Chapter 128 Strict Father Huang Lei
The age of fans in Lin Feng's live broadcast room used to be mostly between the ages of 20 and 40. Some of these viewers are in college, and some are fathers and mothers.

They saw Lin Feng's way of educating children, combined with their own experiences, and found many shortcomings.

For example, among these people, they have been forced to study by their parents since they were young. Success or failure is judged by their scores in the examination room. Their parents will be happy if they do well in the exam, but if they fail in the exam, they will be beaten and scolded.

These people came here this way when they were young. Now that they are fathers and mothers, they also educate their children in this way. Today Lin Feng also taught them a lesson by the way.

Children should grow up innocently and happily, and should not bear the expectations and fate of their parents.

However, many parents place their high hopes on their children.

Huang Duoduo is also one of those trapped in the quagmire.

Huang Lei is a person who has high demands on himself. He is also a teacher by profession, so he naturally has higher demands on his daughter.

Huang Duoduo is now in the third grade of elementary school. His grades have always been among the best in the class and he has not been among the top ten in every exam.

Huang Lei has high expectations for Huang Duoduo. He believes that Huang Duoduo can get into the top three or even get No. 1. Such results are worthy of Huang Duoduo's intelligence and his careful cultivation of his daughter.

Today, Huang Duoduo took a day's sick leave and did not go to school because of a fever. However, although she was resting at home, Huang Lei forced her to review her homework.

Huang Duoduo was doing exercises in the study, and while Huang Lei was away, Yueyue opened her tablet and clicked into Lin Feng's live broadcast room.

The reason why Huang Duoduo watched "My Superman Daddy" was because of his classmates.

Now all the students in the class are discussing Lin Feng and Yueyue. Huang Duoduo seems to have failed to keep up with the times and can't get into the topics of the students at all.

Normally she has almost no entertainment activities, and Huang Lei doesn't allow her to watch TV. However, Huang Duoduo is particularly curious about what kind of magic Lin Feng and Yueyue have and why they are so popular.

That day while Huang Lei was out working, Huang Duoduo secretly took out his tablet and took a look at Lin Feng's live broadcast. From then on, Huang Duoduo became obsessed with watching Lin Feng's live broadcast.

As soon as he opened the live broadcast room, he heard Lin Feng and Yueyue talking about their academic performance. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang Duoduo combined his own experiences and suddenly felt sad.

She really wanted a kind, gentle, and tolerant father like Lin Feng!

Comparing it to his father Huang Lei, it's like heaven and earth.

No matter how big a mistake Yueyue made, Lin Feng could tolerate her and correct her mistakes carefully. No matter how outrageous things Yueyue did or said, Lin Feng could deal with it with a smile.

This is what a good father should look like.

When she saw Lin Feng and Yueyue finishing their lunch, holding hands and climbing the mountain to go home, Huang Duoduo felt envious in her heart.

However, at some point, Huang Lei appeared behind Huang Duoduo without anyone noticing. Huang Duoduo was so engrossed in watching the live broadcast with headphones on that he didn't notice Huang Lei's appearance at all.

Huang Lei thought that his well-behaved and sensible daughter was secretly studying hard, but when he took a closer look, he turned out to be...

Huang Lei became angry on the spot.

"Duoduo, what are you doing?"


This sudden sound startled Huang Duoduo. In panic, she knocked off the earphones on her tablet.

The laughter of Lin Feng and Yueyue immediately came from the room.

Huang Lei was furious: "Duoduo, I thought you were studying, but I didn't expect you to secretly catch me watching a variety show. Are there any children who fool their father like you?"

"Dad, I..." Huang Duoduo lowered his head in shame.

When Huang Lei was angry, his eyes were particularly scary: "How many times have I told you, if you don't work hard now, how will you get into college in the future?" "Look at Zhang Wenxue, she is two months younger than you, but There is no time when her grades are not as good as yours, can you give dad some credit?"

"Even if you don't give dad credit, you still have to think about your own future. It's not that dad is lying to you. When dad was in school, his test scores were always in the top three."

"Look at you again. Have you ever been in the top three in the exam? I don't even bother to talk about you!"

Huang Lei scolded her face to face, but Huang Duoduo didn't refute a word. She buried her head very low, not daring to raise her head to look at her father.

When Huang Lei saw that his daughter didn't even show her determination, he became even more angry.

Just as he was about to scold Huang Duoduo a few more times, he heard Lin Feng's voice coming from the tablet.

"Why would Yueyue think so? Although dad is looking forward to it, if Yueyue doesn't get into college, dad will still like you."

Huang Lei was stunned on the spot.

Lin Feng's words were like a lightning strike hitting his head.

Was everything he did to his daughter really wrong?

Huang Lei shook his head, my original intention was for Duoduo's good, how could I do it wrong?

There is no parent in the world who doesn’t want their children to go to a good university and have a bright future.

Lin Feng doesn't know how to educate children at all, and his ideas are fallacious.

Although he does not agree with the idea of ​​educating children, Huang Lei is not an impulsive and reckless person.

He glanced at the frightened Huang Duoduo, and his heart softened.

Duoduo is also a very strong child. If he talks too much, he will definitely feel a lot of pain.

Huang Lei sighed and said: "Duoduo, dad said so much for your own good. You must understand my good intentions."

"Okay, you should study quickly!"

With that said, Huang Lei took his tablet and walked out of the study.

After Huang Lei left, Huang Duoduo breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Huang Lei would scold her, but he actually let her go after scolding her for such a short time.

Huang Duoduo was a little unbelievable. Suddenly she slapped her forehead, and then she thought that Lin Feng might have changed her father's mind.

Thinking of this, Huang Duoduo's admiration for Lin Feng increased even more.

After Huang Lei came out of the study, Lin Feng's words kept echoing in his mind.

"Why would Yueyue think so? Although dad is looking forward to it, if Yueyue doesn't get into college, dad will still like you."

Is there such a father in the world?
Doesn’t every father hope that his children will get good grades and enter a good university?

How could Lin Feng not play according to the routine?

Huang Lei, who was good at careful calculations and outmaneuvered others with his IQ, couldn't make up his mind when it came to the education of his children.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask Teacher He for advice on this issue.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a private message to Teacher He Huohuo: "Teacher He, I have a question for you. What kind of child is an outstanding child in your opinion?"

(End of this chapter)

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