Chapter 77 Shen Ting intervenes
Judging from Wan Yutang's words, this noble treatment seems to be very important.

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused: "Is the treatment of a small nobleman so important?"

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "When you have the opportunity to travel and walk around the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty, you will know how important noble treatment is.

The current Great Xia Dynasty is based on nobles.

Those nobles with fiefdoms were the real emperors within their fiefdoms.

As long as they don't collude with the Pantheon Cult and the Monster Clan or attempt to rebel, almost no one can touch them.

Of course, you can't offend the Demon Suppression Temple, otherwise everything will turn into trouble.

In addition, most of the officials at all levels in the Great Xia Dynasty were held by nobles.

Only nobles and people with meritorious service can hold the position of chief official.

More important official positions can only be held by nobles.

Even if they die, the great nobles can find a job in the Divine Court without having to suffer the pain of reincarnation. "

"The ancestors of the great nobles all made great contributions in resisting the invasion of monsters and were very powerful.

As for those top nobles, their ancestors participated in the establishment of the Divine Court, and their status was even more transcendent.

As for the minor nobles, most of them have the blood of the major nobles, are either distant branches of the clan, or are relatives.

It is difficult for a monk born as a commoner to obtain noble status, even if he is extremely powerful and has made great contributions. "

“Now there are only two ways to obtain noble status.

One is to 'offer land', just like Qingdan Sect and Tieding Mountain, bringing their own territory to the Great Xia Dynasty.

All senior members of the two sects will receive noble status.

However, this noble status is not based on blood, but is linked to position.

Whoever is the leader of the clan will have the title of doctor.

Even the eldest son of the sect leader will automatically lose his noble status if he fails to become a senior member of Qingdan Sect in the future. "

Although Liu Yuanchen had heard something about the Great Xia Dynasty, he didn't know much about its system.

I only know that the power structure of the Great Xia Dynasty was mainly based on feudal princes, with counties and counties as auxiliary.

"What's another way to become a noble?"

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "This path is prepared for heroes born from common people, and that is to marry a noble.

For example, in the Luochuan Kingdom, which is adjacent to the Red Wasteland, the famous Luochuan general Zhao Hanjiang was born as a commoner, and he made great achievements in fighting against the demon clan.

Later, he married the niece of King Luochuan, thus gaining noble status.

And by virtue of his military exploits, he became the minister of thousands of households in the city, which had already crossed the threshold of a great noble.

However, his title and noble status can only be inherited by his descendants and the niece of King Luochuan.

If he marries a concubine who is not from a noble family, that concubine's son will not be eligible to become a noble.

A concubine can become a noble unless his concubine also has noble ancestors. "

Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized: "It seems that the status of the nobles of the Great Xia Dynasty is really high enough.

Only those with noble blood can become hereditary nobles. "

Wan Yutang nodded: "That's it, the senior officials of Qingdan Sect can all obtain noble status.

Although this nobility may not necessarily be passed on to one's own son, it is another form of hereditary inheritance.

Moreover, with this noble status, it will be much easier to marry those bloodline nobles in the future. "

"With your talent and status, Junior Brother Liu, it is not a problem for you to marry King Luochuan's biological daughter.

When nobles intermarry, the natal family will usually have concubines as a dowry, and these concubines are also members of the head wife's clan.

Whether they are children born to the head wife or concubines, they are all nobles.

Junior Brother Liu can be accepted as a disciple by Uncle Zhao, so he must be extremely strong physically.

Let King Luochuan accompany him with a few more concubines and give birth to ten or eight sons.

In three or five generations, a great aristocratic family was built.

King Luochuan is from the royal family of Great Xia. When the time comes, you will be a relative of the emperor. "

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is indeed a businessman, and this nonsense is really not a joke.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "I'm just curious to ask, don't talk about whether there is something or not.

I want to know, who governs these three counties? "

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "It hasn't been decided yet, after all, this is just the beginning of preparations.

Next, we need to clarify the population and resources.

Then, based on the population and resources, official ranks and titles are assigned to each force.

The Great Xia Dynasty had to send officials and troops to the area, and the Divine Court also needed to send gods to stay everywhere.

In addition, the journey is far away. If it doesn't take three to five years, I'm afraid it won't stop.

It would be difficult for a rising star in the Tianxing Division like Senior Brother Lu to get ahead without noble status.

There are no old nobles controlling the Red Wasteland, so there are more opportunities.

I came here just to get a good job. "

“Some bureaucrats at all levels in the three counties must be transferred from outside.

Of course, local people must also appoint a group of people.

The governor of Qingdan County is most likely Uncle Zhao, your master.

The governor of Tieding County is probably from Qianji City. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little confused.

How can his master still be the head of a county with his unattractive appearance?
Seeing that he was a little confused, Wan Yutang smiled and said: "You may not know much about Master Zhao.

Uncle Zhao served as General Jianwu on the border against the demon clan.

Although he is just a general, he has thousands of elites under his command.

Based on his achievements, if he is willing to accept the reward, he will not be able to escape the title of Shangqing.

It is a pity that the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion are working under Shenting and are only willing to hold temporary official positions and do not accept titles. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew the reason. Once he accepted the title, he would truly become a subordinate of the Divine Court, and it would be difficult to be free in the future.

"I really didn't know that Master had such wonderful experiences. It seems that I really want to go outside for a walk in the future."

Wan Yutang said quite generously: "If Junior Brother Liu wants to travel outside, just contact the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

As long as you take out the Bahuang Pavilion token, any Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store will fully support you. "

“You are both a native of Chihuang Plain and a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion.

As long as you have this intention, you can serve as the magistrate of Qinghe County.

When your cultivation level is high, becoming a county guard will not be a problem. "

“All the land in the Qingshui River Basin should be placed under the jurisdiction of Qinghe County.

When the time comes, won’t you have any grievances or grievances to avenge? "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I don't have that leisure. There are about ten families in the Qingshui River Basin, and there must be hundreds of monks.

In addition, the Divine Court attaches great importance to mortals, and the total number of mortals in each family is at least hundreds of thousands.

With so many things to worry about, how can you still think about cultivation? "

Hearing this, Wan Yutang couldn't help laughing: "The temperaments of the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion are really the same. They all don't like to manage secular affairs and focus on cultivation."

Liu Yuanchen also asked again: "The governors of the two counties are not from Shenting. So, won't Shenting suffer a loss?"

Wan Yutang shook his head slightly: "Junior Brother Liu, you still know too little about the Great Xia Dynasty.

The bureaucratic configuration of a county is not as simple as just one county governor.

In addition to the county governor, there are also county magistrates who are in charge of the daily affairs of the county.The county magistrate can intervene in matters such as taxation, official evaluation, and trial cases.

There will also be county soldiers in the county, which are used to defend against foreign enemies and maintain public order, and are in charge of the county captain.

In addition, there are county censors who are responsible for supervising officials.

Behind the scenes, there are people from the Demon Suppression Temple watching.

Once these officials confront the county governor, they can completely sideline the county governor.

As long as these people are from the Divine Court, even if the county guard wants to cause trouble, he won't be able to cause any big trouble. "

"The territory over the Demon Cloud Sea is no worse than here. Doesn't the Great Xia Dynasty have any ideas?"

Wan Yutang nodded: "Of course I have the idea, but Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty don't have such a big appetite.

Although the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds is a vast and fertile land, there is the All-god Sect mingling there.

With the power of the Great Xia Dynasty and Shenting in the Red Wasteland, it would be very difficult to conquer the Demonic Cloud Sea.

Rather than taking this risk, it is better to run the three counties well first. "

"In terms of their ability to govern the place, those evil cultivators are naturally no match for the Great Xia Dynasty and the Divine Court.

After operating for decades or hundreds of years, the three counties will greatly increase in strength.

When the time comes, only relying on the strength of the three counties will be able to defeat the Demonic Cloud Sea. "

“The Great Xia Divine Dynasty manages the Red Wasteland just to increase its territory and expand its strength.

Occupying a large amount of territory in a short period of time, Shenting did not have enough resources to invest in it.

Instead of doing this, it is better to eat a small piece first, and then eat another piece after digestion.

The Red Wasteland has a radius of millions of miles, and it cannot be eaten in a day or two. This is a long-term plan, and it cannot be rushed. "

Liu Yuanchen did not talk about the grand strategy in the Red Wasteland anymore: "I came here this time to buy some second-level elixirs.

Qinghe Town is about to become Qinghe County, so you should have more goods here. "

Wan Yutang chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, let alone the second-level elixir, I can also get some of the third-level elixir.

When Qinghe County is established, it will not be difficult to buy fourth-level elixirs here. "

"Uncle Du, take Junior Brother Liu to see the second-level elixir."

Shopkeeper Du quickly ran up and said, "Mr. Liu, please come with me."

Liu Yuanchen followed Shopkeeper Du to the elixir warehouse on the second floor. This was not his first time here.

However, in order not to reveal his purpose, he did not directly ask about the metallic spirit plant.

He said directly: "First come thirty portions of the elixir for refining the Jade Muscle Pill."

Jade Muscle Pill is a second-level healing elixir, and its refining difficulty is considered to be very low among second-level elixirs.

I have been busy improving my cultivation before and have never tried to refine the second-level elixir.

Now that he has broken through the Qi Sea Realm, it is time to learn to refine second-level elixirs as soon as possible.

The dignified Qi Sea Realm monk of Bahuang Pavilion can't even refine second-level elixirs, so it would be a bit embarrassing to spread the news.

Shopkeeper Du is also extremely capable and seems to know all the recipes for common elixirs.

After Liu Yuanchen spoke, he was like a gust of wind, shuttling back and forth between the medicine cabinets.

In less than a hundred breaths, he grabbed all thirty jade muscle pills and put them in a storage bag.

"Mr. Liu, all the elixirs you want are here.

The elixir from my Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is guaranteed to be of sufficient age and will never be defective. "

Liu Yuanchen took the storage bag and said, "Shopkeeper Du's medicine-grabbing skills are also quite extraordinary."

Shopkeeper Du chuckled lightly: "To make Mr. Liu laugh, I have been working in the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store since I started practicing.

Roughly speaking, it is nearly a hundred years old.

After years of accumulation, I know a thing or two about common elixir recipes. "

Liu Yuanchen has now broken through the Qi Sea realm, and his spiritual consciousness has also been greatly improved.

We can also get a glimpse of Shopkeeper Du's cultivation.

His aura is strong, at least at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm.

After cultivating to the peak of the Qi Sea Realm at the age of a hundred or so, he has a great chance of breaking through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, but he can only work as a shopkeeper in a small shop like Qinghe Town.

It can be seen that Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has high requirements for the talents of its disciples.

"Shopkeeper Du, I also want some spiritual plants suitable for fighting, preferably ones with metal and fire attributes. Do you have any in this store?"

Shopkeeper Du thought for a while and said: "The store has elixirs with five elements attributes, and the metal and fire attributes are no exception.

But spiritual plants suitable for fighting are relatively rare. "

"However, Mr. Liu, you have the inheritance of Qingdan Sect and Bahuang Pavilion. As long as you cultivate these ordinary spiritual plants, they may not be unable to be used in battle."

This was exactly what Liu Yuanchen wanted. The spiritual hubs he targeted were all in underground caves and were difficult to find.

Whether the spirit plant is suitable for fighting is actually not important.

However, there was still a hesitant look on his face.

After a long time, he finally said: "In that case, it's not impossible.

Take one of the five element spiritual plants, and I will try which one can cultivate a spiritual plant suitable for combat. "

Seeing that he relented, Shopkeeper Du also became busy.

Within a few breaths, he returned to Liu Yuanchen with several elixir seeds.

Then, he picked up two lotus seeds: "These are the lotus seeds of Water Moon Lotus. Mr. Liu is proficient in Shen Nong Technique, so I shouldn't need to introduce them."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "The pollen of Water Moon Lotus has a strong psychedelic effect and is an excellent material for refining ecstasy.

In this way, this Water Moon Lotus can barely be regarded as a combat spiritual plant.

This thing is quite rare in the red wasteland. I didn't expect to see it here. I want this lotus seed. "

Later, Shopkeeper Du took out a few more things that looked like rice grains, which exuded a sharp aura.

"This is the seed of Golden Leaf Bamboo."

Golden Leaf Bamboo is a second-order high-grade spiritual plant. After careful cultivation by the spiritual medicine master, it has the opportunity to grow into a third-order spiritual plant.

This golden leaf bamboo can be regarded as a spiritual plant with dual attributes of gold and wood. The bamboo pole is very strong and is very suitable for refining weapons.

Because it has the dual attributes of metal and wood, the refined magic weapon can also be used by monks with wood attributes.

Therefore, this golden-leaf bamboo is highly sought after by wood-attribute monks who lack attack methods.

The most important thing is that the leaves of golden leaf bamboo are also very strong and can even be used to refine disposable magic weapons such as darts.

Bamboo leaves growing from a bamboo pole can easily be sold for hundreds of spiritual stones.

Because of this, the price of golden leaf bamboo has always been high, and it is rarely sold.

"What a good thing. I want this golden leaf bamboo."

Shopkeeper Du continued to introduce the remaining spiritual plant seeds with a smile on his face.

The value of these spiritual plants is much smaller. The red flame grass with fire attribute, the yellow sand ginseng with earth attribute, and the green leaf orchid with wood attribute are all relatively rare elixirs.

The effect of the medicine is okay, but in terms of combat, it has no effect at all.

However, Liu Yuanchen also planned to enrich the types of elixirs in Ling territory.

The types of spiritual plants in the spiritual territory are too single, and the newly added land is still mainly planted with golden rice and yellow scale pine.

Both of these are first-order spiritual plants, especially the yellow scale pine, which is only a low-grade first-order spiritual plant.

No matter how bad the second-level elixir is, it is still much stronger than the first-level elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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