Chapter 114: Hidden Little Red Book hot search

Yueyue smiled happily.

Lin Feng also felt a sense of accomplishment. He had spent a long time just to make Yueyue smile.

This picture is warm and harmonious, and full of love.

Xu Yang next to him was a little touched. He had known Lin Feng for so many years. He spent his hard childhood in the Shaolin Temple. After that, he had to work one after another, with various film appointments, and he was very busy.

In the past, Lin Feng was a desperate man who gave up everything for his career. He seemed to be living for others.

After Yueyue was born, Lin Feng found his mission and happiness. He also lived for others, but his goal became his daughter.

Xu Yang discovered that only when Lin Feng and Yueyue were together could he smile so sincerely and unrestrainedly.

And Yueyue is like the little angel given to Lin Feng by God, who can bring him happiness and warmth.

At this moment, Xu Yang really wanted to stop time and let the father and daughter freeze in this beautiful picture forever.

Therefore, he decisively took out his mobile phone and started snapping pictures.

Xu Yang also found his mission, which was to record beautiful moments for Yueyue and Lin Feng.

He did not come forward to disturb the relationship between father and daughter, but stood aside and quietly captured the original picture.

Yueyue and Lin Feng had a lot of fun. The little guy was running around pulling the kite, and Lin Feng was following behind the little guy, reminding her not to just fly the kite, and to watch her feet so as not to trip.

Yueyue played for more than an hour, and when she couldn't run anymore, they put away the kite and went home for dinner.

As for the CCTV promotional video shooting team, after finishing shooting, they returned to the office and started editing and organizing the video materials.

Because Lin Feng shot all the shots in one pass, the workload of the video production staff was also reduced a lot.

While sorting through the videos, they were full of praise for Lin Feng's acting skills and martial arts skills.

Actors like Lin Feng have a really high level of professionalism. Every action, every detail and even every subtle expression are perfectly grasped, which saves the behind-the-scenes staff from having to adjust the details.

The promotional video was quickly produced and they immediately sent it to their leaders for review.

The leader was very satisfied after reading it and said that he could publish it after walking through the process. However, the seemingly simple procedure also took two or three days.


When the aunt in the park who was looking for a partner for her daughter returned home, she began to show off to her daughter that she met Lin Feng in the park today.

She also showed her daughter a photo of herself with Lin Feng, and she also told her daughter about her rejection of Lin Feng.

After hearing this, my daughter was completely stunned.

"Mom, didn't you leave any contact information with Lin Feng?"

"Why do you need contact information? I already have children, do you really want to be a stepmother for my child?" "I really want to be this stepmother, but I'm afraid they won't give me the chance!" The daughter sighed and said with a sad face, "Mom, you are so confused! You let such a good son-in-law let you go."

Lin Feng is the dream lover of thousands of girls. It's a pity to think about how many people tried their best to become his wife, but were turned away by their own mothers.

Although she is a small white-collar worker and her income is not low, Lin Feng will not look down upon her at all. If she leaves her contact information and interacts with her, there may be a few tenths of a percent chance of marrying him, but she is so confused. Mother actually... "What kind of golden turtle son-in-law? Although he is a bit handsome, but he is handsome but cannot be used as food. I think he is quite ordinary." The aunt explained.

"Oh, you don't know how popular this Lin Feng is right now. If he wanted it, half of the female stars in the entertainment industry would be chasing after him, and you actually... ugh!" The daughter sighed heavily.

"Is it that exaggerated? Are female celebrities rushing to become stepmothers? Why is this so evil? Do all female celebrities nowadays not love themselves so much?"

"What do you mean by not loving yourself? What I mean is that there are so many people chasing Lin Feng. He is famous and rich. Even Liu Yifei wants to marry him as his wife. Your daughter and I want to be a nanny. I don't know if this is possible. qualifications!"

"So exaggerated?"

After listening to her daughter's words, the aunt's intestines turned green, and the cooked duck almost flew away.

The daughter explained: "Don't take it seriously. Even if I want to marry someone, they won't look down on me at all, so we don't have to have any illusions."

Girls are also self-aware. After all, she is too ordinary. She is just like a speck of dust in front of Lin Feng, and others don't look down on her at all.

Perhaps she was shocked by her mother's flirtatious behavior, so the girl took it as a joke and posted the entire incident of her mother's rejection of Lin Feng's blind date on Little Red Book.

Lin Feng has been very popular recently. Not long after the blog post was posted, the exposure was quite large, with hundreds of thousands of views in an hour.

The blog post also included a photo of Auntie with Lin Feng and Yueyue, so there is no doubt about the authenticity of this matter.

Netizens also saw it as a joke. While laughing, they also felt pity for the girl and left messages in the comment area.

"Hahaha, blogger, please be patient, there will still be a long time to come, don't let your mind wander."

"Lin Feng went on a blind date in the park. Why is this so magical?"

"I will also go to the Blind Date Corner to meet Lin Feng by chance some other day."

"Blogger, please don't sever the mother-son relationship with your mother over such a trivial matter!"

"I am totally willing to be Yueyue's stepmother."

"Looking at the bright side, the blogger and Lin Feng are not in the same class at all, so let's accept the reality."


The messages in the comment area are quite satisfactory, and there are no malicious comments. Everyone is reading them as jokes. Many people are making fun of the blogger, and some are envious of the blogger's mother. Even if there is no chance of becoming Lin Feng's mother-in-law, after all, she has already married Lin Feng. Lin Feng and Yueyue took a group photo. Many people never get this kind of opportunity. This aunt is not at a loss at all.

This blog post is very popular, and of course it has become a hot search on Xiaohongshu.

Coincidentally, Liu Sisi was also invited by Xiaohongshu to shoot a print advertisement today. While she was touching up her makeup, she had nothing to do and started reading Xiaohongshu.

As soon as she opened the app, she received a push notification with the title: I met Lin Feng on a blind date, and my mother rejected it for me.

Liu Sisi was confused. When did Xiaohongshu start pushing such gossip news?

At first, Liu Sisi thought it was some marketing account or something posting some unfounded gossip news to gain Lin Feng's popularity, but when she clicked on it, she understood the whole story.

Liu Sisi's focus is a little different from that of the majority of netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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