Chapter 108 Reba’s dream comes true
Reba asked tentatively: "Teacher Lin Feng, can I add your WeChat ID?"

Lin Feng laughed dryly. Although he felt very unfriendly, he couldn't help Yue Yue's face, so he still nodded towards Reba.

Reba was so excited that she almost cried. She walked up to Lin Feng in three steps and took out her mobile phone to exchange WeChat messages with Lin Feng.

"Yueyue, I've already stayed on WeChat. Whenever I miss my sister, can I have a video chat with her?"

Reba looked at Yueyue with a caressing look on her face.

The little guy readily agreed: "Okay!"

Reba hugged Yueyue and gave her a few kisses, then reluctantly waved her hands to Yueyue and walked to the other side to film the show.

When there was no one around, Reba secretly opened Lin Feng's circle of friends.

She was really curious about what her idol's friend would post. If there were some photos, she would make a lot of money.

With anticipation, I clicked on Lin Feng's Moments to see what was going on, but found that Lin Feng's Moments was a black line.

Reba was still a little disappointed. Maybe it was because Lin Feng never posted on WeChat Moments, or maybe because Lin Feng’s WeChat Moments directly blocked her.

No matter what, Reba still prefers to believe the former.

After Reba left, Lin Feng said hello to Yan Min and left Leicheng University.

He knew that there was a park near Leicheng University with very nice scenery. Lin Feng planned to take Yueyue to the park to play.

On the way, Lin Feng started to learn about parenting again.

"Yue Yue, you can't just look at the appearance of good people and bad people. Some people look very kind, but in fact they are really heinous villains. So in the future, if strangers take the initiative to get close to you, you have to be careful, you know? Don't just accept things from strangers. .”

"Yeah. I know."

"Don't talk to strangers, and don't leave your contact information with strangers, including your home address, phone number, and WeChat."

Yueyue's mind was spinning very quickly, and she immediately thought of the offer to heat up Ba's WeChat account just now.

She really likes Reba. Reba is very easy-going, a little bit unintelligent, and a big sister with a childlike innocence.

Although Reba is much older than her, there is no sense of distance at all when she comes into contact with her.

In particular, Reba likes to make Yueyue happy. The two have a common language and a common pursuit of eating. Yueyue especially likes to play with her.

After a brief contact, Yueyue developed a great liking for Reba. She even felt that Reba's personality was very suitable to be her mother.

"Dad, Sister Reba is not a bad person!" Yueyue said bluntly.

"Then how do you know that Sister Reba is not a bad person? Did you draw the conclusion based on her appearance?" Lin Feng asked.

"No. Actually, I want to find you a wife, and I feel that Sister Reba is a good match for you." Yueyue said in an old-fashioned way.

These words only made Xu Yang, who was driving the car, immediately break his guard. He laughed wildly.

Lin Feng looked embarrassed and shouted: "Drive well, why are you laughing!"

"You can't beat your daughter, so just take out your anger on me, right?" Xu Yang glared at Lin Feng in the rearview mirror.

"What, do you have any objections?" Lin Feng asked.

"Okay, how dare I have an opinion? If I have an opinion, I can't say it." Xu Yang gave up in a second.

Lin Feng pinched Yueyue's little nose and complained: "You are really worried. This sister Reba is a big star. I guess you won't even have the chance to meet in the future."


"Celebrities are very busy."

"But my godmother is also a star. Why does she have time to play with me? Is Sister Reba more famous than my godmother?" Children are so naive. Liu Yifei is a star, but Liu Yifei comes to see her whenever she has time. Yueyue plays, Reba’s sister is also a celebrity, so Yueyue guesses that Reba will come to play with her when she has time.

Lin Feng explained: "We are not familiar with Sister Reba, and they won't come to play with you when they have time."

"Then can I play with her? I'll invite her a few more times and let her come to our house for dinner, and you can prepare delicious food for her. After she comes a few more times, won't we become familiar with each other?"

Lin Feng coughed a few times and was rendered speechless by Yue Yue again.

Xu Yang echoed: "Yueyue is right, wouldn't the more interaction make us more familiar? You can ask Reba a few more times, and you will gradually become familiar with her."

"Get out of here!" Lin Feng was almost mad.

"Dad, don't say bad words! Palm!"

"Dad should be spanked, slap the mouth!"

Lin Feng originally wanted to tell Yueyue not to have unrealistic fantasies about Reba Bao, but he was led astray by Yueyue again.

Lin Feng decided not to speak.

Reba has been restless all morning, and even when filming the show, she was very distracted.

Not because of anything else, just because of Lin Feng.

Today, a dream of more than ten years has come true for her. Can Reba not be excited?

She felt like she made a lot of money today. Not only did she take a close-up photo with her idol, but she also exchanged WeChat messages.

Once you have the contact information, it will be much easier to proceed with the work in the future.

Reba took out her phone from time to time and looked through the photos with Lin Feng.

Her mood was indescribable, she was excited, excited, and looking forward to the beauty of everything.

This feeling is more exciting than falling in love.

In this case, it may not be justified not to show off in the circle of friends.

So Reba carefully selected nine photos of herself, Lin Feng and Yueyue from the photo album, and posted a circle of friends with text descriptions.

"Finally, my 13-year dream has come true. Thank you! I wish your idol a smooth life and may you always have good things with you."

Reba originally wanted to post some more exciting copy to express her excitement, such as: Let me introduce you grandly, the one on the left is my husband, and the one in my arms is my daughter!
But those who know this kind of unorthodox copywriting think it is a joke, and those who don’t know it think it’s going on.

So, in the end, Reba decided to be more serious and edited the text. She deliberately placed a photo of herself, Lin Feng and Yueyue in the middle.

Not to mention, it really looks like a family of three taking selfies while traveling.

After carefully confirming that it was correct, Reba clicked publish.

Reba held her phone and smiled happily for a long time. She was looking forward to her friends giving her likes and messages.

During the break, Yue Yunpeng approached Reba.

"Reba, have you won the lottery jackpot? I've been observing you all morning, and you haven't closed your mouth."

"Haha, I didn't win the lottery, but I'm happier than if I had won the lottery." Reba's smile was as sweet as eating honey.

Yue Yunpeng asked curiously: "What good thing is there? Tell it and it will make me happy."

"Secret!" Reba kept it secret in a mysterious manner, "This matter cannot be disclosed to outsiders casually."

Yue Yunpeng giggled twice. Since she didn't want to talk, there was no need to ask further. He suddenly remembered that he had known Reba for so long and didn't even have her WeChat account.

(End of this chapter)

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