Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 95 Why don't you worship me as your teacher

Chapter 95 Why don't you worship me as your teacher
After covering Meng Tieshan's mouth, Liu Yuanchen quickly assured: "Master, don't worry, although the Feixian Sect's space methods are difficult to deal with, they are not impossible to deal with.

Master has said that the strongest is always the person, not the means. "

"Master also said that Master, you mainly focus on refining alchemy and rarely fight with others.

And that martial swordsman has experienced hundreds of battles, but he is still no match for you.

This is not a difference in inheritance, but that you, the master, are stronger than Wu Jianxian. "

Hearing this, Zhang Lingxu's face was full of pride: "Although your master's talent for alchemy is a bit lacking, his eyesight is still good."

"You two are very good. It is more than enough to join Bahuang Pavilion and become your direct disciple.

I'll send a message to your other uncles and ask them to come over.

Our lineage has a new generation of founding disciples, which is also a great joy and must be celebrated. "

Then, he looked at Liu Yuanchen again: "I heard that you are also a kind of immortal plant?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Returning to the master, the disciple is indeed a grass and tree immortal species, but the level is lower, and he is only a C-level middle-grade immortal species."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "We at Bahuang Pavilion are not Qi Tao monks, so we don't attach much importance to the rank of immortals.

The level of my immortal seed is not high, just a first-class and low-grade immortal seed.

But among my peers, few dare to fight against me. "

Liu Yuanchen also knew a little about the reputation of his master.

He is not only the King of Alchemy, but also a top master in using poison.

Coupled with his strong strength, anyone who dares to fight with him is simply taking the wrong medicine.

However, it is a bit hurtful that my master possesses a low-grade first-class immortal seed and claims that the level of the immortal seed is not high.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Master, are there many first-class immortal cultivators here?"

Zhang Lingxu shook his head: "Not many, only one in 5000 million mortals will be born with a first-class immortal species.

Even for people living in areas with strong spiritual energy, only one in 2000 to [-] million people can be born.

The probability of the heirs of monks appearing will be much higher.

The Great Xia Dynasty valued mortals and had many common people under its rule.

Let's just say that Zhennan County is already a border area, and its population is considered very sparse.

But even so, there are still more than 3000 million people.

This is just the number of people on the surface, plus those mortals living in the Paradise of Cave Heaven, there must be at least 7000 to [-] million people. "

"Here in Zhennan County, on average, one or two first-class immortal species can be produced every 20 years.

Anyuan County in the north has a relatively large population.

The apparent population is already hundreds of millions.

Every few years, one or two first-class immortal species will appear. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen understood.

No wonder the first-class immortal species in the Red Wasteland are just legends, their spiritual energy is thin, and their population is extremely small.

The Qingdan Sect used to be one of the three major forces, and it ruled a lot of people, but at full count, it only had less than 500 million people.

Zhennan County, which has a small population, has a population of tens of millions.

"Master, you said that there are not many born first-class immortals. Could it be that the immortals can be promoted to higher levels the day after tomorrow?"

Although Liu Yuanchen knew that immortal seeds could grow, it was extremely difficult to grow.

Not only does it require some secret techniques, but it also requires the assistance of precious spiritual objects.

Even so, it can only give some small enhancements to the Immortal Seed.

Resources are scarce in the Red Wasteland, and it is impossible to gather the necessary spiritual items.

In addition, when breaking through the great realm, there is also a slight possibility that the immortal seed will grow.

However, this possibility is extremely small, and it is completely a matter of luck.

As for improving the level, there is no such legend in the Red Wasteland.

Zhang Lingxu stroked his long beard and chuckled: "Of course you can, and the growth rate is not small.

These things are all researched by the academy system. In order to increase the upper limit of human race inheritance, there are many such studies in the academy system.

The level of your immortal seed is not high, so it’s not a big deal.

If you feel that it affects your cultivation speed, you can also upgrade your immortal seed level in the future.

For our Bahuang Pavilion, it is also a piece of cake. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't care if he was promoted to the level of Immortal.

Your own fairy seed is the projection of the ginseng fruit sapling. When the sapling grows, the fairy seed will also grow with it.

After such a long time, the Immortal Seed has grown from a one-inch sapling that has just sprouted to a tree over one foot tall, and its level should have improved a lot.

“There’s no need for it for the time being, my disciple’s cultivation speed is not bad.

Since you have joined the Bahuang Pavilion, you should major in Earth Immortal Dao.

If the fairy seed is worse, it won't have much impact. "

Zhang Lingxu nodded with satisfaction: "That's good if you think so. Your master was not so open-minded at the time.

He was obviously in good physical shape, but he still had a grudge against the immortal seed.

It took a lot of effort to upgrade the immortal seed to the first-class mid-level. "

"If I hadn't wasted too much time and laid a solid foundation while I was young, I wouldn't have been stuck in front of a big realm for decades like I am now."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen sighed secretly: "The master's requirements for his disciples are really strict. I really can't figure out the realm of my master.

But he was only slightly inferior in being able to fight against the martial swordsman. His level must not be much worse than that of the older generation of monks.

When one's cultivation reaches an extremely advanced level, it is normal to be stuck in front of a great realm for hundreds of years.

He had only been stuck for a few decades and was already disliked. "

Of course, he did not dare to refute his master's words.

Otherwise, you will be like Meng Tieshan, digging a hole for Master.

Zhang Lingxu continued: "You are a wood attribute fairy, and you are also very talented in alchemy.

Fortunately, I am free now, so I can take you with me and give you guidance for a few years. "

After that, he led the two of them to the backyard.

The backyard is larger than the front yard, covering an area of ​​more than an acre.

The courtyard is filled with all kinds of elixirs. As soon as you enter the backyard, you will be greeted by the fragrance of flowers.

Among the spiritual plants, there is actually a spiritual spring, and its grade is not low.

As for the level of the spiritual spring, Liu Yuanchen couldn't tell it at all based on his knowledge.

White mist emerged from the spring, and the entire backyard was shrouded in a layer of mist.

The water output from the spring is quite large, forming a pool about three feet in diameter.

Next to the pool, there is an ancient pine tree, and there are stone tables and chairs under the pine tree.

It can be seen that my master is also a person who knows how to enjoy.

The spring water flows out, forming a small stream in the courtyard, and finally flows out of the water channel under the east wall of the courtyard.

There are also many spiritual fish in the stream, but there seems to be something wrong with these fish, and they are all swimming on their backs at this time.

Zhang Lingxu sat down on a stone chair: "I heard that Yuan Chen, before you became an alchemist, you were also a spiritual medicine master?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, the disciple only started to learn alchemy when he was near the end of the year.

He had been a spiritual medicine master before and was responsible for taking care of the spiritual field. "

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "That's just right, I'm also proficient in Shen Nong Technique.

If an alchemist wants to refine high-level elixirs, he not only has extremely high requirements for alchemy skills, but also has a great impact on the environment.

As for the medicinal properties of the elixir, that is even more important.

It is convenient to buy elixirs from outside, but it is difficult to control the effectiveness of the medicines.

It is best to cultivate the elixir yourself, so that you can accurately control the effect of the medicine. “All the alchemy kings in the history of the human race are also proficient in the Shen Nong Technique.

Your master's alchemy talent is pretty good, but it's a pity that because he doesn't know the magic of agriculture, he has no chance of becoming an alchemy king in this life. "

Meng Tieshan looked at a few spirit fish with white bellies in the stream in front of him and asked curiously: "Master, what's wrong with the spirit fish here?"

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, my medicine garden not only grows elixirs, but also some poisonous spiritual plants.

The toxicity of the poisonous spiritual plants evaporated, and the courtyard was shrouded in water mist. The poison could not be dissipated, so it gathered in the courtyard.

With this poisonous mist around, you don't have to worry about insects harming the elixir.

Some of the poison is incorporated into the water, and these spirit fish are poisoned. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Lingxu's expression suddenly changed.

"I'm really stupid. I can withstand all kinds of toxicity, but you two don't have this ability.

In addition, your cultivation level is too low, and you may be poisoned. "

After saying that, he waved his robe sleeves gently, a breeze blew by, and the poisonous mist dissipated completely.

Meng Tieshan smiled and said: "Senior brother should be fine, he also has an anti-toxic constitution.

In the black mist of Wuyun Ridge, you can come and go freely.

I couldn't do it anymore. After staying in the dark mist for a while, I started to feel sleepy. "

Zhang Lingxu looked at Liu Yuanchen and asked, "Do you really have an anti-toxic constitution?"

Liu Yuanchen sighed secretly in his heart: "Master really understands junior brother. If he says a few more words, master will have to clean up the family.

I originally thought Master was exaggerating, but now I see that Master really understands him.

My junior brother is really a master at tricking his master. This time, his master is in doom. "

He didn't dare to lie at this time. His master was the Alchemy King, and his poison-resistant physique couldn't be hidden from him.

"Junior brother is right, I do have a poison-resistant constitution.

It's just not too strong. You'll still feel it if you're poisoned, but it's not life-threatening. "

"Hahaha..." Zhang Lingxu looked up to the sky and laughed, "I have been searching for the descendant for hundreds of years, and finally found it."

Meng Tieshan said: "Master, senior brother, he has become a disciple and is your disciple."

Liu Yuanchen wanted to cover his mouth, but he didn't have time.

My master was overjoyed at this moment. When he calmed down, there would be some room for change in this matter.

Now when he was happy, he poured cold water on him.

After searching for hundreds of years, the successor of the mantle was suddenly delivered to my door, and I was very happy.

Suddenly he was told that the heir to the mantle had been snatched away.

It is estimated that my master now has the intention to destroy the world.

Sure enough, as soon as Meng Tieshan finished speaking, the smile on Zhang Lingxu's face solidified instantly.

After a long time, the smile faded and turned into a scowl.

His breathing became heavier and heavier, as if he was trying to suppress his anger.

At this moment, Meng Tieshan asked: "Master, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Liu Yuanchen immediately stepped forward and covered his mouth tightly.

This kid is too honest and tells the truth blindly.

If he continues to talk like this, the master will definitely go to Qingdan County in person and kill his master on the spot.

Zhang Lingxu's eyes flashed fiercely, and his voice was extremely cold: "I'm very good, I shouldn't have accepted that evil obstacle in the first place.

Let him help me find good seedlings, and he will compete with me for disciples.

I must kill this evildoer. "

After that, he flicked his sleeves and walked out.

Liu Yuanchen quickly persuaded: "Master, it's really not my fault for this matter.

It was only after he accepted the disciple as his apprentice for a period of time that he discovered that the disciple had a poison-resistant constitution.

Before that, the disciples didn't know that they had poison resistance.

At that time, he was very worried about the trouble you would cause him, and then he devoted himself to cultivating disciples.

The disciple's previous alchemy skills were very average, and it was only under the guidance of his master that he reached his current level. "

Hearing this, the fierce light in Zhang Lingxu's eyes weakened slightly.

He looked at Liu Yuanchen and asked, "Yuanchen, why don't you worship me as your teacher."

Liu Yuanchen was stunned: "Master, my disciple has already become my master."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, the registered disciple can only be regarded as entering the gate of Bahuang Pavilion.

If you change the family and become a teacher, it will not be considered as deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors.

Besides, if I, the master, don’t agree, Zhao Hong will never accept you as his disciple. "

There are similar rules in the Red Wasteland. Registered disciples are similar to outer disciples of big forces.

Registered disciples who are not taken seriously are just like domestic slaves.

They say they are apprentices, but they are actually just looking for a backer.

If the master is killed, the named disciple has no right to inherit the mantle, and there is no need to avenge the master.

Changing the name of a disciple does not mean that he is deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors.

But I have never heard of a named disciple worshiping his master as his master.

This is not a change of family, this is a promotion in seniority.

Although Liu Yuanchen did not become a direct disciple, Zhao Hong had already taught him the favor.

"Master, this doesn't seem to be in line with the rules."

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "There are not many people in this world who dare to set rules for me, and they certainly don't include that bastard Zhao Hong."

Liu Yuanchen had no choice but to accept his master as his disciple, which was nice to say but not nice to hear.

"If word of this gets out, outsiders won't be able to say that this disciple deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors!"

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, Zhao Hong is my disciple. If I don't agree with him accepting a disciple, he can't accept him.

I'll call him over and ask him to expel you from the school, and then I'll accept you as my disciple. Isn't that okay?
If it doesn't work, I will expel Zhao Hong from the school.

By then, you will no longer be my disciple of Bahuang Pavilion.

It won't be a problem to switch to my Bahuang Pavilion sect again. "

"As for outsiders gossiping, I really don't know which force has the guts to chew on my tongue.

If anyone dares to talk about this to you in the future, just tell me and I will visit you personally. "

His master is a well-known poison master. When he goes to someone's home, it is not a visit, it is threatening the lives of the whole family.

I didn’t understand why Master was so afraid of Master before, but now I can see it.

Who wouldn't be afraid of ruthless people who will confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans if they don't agree with each other?
Liu Yuanchen really didn't have the courage to reject him directly.

If the sky falls, the taller man will carry it.

When you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you should throw it out and let capable people solve it.

"Master, this disciple cannot be the master of this matter."

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "I know you can't make the decision, but it doesn't matter, as long as you don't object, I will handle the rest."

After saying that, he took out a topaz token.

After injecting mana, he shouted at the token: "Ling Yu, you go to Qingdan County in Chihuang Wilderness.

Tell that traitor Zhao Hong that if he doesn't come over to see me within a month, he will no longer be my disciple.

You just stay there and help him take charge of Qingdan County. "

Liu Yuanchen sighed secretly in his heart: "Master, it's not that I don't try hard to get you, it's because the hole I dug is too deep and I can't do anything for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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