Chapter 138
After listening to the director's words, Wu Xinyi frowned. She probably didn't understand what the director meant, so Wu Zun on the side translated it for her.

Wu Xinyi nodded and took a peek at the sweet and sour pork ribs on the table: "I eat sweet and sour pork ribs."


Dad and the children laughed out loud in unison.

The director asked the pretty boy again: "How do you answer, pretty boy?"

"I would like to choose vinegar potato shreds, is that okay, uncle?"

"Haha, of course."

Yueyue glanced at the children, dragged her chin and began to think.

"What about Little Puff?" the director asked again.

Xiao Puff smiled, hugged Liu Genghong's arm and replied shyly: "I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs."

Everyone looked at her embarrassed look and laughed again.

Finally it was Yueyue's turn to answer, and the director asked the question again.

Yueyue pondered for a moment, and everyone was looking forward to her different answer.

Sure enough, Yueyue is Yueyue.

She said: "Dad, shouldn't he eat when he fell into the water?"


"Yueyue's answer is perfect."

"Yueyue really didn't disappoint me."


The crowd burst into wild laughter again, and the cameraman who was holding the camera shook.

There was laughter in the live room.

"It's over, I'm so angry."

"Yueyue, can you laugh to death without paying for your life?"

"Lin Feng's face turned green."

"Lin Feng: Yueyue wants to have a feast, right? Okay! I'll satisfy you!"

"This kid is so funny, I don't want to live anymore."

Yueyue glanced at the big guys in confusion. These adults were really strange. I answered the question seriously. Why were they laughing at me?
When she noticed Lin Feng's loveless look, she realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she quickly changed her words: "Haha, Dad, don't be angry, I was joking. If you fall into the water, I will definitely be the first to save you."

After hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly felt happy. This daughter's emotional intelligence is really high.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with envy. They couldn't help but wonder how Lin Feng raised such an outstanding daughter.

"Uncle, can we eat now?" Yueyue asked the director.

"Ok, Ok."

The director was a little embarrassed for delaying everyone's meal time, so he dropped the words and hurriedly evacuated the scene.

The dad and the children couldn't wait to get started, and praises came from time to time in the room.

"Hmm, these ribs are so delicious."

“This steamed fish is also good.”

"Uncle, the food you cook is so delicious."

Lin Feng smiled: "It's delicious, just eat more."

"Teacher Lin, I will ask you for advice on cooking skills another day."

The people at the table were eating happily, which made Reba, who was watching the live broadcast, greedy. She stared at the plate of braised prawns on the dining table and swallowed her saliva.

The dishes cooked by Teacher Lin Feng look very appetizing. I wonder if I will have the chance to eat his cooking in the future.

Is it a good idea to encourage Sister Mimi to get back together with him?
Only then did Reba have this idea, and she shook her head again.

This seems like a big idea. Instead of doing this, why not take the initiative to attack!

Thinking like this, Reba glanced at Lin Feng's WeChat and smiled evilly.

...In the midst of laughter, everyone ended the dinner.

By now it was getting dark, and it was eight o'clock in the evening.

After finishing the meal, everyone started to clear the table again.

When Lin Feng saw that it was getting late, he took Yueyue to say goodbye to everyone. Their home was on the mountainside, quite far away from Tian Liang's house. He was afraid that Yueyue would fall asleep if it was any later, so he hugged this little fat boy. Climbing a mountain is not an easy job at all.

Tian Liang repeatedly asked Lin Feng and his daughter to sleep at his house. There were several empty bedrooms in the house, so there was no problem for Lin Feng and his daughter to sleep there.

However, Lin Feng politely declined.

Everyone sent Lin Feng and Yueyue out of the house, and Yueyue reluctantly waved to her friends.

The road in the village was very dark at night, and Lin Feng used a flashlight to drag Yueyue to find the way home.

When I got home, it was almost nine o'clock.

Usually at this time, Yueyue had already washed herself and was lying on the bed waiting for Lin Feng to tell her stories to lull her to sleep.

Yueyue's work and rest time is still very regular, and the little guy is yawning again and again.

Lin Feng quickly took her to wash up, then put her on the bed, turned off the lights and got ready to sleep.

Maybe it was because of the new environment that Yueyue became energetic again after lying on the bed.

She tossed and turned, not feeling sleepy at all.

"Dad, I can't sleep."

Lin Feng: "Then will daddy play "The Great Compassion Mantra" to you?"

"I want to hear your story."

"What story does Yueyue want to hear?"

"Let me think about it..." Yueyue frowned and didn't think about it for a long time.

Lin Feng said: "How about I tell you a story about "The Three Little Pigs"."

"it is good!"

Lin Feng turned sideways and patted Yueyue's back gently.

"Mother Pig has three cute baby pigs. One day, Mother Pig called her three children to her side. She said: 'Children, you have grown up and can't always stay with your mother. Now it's time for you to go out and build your own family. It's time for the house.'

So the three little pigs went out to build a house.

The boss is a big lazy boy who built a straw house.

As for the second child, he built a wooden house.

The third child was the most diligent. He spent a lot of effort to build a very strong house out of bricks.

One day, the big bad wolf came to the boss's thatched house. He blew the house down with his mouth.

The eldest son was so frightened that he fled to the second son's house, and the big bad wolf easily destroyed the second son's house.

The eldest brother and the second child fled to the third child's house again. Facing the solid brick house, the big bad wolf had nothing to do.He thought of a way to climb in through the chimney and catch the three little pigs.

When the smart third pig heard the noise, he lit a fire under the chimney. The big bad wolf was burned on his butt by the fire as soon as he got into the chimney. The injured wolf knew that he was no match for the three little pigs, so he covered his head. He ran away with his burned buttocks.

From then on, the big bad wolf no longer dared to attack the three little pigs, and the little pigs lived a happy life. "

Lin Feng spoke unhurriedly, but Yueyue didn't respond. He thought the little guy was asleep.

But after the story was told, Yueyue moved again and asked, "What next?"

Lin Feng said calmly: "No more, the story is over."


Lin Feng asked: "After listening to this story, did Yueyue understand any truth?"

Yue Yue: "..."

She understood the story, but as for the truth...

She thought for a while and said, "What I understand is that if the house cannot be built well, you can also rob other people's houses to live in."

Lin Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

(End of this chapter)

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