Chapter 10 Moved

At this time, the little guy was lying leisurely on the sofa, staring at the TV.

She looked fascinated and giggled from time to time.

This scene made many viewers in the live broadcast room suffer from red eyes.

"My childhood was carefree and I didn't have to worry about anything. It was really a project."

"Alas, my youth is gone forever."

"This is too comfortable. I can't stand it any longer. Please sign up for a class with Yueyue."

"There is a sickness upstairs!"


In the kitchen, Lin Feng showed off his power.

The method of making hand-shredded cabbage seems simple, but it is also very particular if you want to make it delicious.

Lin Feng certainly knew this.

After tearing the cabbage into small pieces of even size, start making the sauce.

A little bean paste, add appropriate amount of mature vinegar, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, and sugar.

Heat the oil over high heat and shake the wok constantly to heat it evenly.

After the oil is hot, add peppercorns, chopped green onion, and minced garlic last, otherwise it will be easy to stick to the pan.

Then start pouring in the torn cabbage and the prepared sauce, stir-fry for 2 minutes.

The soul of the whole dish is the diced mushrooms added at the end.

After adding a handful of diced shiitake mushrooms, the aroma instantly doubled.

After adding the diced mushrooms, continue to stir-fry.

Seeing Lin Feng's skillful spooning, the audience in the live broadcast room screamed again.

"Lin Feng is so handsome!"

"I'm going to write a script for MasterChef and ask Lin Feng to be the starring role."

"It looks so cool that it makes me cry out."

"The old man upstairs is not serious. Everyone appreciates cooking. You appreciate people, right?"

"This hand-shredded cabbage looks delicious at first glance. Can we take some other photos? I just finished eating and I'm hungry again watching Lin Feng cooking."

"This show is so delicious!"

In less than 5 minutes, a tempting hand-shredded cabbage is ready.

But looking at the appearance, it makes people salivate.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The cameraman on the side was even more exaggerated. Smelling the aroma of the vegetables, his unsatisfactory stomach growled.

After pouring the food onto a delicate small plate, Lin Feng took a few chopsticks and put it on the plate simply.

Very professional!

After a few minutes, the sweet and sour shredded potatoes come out of the pan.

Yueyue doesn't like eating vegetables, but she has a special liking for the shredded potatoes fried by Lin Feng. The little one can eat half of the plate every time.

At this moment, the scent of boiled potato shreds has drifted into the living room.

Yueyue smelled the fragrance and ran to the kitchen. When she saw the shredded potatoes on the counter, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wow, soy potato shreds, my favorite!"

Lin Feng glanced at her, this greedy little cat must be hungry.

"Yueyue, just wait a moment, the food will be ready soon."

"Yeah." Yueyue nodded, and then asked: "Dad, can I eat a piece of durian first to cushion my stomach?"

"No! You can't eat fruit before meals. Wait until the afternoon!"

The tone is beyond doubt.

Yueyue curled her lips in disappointment and secretly glanced at the durians on the dining table: "Okay then, listen to dad."

After speaking, she turned and walked away.

After a while, he came running over.

"Dad, can I ask my godmother to share the durian with me?"

Lin Feng turned around and said, "Your godmother has been busy these days and doesn't seem to have time to come over and stay with you."

"But she said yesterday that she would come over to play with me these two days. Does that mean she will come over the day after tomorrow?" "Um..." Lin Feng paused.

This kid is too serious. The two days promised are just a rough estimate, and it may not be exactly two days.

"I'll ask her after dinner later. I'm not sure about this either," Lin Feng replied.

"Why are you not sure? My godmother never lies to me, unlike my father!" Yueyue said calmly.

Lin Feng sighed: "I said not sure, just in case your godmother comes over early."

One sentence confused Yueyue.

"It would be great if that was the case."

A four-year-old child who hears the wind is like rain will never think so much.

Lin Feng responded casually because he wanted to stabilize her first.

Yueyue took it seriously and returned to the living room with anticipation.

Lin Feng started to prepare the remaining dishes and soup.

Making cucumber and egg soup is very simple.

From preparation to cooking, it only took ten minutes.

The beef brisket stewed with tomatoes was also cooked. Lin Feng turned off the fire and filled two large porcelain bowls.

Lin Feng served two portions of all the dishes.

Even the rice was enough for eight bowls.

He placed a portion of the meal alone on the kitchen cabinet, turned to the cameraman and said, "Brother, call some of your colleagues over for dinner."

Hearing this, the cameraman was stunned and said in disbelief: "You also prepared lunch for us?"

"Ah! Otherwise, what are you going to eat for lunch? Hurry up and eat. You have been busy all morning, so I guess you are also hungry at this point."

The cameraman was frightened and moved: "How can Teacher Lin be so embarrassed?"

"What's the point? Don't you want to eat at noon? Stop inking and eat quickly." Lin Feng said in a commanding tone.

Should it be said or not, Lin Feng was so thoughtful that he moved several program staff to tears.

In the live broadcast room...

"I'm so envious. The staff is so lucky."

"Lin Feng is too careful. Where can I find such a good man?"

"There is no other star as down-to-earth as Lin Feng in the world."

"That's true. Nowadays, the entertainment industry is full of unhealthy tendencies. Lin Feng is like a breath of fresh air!"

The cameraman looked at Lin Feng with grateful eyes. As a person behind the scenes of an entertainment program, he had come into contact with quite a few celebrities in the past few years.

But Lin Feng was the number one celebrity who invited them to dinner.

Every time those celebrities eat, they can only watch with eager eyes.

Especially the hot traffic little fresh meat now, who plays a personal role.

He acts like a handsome young man in front of the screen, but he is extremely filthy behind the scenes.

Not to mention etiquette and politeness, he doesn't even have any basic qualities.

He still remembered one time when he was recording a program for a young guy. He suffered from hypoglycemia because he didn't eat. He was dizzy and fell to his knees in front of the guy on the spot.

Not only did the little guy not help him, but he laughed at him.

"It's not a festival, why are you giving me such a big gift?"

"Haha, later you go to my assistant and ask him for a 100-yuan red envelope, which is considered as the lucky money I give you, haha."


Is this what people say?Who cares about his 100 yuan?

On the other hand, Lin Feng is also a celebrity. Although he is now outdated, he has no airs at all and even carefully prepares lunch for the staff.

Why is the difference between human beings so big?

A star like Lin Feng deserves to be a fan for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, the cameraman's respect for Lin Feng increased even more.

Seeing the cameraman's silence, Yueyue thought he was embarrassed and ran over to persuade him: "Uncle cameraman, don't feel embarrassed about eating my food. You are filming a program for us and it is your duty for your father to cook for you. Who among us I don’t owe anyone anything.”

"If you feel bad about eating my food, you can take pictures of me looking prettier later. Isn't this too much to ask?"

Yueyue blinked at him with her big innocent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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