Chapter 12 Yueyue is very diligent

Lin Feng quickly collected the dishes and piled them into the sink.

Yueyue also followed over. She stood up on tiptoe and found that she couldn't reach the sink. She ran to bring a small stool and stepped on it, successfully solving the problem.

Lin Feng saw this and smiled.

This little guy is quite capable.

He warned: "Yueyue, please be careful. Don't fall. It won't look good if you fall into a big face."

"I understand, Dad, go and do your work!"

Yueyue replied, rolling up her sleeves and getting ready to do it.

"Yueyue is too diligent, okay, this kid has a future!"

"I wish I had a child as well-behaved and sensible as Yueyue. Compared with Yueyue, my naughty child is simply not from the same world."

"Upstairs, we are all in the same boat, so don't worry, I'm going to beat the kids!"

"Yueyue, be careful, don't fall. Let's not try too hard if we can't do it. After all, we are still too young."

There were various barrages, but Lin Feng did not leave Yueyue alone and stood aside to watch.

He was very pleased to see the little guy doing well.

Sensing Lin Feng's gaze, Yueyue turned back and smiled at him, then squeezed a large amount of dishwashing liquid onto her palm, reached into the sink and started to stir.

After a while, a lot of bubbles appeared in the sink.

"Dad, look, there are so many bubbles!"

She held up a handful of bubbles and blew into them.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while. He put too much dishwashing liquid. Are you playing with bubbles or washing dishes?

He wasn't in a hurry and just watched quietly.

After a while, Yueyue had enough fun and started washing the dishes.

Like a fish, she fished out a plate in a pool filled with bubbles.

"Dad, this plate is so slippery!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the plate he just picked up fell from his hands and fell into the sink.

"Dad, what should I do? This plate is too slippery and I can't hold it at all."

Lin Feng sighed: "You put too much detergent, can it stop it from slipping?"

"Ah?" Yueyue's eyes widened.

Lin Feng walked over, turned on the faucet and put some water into the sink.

"You try again."

Yueyue carefully picked up a plate and felt it.

"Hehe, I won't slip this time."

She pursed her lips again: "But... there are no more bubbles. I'll put some more dish soap."

"Pour less." Lin Feng reminded.

Yueyue added some more detergent to the pool, and there were a lot more bubbles.

Now, she can play happily.

While humming a little tune, he washed the dishes.

Lin Feng was supervising the work and took the opportunity to teach Yueyue how to wash the dishes.

"Ouch, okay dad, I don't need you to teach me, I know how to do it. Just go ahead and get going."

Yueyue impatiently wanted to send Lin Feng away.

"Okay, you can wash it yourself, but be careful not to break the plate and cut your little hands."

"Know it."

In the live broadcast room...

"It's fun to wash dishes."

"This is the correct opening posture. Doing housework is painful enough. Yueyue is enjoying the pain."

"It would be great if Yueyue were my daughter."

"I'm currently debating whether to marry Lin Feng or not. Please give me an idea."

"What are you dreaming about upstairs? Wake up quickly. Is Lin Feng something you can contaminate?"

Looking at the barrage, Liu Yifei shook her head helplessly.

Marry Lin Feng?

If it was really that easy, Lin Feng would have been taken down by her long ago, and who else would it be?
Lin Feng returned to the kitchen and looked at the fruits of Yueyue's labor.

The little guy is quite reliable at work and washes the dishes cleanly.

It's just... my clothes are all wet too!
"Dad, did I wash it clean?" Yueyue asked as if taking credit for it.

There were bubbles on the tip of my nose, beads of sweat on my forehead, and my wet clothes were dripping.

The little guy's style was unique enough. Lin Feng felt it was ridiculous, but he still couldn't help but praise her.

"Yueyue washed it really clean, that's right. I'll leave the task of washing dishes to you from now on."

"Ah?" Yueyue opened her mouth wide, feeling a little panicked.

"Don't be afraid, daddy is teasing you. Come on, daddy will take you to change clothes."

Lin Feng simply tidied up the kitchen and went to the bedroom with Yueyue.

"Get out!" Yueyue ordered.

Lin Feng had a question mark on his head: "What are you doing?"

"Girls are changing clothes, why are you following me? Let's go, let's go!"

Without any explanation, the little guy pushed Lin Feng out of the room.

With a bang, the door closed.

Lin Feng faced the closed door and curled his lips.

No matter how old this little guy is, he is already shy.

But this point is related to Lin Feng's usual education.

Although she lacks the care of her mother, Lin Feng has taught Yueyue that there are differences between men and women since she was a child.

Girls should be reserved and know how to love themselves.

However, judging from the current development situation, Yueyue seems to have gone astray.

Is this child reserved...?

He reminded again: "Yueyue, just change into pajamas. It's time for us to take a nap."

Live broadcast barrage.

"A four-year-old child can do housework and change his own clothes. Yueyue is quite independent."

"Yes, it seems that Lin Feng has been educating Yueyue a lot. This child is obviously more mature than other children of the same age."

"Education is one thing, and family environment is also another. Yueyue has not experienced maternal love, but father's love is obviously not missing at all. The father and daughter are suffering enough."

After a while, Yueyue changed into a nightgown and walked out of the bedroom.

She came to Lin Feng with a small rag and raised her eyebrows at him.

Lin Feng understood and was not stingy with his praise at all.

"Well, that's good. Yueyue can change her clothes by herself."

Hearing this, the little guy smiled from ear to ear.

"It's time for us to take a nap, right?" Lin Feng asked.

"But I'm not sleepy at all. I can't sleep."

"Then don't sleep. Let's lie on the bed and daddy will tell you a story."

"Okay!" Yueyue nodded with satisfaction.

Along the way, Lin Feng, who had never raised children before, suffered a lot. He crossed the river by feeling the stones and made progress while summing up his experience.

The trick of coaxing Yueyue to sleep is also a parenting lesson he summarized.

Children are naturally lively and active, so how can they sleep calmly?

But you can put them to bed first. As long as they lie down on the bed, the children will fall asleep in a short time.

This trick has always worked for Yueyue.

Lin Feng picked up Yueyue and walked to the bedroom. As he walked, he said, "Yueyue is fat. It's time to lose weight."

"You're talking nonsense, I'm not fat." Yueyue lay on Lin Feng's shoulder and played with his ears playfully.

"Then why does daddy feel like he can't hold you anymore?"

Yueyue snorted angrily: "That's because you've been lazy and not practicing lately. It's none of my business! Dad, you're useless!"

"Oh, what does it feel like when you pull my ears?"

"Who told you to call me fat? Dad should beat me!"

The scene of father and daughter laughing and playing made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Haha, this little girl of yours is quite fierce when she is angry."

"Who said Yueyue is fat? That's called voluptuous!"

"I understand, Yueyue's bottom line is that she is afraid that others will say she is fat."

"Which girl likes to be called fat? The guy upstairs is also a straight man."

(End of this chapter)

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