Chapter 116 Fantastic Dinner
"Look how nervous you are. It's not that I don't want to say it, I just feel very shameless." Lin Feng curled his lips and continued, "When I went to the park to play today, Yueyue accidentally entered the blind date corner and knew that an aunt was looking for a partner for her daughter. Yueyue Yue recommended me to Auntie, but I didn’t expect that Auntie would dislike me."

"Haha, aunt dislikes you?"

"That's right. She said that if I take care of a child, her daughter doesn't want to find a widowed man." Lin Feng sighed and joked, "Oh, old men like me are not worth anything anymore."

After listening, Liu Sisi burst out laughing: "It's not that old men are worthless, it's that Auntie's style is a bit small."

"You don't have to feel inferior. Even if you are old and old and no one wants you, there is still me waiting to take over!"

Although these words didn't sound good, Lin Feng still felt warm in his heart. He just made a joke, and he had a clear positioning of himself.

What an old man? A 30-year-old man like him needs to have a good figure, good looks, and has no worries about sales. With just one sentence, how many women are willing to give everything to him, but he has no plans to get married again now. .

Liu Sisi joked: "These women have no discernment. I am the only one who treats you like a baby."

"Really? But I don't think you take me seriously!" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows at her with a wicked smile.

Liu Sisi held Lin Feng's neck, her voice was soft to the bone: "Haven't you seen my sincerity yet?"

After saying this, Liu Sisi slowly closed her eyes, and Lin Feng also took the initiative to meet her lips.

The two kissed again.


In a blink of an eye, it was time for dinner.

Lin Feng was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, so Liu Sisi proposed to cook for Lin Feng.

In order to win Lin Feng's favor, she had practiced her cooking skills very hard in the past few days. Although she could not compare with Lin Feng, the food she cooked would not be unpalatable.

Lin Feng didn't dare to try it easily, so he decided to order takeout.

Liu Sisi asked: "Your gastroenteritis is just fine, is it okay to eat food from outside?"

"It's okay, my illness has been cured." Lin Feng couldn't help but tell the truth, "If you eat takeout, you'll end up in the hospital with a vasectomy for two days. If you eat the food you cook, you might die. I also want to Live a few more years.”

"As for scaring you like this?" Lin Sisi glared at him displeasedly, took out her phone and prepared to order takeout, "I'll treat you to whatever you want to eat!"

So, the two started planning and ordered a lot of takeaways, and of course they didn't miss out on Yueyue's share.

After a while, the takeaway was delivered on time.

Lin Feng carried the takeout and placed the meals on the dining table one by one, while Liu Sisi opened all the lunch box lids.

The meals are sumptuous, including barbecue, spicy hot dishes, hot dishes, cold dishes, and various snacks and snacks. The aroma fills the whole room.

Yueyue had a hamburger and chicken wings for lunch and then dismissed it. Lin Feng didn't want to eat these, so he didn't eat anything for lunch.

He had breakfast all day long, but by this time in the evening he was already so hungry that he couldn't stand it any longer. When he saw a table full of delicious food, his mouth watered all over the floor.

Picking up the chopsticks and just about to take a bite of the food, Lin Feng suddenly frowned: "Say Sisi, if we order so many dishes, can we finish them all? I was so hungry just now that I wanted to order whatever I saw. You Don’t stop me from doing this.”

Liu Sisi said: "It's not like what are you afraid of paying for?"

"I don't feel sorry for you spending money, but I feel that I can't eat and waste food." "If you don't want to waste it, just eat more. I won't be able to stop your mouth!" Liu Sisi said impatiently, "Besides, there is no more Yueyue, that bowl of seafood porridge is for Yueyue, don’t compete with the child for food."

Lin Feng pouted, how much can a four-year-old child eat no matter how good his appetite is?
Forget it, no nonsense, let’s finish the training quickly!

Under the guidance of Lin Feng, Liu Sisi did not hesitate to give in and started eating in big mouthfuls.

Liu Sisi has also been very greedy recently.

Most of the female celebrities in the industry attach great importance to their appearance and figure. After all, this is also the capital of eating, so they usually do not eat too greasy food and avoid staple foods.

Liu Sisi's manager is also very strict with Liu Sisi's management. When the manager is usually there, Liu Sisi's caloric intake is strictly controlled. Liu Sisi is not allowed to eat a piece of pastry to satisfy her cravings.

She is about to start filming recently, and her agent is keeping a close eye on her, fearing that Liu Sisi's greedy eating will affect her figure.

But Liu Sisi is a foodie, how could she endure the suffering of not having delicious food.

Today she ate half a corn and drank a small bowl of spinach soup, which was more uncomfortable for foodie Liu Sisi than killing her.

Therefore, while her agent is away, she wants to make up for all the food she owed during the day.

Liu Sisi murmured about the hot and sour noodles and complained to Lin Feng about the inhumane treatment from her manager.

"It's not that I'm speaking ill of my agent behind his back. In the past few days, he's been making me eat corn and vegetable porridge. This is like feeding animals. I can't stand this kind of treatment."

After hearing this, Lin Feng was both amused and sympathetic, but he still thoughtfully peeled off a shrimp and put it into Liu Sisi's bowl.

He didn't make too many comments about this kind of thing. The manager was doing it for her own good. Liu Sisi didn't have any bad intentions, but she was a little resentful and just grumbling.

After pouring out her dissatisfaction, Liu Sisi finished her bowl of hot and sour noodles.

Her eyes scanned back and forth across the dinner table, and finally landed on the crayfish.

The meat of crayfish is elastic and smooth, and the soup is delicious and fragrant, but the calories are very high. Liu Sisi has always loved eating crayfish. Today she ordered a large portion and had a delicious meal.

With many years of experience in crayfish, Liu Sisi is also very good at peeling shrimp shells.

After she peeled off the first shrimp, she handed it to Lin Feng's mouth: "The crayfish here tastes really good, try it."

Lin Feng opened his mouth and the shrimp meat was fed into his mouth: "Yes, it is indeed delicious."

After Liu Sisi's fingers touched Lin Feng's lips, she felt numb all over: "Is the crayfish still edible, or is the crayfish I peeled better?"

Lin Feng was sweet and replied: "This crayfish only tastes like that. Just because you peeled it, the taste has been improved by several levels."

Lin Sisi's red lips were slightly raised, and she was very satisfied with Lin Feng's rainbow fart: "Where can I find a warm man with such high emotional intelligence and sweet mouth like you? I really don't know what Damimi thought when he left you."

After saying that, Liu Sisi's expression suddenly tightened. She realized that she had said something taboo. She took a peek at Lin Feng. Fortunately, this guy was busy eating and didn't seem to care about what she said.

Liu Sisi hurriedly explained: "I mean you are very, very good, one in a million. I am really happy to be with you."

(End of this chapter)

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