighting before and there are many people staring at me.

I was afraid that my enemies would cause trouble for me and bring trouble to you, so I never dared to come back.

After the war, I won many rewards, and everyone knew that I had good things in my hands.

If you come out rashly, you will probably be surrounded by casual cultivators who are not afraid of death.

Therefore, I waited until I broke through the Qi Sea Realm before I dared to leave the mountain gate. "

Liu Yuanfu's eyes lit up: "I heard you broke through the Qi Sea realm a few days ago, and I always thought it was someone else joking.

You are only 23 years old, how could you have broken through the Qi Sea Realm so early?I didn't expect this to be true. "

"I heard that monks in the Qi Sea Realm can live for 240 years. You are only in your 20s now, and you still have more than 200 years of life. I am afraid that you will be able to meet ten generations of my descendants in the future.

When the time comes, you can’t say anything bad about me, your eldest brother. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, brother, I will help you discipline them when the time comes."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman walked out of the main room, holding a pink little girl in her arms.

Liu Yuanchen hurriedly greeted her: "Mom, I'm back."

This middle-aged woman was Zhang Ling. He looked at Liu Yuanchen carefully: "She has grown taller and lost weight.

You are alone outside, and you have to eat enough without your mother's instructions. "

Liu Yuanchen practiced hard and became much stronger than before.

It's just that in the eyes of mothers, if their children are away for a while, they will feel thinner.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm an alchemist now. I've earned a lot of spiritual stones. I can eat whatever I want."

After that, he took out a storage bag and said, "This is the hundreds of kilograms of spiritual grain I have saved. If you eat more, you can also keep fit."

Liu Qingyun waved his hands repeatedly: "It doesn't matter whether we eat Linggu or not.

Now is the time for you to improve your cultivation. You cannot delay your cultivation for us. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, I have also opened up dozens of acres of spiritual fields around the cave. My junior brother usually takes care of them, and the spiritual grains produced are endless.

Even if you don’t need this thing, don’t you still have Huzi and Alan?
If they eat more spiritual grains since childhood, they will have a greater chance of awakening the immortal seed in the future. "

Hearing that the future of his grandchildren was at stake, Liu Qingyun had no choice but to take the storage bag.

Liu Yuanchen took out the two ceramic flowerpots again, with two wild ginseng plants growing in them.

"This is the wild ginseng I bought from Qinghe Town before, and it has become a spiritual plant.

This wild ginseng has mild medicinal properties and can be eaten by ordinary people.

Mom, you have worked hard for many years and your health has not been good, so you use this thing to replenish your health. "

Zhang Ling shook her head repeatedly: "Why do you like to spend money so much? I heard from your father that monks are short of cultivation resources.

If you have spiritual stones, it would be better to buy more elixirs to cultivate than buying this one. "

Liu Yuanchen had no choice but to persuade him: "Mom, don't worry, I'm an alchemist now, and I can earn hundreds of spiritual stones casually.

One piece of this wild ginseng can be eaten as a meal every day. "

After all the hard talk, Zhang Ling accepted the wild ginseng.

At this time, Alan, who had been staying in grandma's arms, stared at Liu Yuanchen with curiosity, but he did not dare to speak.

Looking at his cute little niece, Liu Yuanchen took out a Bigu Pill and placed it in front of her.

"Little Alan, I'll give you something delicious."

Alan wanted to reach out and get it, but he was still a little scared.

Liu Yuanfu smiled and said: "Don't be afraid Alan, this is your second uncle."

After hearing his father's words, Alan dared to reach out and take the Bigu Pill and put it into his mouth.

Tasting the taste of Bigu Dan, the little guy suddenly laughed and said, "It's so delicious."

Seeing that his sister had something to eat, Huzi also came over and said, "Second uncle, I want to eat too."

This little guy was really not afraid of people. Liu Yuanchen took out another Bigu Pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Since he never saw his sister-in-law, Liu Yuanchen asked, "Is my sister-in-law still working outside?"

Liu Yuanfu smiled honestly: "Your sister-in-law went to help at a neighbor's house. The one on the far east side wants a wife. Your sister-in-law went over to help with some needlework and will be back in the morning."

Liu Qingyun also continued: "Since the evil cultivators attacked the Chen family three years ago, you Yuanfu and the others no longer have to work.

The family will also distribute spiritual stones to them every month according to the treatment of the monks, even Huzi and Alan have a share. "

Zhang Ling said with a smile: "Your sister-in-law is really a hard-working person. With her help in the past few years, my work has become much easier. Now I just look after my grandchildren and help them wash and clean them."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, it seemed that the family still had some discernment.

Knowing that they have a good backer, it is indeed a bit difficult for them to curry favor with them.

The best way is to take good care of your family and always leave a trace of love.

Not long after, a young woman walked in from the door. It was Liu Yuzhen, the sister-in-law.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen, Liu Yuzhen also said hello quickly: "It's my second brother who is back. There has been so much chaos outside in the past few years. My parents and Yuan Fu have been worried about you."

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "Sister-in-law, you have been responsible for taking care of your parents these years."

Seeing him like this, Liu Yuzhen waved her hands quickly: "As a daughter-in-law, I should take care of my parents-in-law, so I can't thank you for that.

You have come all the way back from the Qingdan Sect, so you probably haven't eaten yet. I will cook for you right now. "

Before she could finish cooking, several tribesmen came to the door of the small courtyard.

The leader is Liu Qingming, the eldest elder of the family.

Behind him, there were two young family members, both carrying gifts in their hands.

When he arrived at the door of the small courtyard, he even knocked on the door: "Is third brother at home? I'm Qing Ming."

When Liu Qingyun heard that the Great Elder was coming, he quickly opened the courtyard door: "First Elder, if you have any questions, just give me an order. There is no need for you to come here in person."

Liu Qingming smiled and said, "Didn't you hear that nephew Yuan Chen is back? I came here to have a look.

Our Liu family has another Qi Sea Realm monk, and he broke through in his 20s.

In a few decades, our Liu family will have another Condensing Yuan Realm monk. "

Liu Yuanchen also came over: "Great Elder, why are you coming here in person?"

Liu Qingming had a smile on his face: "That's right. Your father is my third brother. It's not right for a younger brother to visit his elder brother."

After that, he led the two young men into the courtyard.

Liu Qingyun stopped the two juniors: "Elder, what are you doing? What else do you need to bring when you come here?"

Liu Qingming pulled him aside: "You don't understand this, Third Brother. Even in the Qingdan Sect, if a disciple can break through the Qi Sea Realm before the age of 30, his fellow disciples will celebrate.

Deputy Hall Master Zhao is an expert outside the world, so naturally he won't care about this.

Our Liu family has been established for nearly a thousand years, and over the years, we have never cultivated a Condensing Yuan Realm monk.

Yuan Chen's wise nephew can break through the Qi Sea Realm before the age of 30, and he has a master like Deputy Hall Master Zhao as his disciple. He will definitely be able to break through the Condensing Yuan Realm in the future.

We can't control the Qingdan Sect, but within our family, we can't neglect it. "

The two young tribesmen placed the gifts in the main room and left.

Liu Qingyun and Liu Qingming entered the main house, followed closely by Liu Yuanchen.

The two old brothers chatted for a while, and then Liu Qingming sighed: "The Supreme Elder has gone through this battle, and now his life is short, and it has only been a few years since he passed away.

Yuan Si broke his arm in the war, and now he is very decadent.

Once the state of mind is broken, it is difficult to have a future.

Among the younger generations of the family, except for Yuan Chen, there is no one who stands out.

It's a pity that Yuan Chen has already joined the Qingdan Sect, and none of the younger members of the family can take the lead. "

"Yuan Chen, the family has not given you any help in the early years. I know that you have resentment towards the family in your heart.

This time the Blood Bat Cult attacks the Chen family, our Liu family's survival depends entirely on your identity.

The whole clan owes you their life.

Now, we don’t have the shame to ask you for anything.

I just hope that when the family becomes unsustainable in the future, you can keep the family going for the sake of being from the same family. "

“The people in our lineage are incompetent. We spent a lot of money to train Yuan Si, but our family ended up in this situation.

In the future, if Yuan Fu's descendants can awaken the immortal seed, they will also be the main line of the family.

As long as someone among you and Yuan Fu's descendants can break through the Qi Sea Realm, the next head of the family will be theirs. "

Hearing this, Liu Qingyun was extremely surprised.

The people in the main line have always held the important position of the family tightly in their hands, but this time they are actually willing to give up the position of the head of the family.

It's just that he has never been good at words, and he didn't know what to say at this time.

Liu Yuanchen was not surprised, but he sighed inwardly. Although the people in Zhumai didn't have much ability, they still had poisonous eyes.

There is certainly a reason why he became an elder when he made the promise this time.

But if it were just that, they would at most list their eldest brother's descendants as the main lineage children, but would not promise the position of the head of the family.

After this battle, many people saw that the Red Wasteland was about to change, and even the elders of the Qingdan Sect began to hug each other.

The Liu family is a small family, and its information channels are naturally far inferior to those of the elders.

But the great elder and the others accurately judged that it was time to hug their thighs.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "I will not just stay in Qingdan Sect as an elder in the future. If the family wants to use my name to take a further step, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

However, with the name of our master, no one dares to destroy the Liu family as long as we don't provoke other forces. "

After hearing this, Liu Qingming was overjoyed.

In any case, the family is finally no longer in danger of destruction.

He hurriedly patted his chest and assured: "Although my family can't help you much now, as long as you are in need, my family will dig deep into the family to help you."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Speaking of which, I really want to ask for something from the family."

Hearing this, Liu Qingming smiled all over his face: "If you need anything, just say it. No matter how much it costs, the family will definitely do it."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I heard that the silver-scaled fish raised by my family is quite famous. I want to bring a few species of fish back to the cave to raise them."

Upon hearing this, Liu Qingming patted his chest and promised: "I will catch it for you myself. Not to mention a few species of fish, it is a piece of cake to catch all the fish in Dongyang Lake."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "That's not necessary, I just raise a few fish for fun."

Sister-in-law Liu Yuzhen is very smart at work and prepared the meals in a short time.

Liu Qingming also had no intention of staying for dinner: "I still have a lot of things to deal with. If I delay, I'm afraid it will cause a big mess."

No matter how Liu Qingyun tried to persuade him to stay, he insisted on leaving.

Not long after Liu Qingming left, Liu Yuanfu and Liu Yuzhen brought the food.

Although they are all farm-style, there are still about ten dishes.

Liu Yuanchen hadn't eaten at home for a long time, and he ate very happily.

On the other hand, the two little guys, Huzi and Alan, were drooling looking at the table full of food, but they couldn't eat any of it.

A single Bigu Pill can prevent a monk from eating for a whole day.

What's more, the two of them are just little kids.

After the meal, Liu Yuanchen opened the gift boxes sent by the elder one by one.

In the gift box, most of them are nourishing elixirs that can be used by mortals and low-level monks.

In addition, there is a pair of gray boots that exude wind-attributed mana fluctuations.

"The family really spent a lot of money on it. It's actually a second-level mid-grade magic weapon, and it's wind-attributed."

(End of this chapter)

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