Chapter 135: Boating to get ingredients

Tian Liang also has a daughter. Although Ye is very well-behaved and playful, she is still far from Yueyue.

Lin Feng spread his hands and said, "I don't have much experience. You may not believe what I say. I have never taken care of Yueyue and let her grow wildly."


Tianliang looked surprised, but the audience in the live broadcast room agreed with what Lin Feng said.

"Isn't that right? Lin Feng, a father, has a heart as big as the sky. He has never taught Yueyue."

"Yes, experience is to let children grow wildly."

"Lin Feng is lying. My children are also free-range. Compared with Yueyue, they are worlds apart."

"Maybe it's Lin Feng's genes."

"Versailles, right? It's so irritating."


At this moment, the director appeared in front of everyone again.

"I believe the children have chosen their favorite gifts. Are you happy?"

"Happy." The little guys replied in unison.

"You must have just run around and your energy has been exhausted very quickly. Are you hungry too?"

"Not hungry!"

It's only about four o'clock in the afternoon, which is a bit early for dinner. Of course the little ones won't be hungry.

The director was stunned, why didn't these little guys play according to the routine? How could he answer the question?

After thinking for a while, the director added: "If you're not hungry now, you will be hungry at night. Let's go get the ingredients for dinner first, okay?"


By the way, only in this way can we continue to develop the program.

Da Yan waved his hand: "Let's go! Let's get the ingredients!"

As soon as he heard about going to get ingredients, the little guy was naturally happy to go and jumped up and down behind the director.

The dads looked at each other and followed.

A group of people arrived at the fish pond behind the village.

This fish pond covers an area of ​​four to five acres. It is a public fish pond in the village. The villagers raised funds to buy some fish fry and shrimp fry and spread them in the fish pond.

When there is waterlogging, they will be fished out and distributed according to head. Some families will not be able to finish all the food and will sell it in the market.

In the middle of the fish pond, there were several large bamboo baskets, and everyone immediately guessed that the ingredients might be placed in those bamboo baskets.

"Should we go to the middle of the fish pond to get ingredients?" Tian Liang expressed his thoughts.

The director nodded: "Yes, teachers. The ingredients are placed in those bamboo baskets. You need to pick them up yourself."

"Then how are we going to get it? I can't swim like Tian Liang." Wu Zun said.

"That's your transportation!"

Several people looked in the direction pointed by the director's hand and saw the small wooden boat beside the fish pond.

"But...I don't know how to row a boat!" Wu Zun frowned.

Liu Genghong said, "Your program team is so good at deceiving us. Before we came, we were told to experience rural life, but they didn't mention that there was a boating program."

Tian Liang answered: "It's not difficult to row a boat. I'm just afraid that if I accidentally fall into the water, it will be embarrassing."

"I think, let's first hear what ingredients are in the bamboo basket and whether it's worth our trip. If it's some potatoes and cabbage, I don't think it's necessary."

"Yes, Teacher Lin is right." Wu Zun agreed. "Yes, that's right. Only when you have goals can you be motivated!" Liu Genghong said.

The director chuckled, knowing that these people had no profit and could not afford to go early, so they had carefully prepared the ingredients.

"Don't worry, dads, our program team is still very generous. The ingredients include fish, shrimp, beef, mutton, and vegetables. The categories are complete and everything is available, but the quantity is limited. It depends on how much you can grab."

"Still trying to grab it?" Wu Zun asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is also a competition. The dads each row a boat and set off. Whoever reaches the destination first will be able to grab the good ingredients first. Blessings to all the teachers!"

After the director said this, the dads had different reactions.

Tian Liang is very competitive. When he heard that there was a competition, he was as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood.

"Okay, in order to let my son have a good meal at night, I will work hard."

Liu Genghong was also looking forward to it. He lowered his head and smiled and said to Little Puff: "Little Puff, daddy will grab the meat for you to eat."

Wu Zun was a little worried: "This game feels very fun, but I can't row a boat, and I'm a little dizzy."

As for Lin Feng, although his expression was very relaxed, he was also a little confused.

It would be okay if he could swim, but he had never rowed a boat before, so he didn't know if the boat was easy to operate.

As soon as the children heard that their father was going to row a boat to get the ingredients, they started to brag.

The handsome boy said proudly: "My dad is a diving champion, he will definitely win the competition."

"My dad is also great, he is a superman." Wu Xinyi said.

"My dad is even better, I believe he can get No. 1." Xiao Puff said.

Only Yue Yue remained silent. She glanced at Lin Feng doubtfully and started to worry about him.

Dad doesn’t seem to be able to swim. What if he falls into the water?
With doubts, Yueyue walked up to Lin Feng and asked, "Dad, is the water in the fish pond very deep?"

"It should be, at least about three meters."

"So deep? Isn't that dangerous?" Yueyue looked at him with a worried look.

"Yeah, so dad usually teaches you not to go to the water to play. You might fall into the water with a plop and your life will be lost."

Lin Feng always reminds Yueyue intentionally or unintentionally not to lean near the water. When he sees the news about a child dying due to drowning, he will read it to Yueyue.

It is children's nature to like to play in water, but playing in water is really dangerous. News of drowning due to playing in water are common in recent years.

Lin Feng reminds Yueyue all the time about the dangers of playing in the water. Fortunately, the little guy has now established a strong awareness of precautions.

"Dad, why don't you go? I'm not hungry at night, I don't want to eat, and I don't want to lose my father." Yueyue said, shaking Lin Feng's arm.

It can be seen that he is also afraid that Lin Feng will fall into the water during the competition...

After hearing Yueyue's words, Lin Feng felt another warmth flowing through his heart.

Lin Feng felt particularly comfortable with everything this child said and did today. Compared with children from other families, Yueyue was much more mature.

Lin Feng was touched and gratified. He raised the child by himself, and Yueyue's outstanding performance was the result of Lin Feng's hard work. He was really proud for a while.

Lin Feng reassured Yueyue: "Don't worry Yueyue, dad won't fall into the water."

"What if? If he falls into the water, wouldn't dad drown?"

Lin Feng was speechless for a while. How could he die so easily? Besides, he could swim and was wearing a life jacket. The program team also arranged for lifeguards. There was no possibility of drowning.

Yueyue said again: "Dad, we don't want those ingredients. The ingredients are not delicious. Let's go dig some wild vegetables, and we can take a bite."

Lin Feng's eyes became moist when he saw Yueyue so worried about his life safety.

He knelt down, looked at his daughter with a caressing look, and said softly: "Don't worry, Dad will be fine. Although Dad can't row, I can swim, and I will wear a life jacket, even if I fall into the water. , I can also save myself, besides..."

(End of this chapter)

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