Chapter 147 Ding!Received a little rabbit

Yueyue swallowed and carefully placed the basket in her hand on the ground.

She made a silent gesture to the staff nearby, telling them to keep their voices down so as not to scare away the rabbits.

Then she bent down and tiptoed towards the little rabbit.

Her steps were very light, for fear of disturbing the little rabbit and scaring it away. Even so, she was still discovered by the little rabbit when she was still two or three meters away.

The little rabbit turned around and saw Yueyue, and then ran away.

Yueyue chased it: "Braised rabbit head, don't run away!"

But no one can run as fast as a four-legged rabbit. Even though Yueyue tried her best to chase, she still couldn't catch the little rabbit.

He watched the little rabbit throw away Yueyue, got into the grass and disappeared.

Yueyue stopped and shouted loudly: "Smelly rabbit, where have you gone? Come out and let me catch you. You will be in big trouble."

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

"Yueyue, do you want to scare the rabbit to death?"

"Threat from Yueyue!"

"Rabbit: I'm so scared. This little girl is so fierce."

"For a braised rabbit head, a rabbit has to be killed."


It wasn't over yet, the rabbit that reached her mouth suddenly disappeared. How could Yueyue allow this to happen.

She picked up a few pebbles from the ground and threw them in the direction where the rabbit disappeared.

She thought to herself that with so many bullets, the little rabbit would be killed.

But the stone was thrown over, but there was no movement in the grass over there.

The staff of the program originally wanted to persuade Yueyue not to finish it, and to get down to business quickly to find ingredients.

But at this moment, the little rabbit's head suddenly popped out of the grass.

Yueyue was shocked, picked up another pebble, aimed at the target and threw it.


Come again!

Then he threw another one, but still missed.

This little rabbit had a big heart, lying motionless in the grass nest, letting Yueyue fire at it.

The stones were thrown one after another, but not a single rabbit fur was hurt.

The little rabbit also relaxed its vigilance, jumped a few steps, and actually jumped out of the grass, standing out clearly.

Isn't this a blatant provocation?

Yueyue was so angry that her nose became crooked. She grabbed another handful of pebbles from the ground and threw them directly at Xiao Tuzi.

Not to mention, with so many bullets thrown out, some of them actually hit that silly rabbit.

A pebble hit the little rabbit's leg.

Yueyue has martial arts skills and considerable strength, and the stones she throws are quite lethal.

After the little rabbit was hit, he staggered and fell immediately, but he kept struggling but couldn't stand up.

Seeing this, Yueyue immediately waved her hand: "Uncle, help me catch it!"

The program staff jumped out without hesitation, and Yueyue also ran towards the little rabbit with all her strength.

Of course, children can't outrun adults. The staff arrived a few steps ahead and held down the little rabbit that was still struggling on the ground.

Yueyue hurried forward, held down the little rabbit with both hands, then pinched its legs and hugged the rabbit.

This rabbit is quite big, and it is quite difficult for Yue Yue to hold it.

But she still enjoyed it: "Hey, braised rabbit head, I caught you."

The staff and cameraman couldn't believe their eyes. They could catch a rabbit like this?
Is Yueyue just too lucky, or is this rabbit just too stupid?
The barrage in the live broadcast room...

"It's so evil. What kind of good luck does Yueyue have today?"

"This is God's gift of food." "Yueyue's luck is unmatched."

"What are you talking about? This is Yue Yue's ability to throw stones accurately and hard. It has nothing to do with luck."


The staff were afraid that the little rabbit would escape from Yueyue's hands, so they found a bag and asked Yueyue to put the little rabbit into the bag.

Just like that, Yueyue went back satisfied.

On the way down the mountain, she also met an aunt. Yueyue, a patient with Sheniu Syndrome, chatted with the aunt for a long time, and finally succeeded in extorting their eggs and half a bowl of flour.

This trip was fruitful, and Yueyue was very proud of herself. When she walked, her little buttocks were raised high, like a proud big rooster.

After returning to the village committee, Yueyue showed off to Lin Feng what she had gained throughout the morning.

She pulled the shepherd's purse from the ground, and the eggs and flour were requested by the passerby's aunt.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly after seeing this.

Regardless of whether Yueyue gained something or not, it would be great if she could come back safely.

It's just that this little guy is dirty and has a lot of dirt on his body, which makes him a little unbearable.

Lin Feng praised Yueyue a few words, and the little guy happily hugged his thigh and rubbed it.

"Hey, dad, I'm awesome."

"Dad, I miss you."

Lin Feng was a little disgusted, but still gave her a big hug: "Dad misses you too."

At this moment, the staff came over and handed a bag to Lin Feng's hand.

I couldn't see clearly what was in the bag, but the contents were still alive and kicking.

"What is this?"

Yueyue smiled and said: "Rabbit."


Everyone was surprised at the same time.

Lin Feng opened the bag and saw that it was really a rabbit, and the rabbit was still jumping around.

"Where did the rabbit come from?"

"It was beaten." Yueyue replied, "I found it on the mountain. This little rabbit provoked me, so I hit its leg with a stone, and my uncle helped me catch it."


Lin Feng didn't believe this was true. He turned to look at the staff and saw that they nodded, and then he believed Yue Yue's words.

Is there such a thing?
What kind of weird girl is this? She must be so lucky.

Everyone was very surprised after hearing this, and it took a long time to believe that this was true.

Liu Genghong said: "Yueyue, you are so awesome."

"Uncle, thank you, hehe." Yueyue felt a little embarrassed by the praise.

Tian Liang and Wu Zun also took a look at the rabbit, and they also felt very incredible.

Wu Zun said: "Yue Yue is such a talented little hunter."

He liked a cute little girl like Yueyue who had both strength and beauty.

Although my daughter is good, her character is too weak. It would be better if she could neutralize the tomboyish character of Yue Yue.

For a moment, the staff, dads and children at the scene surrounded Yueyue, and they all praised Yueyue without hesitation.

Yueyue felt like she was floating up. It felt so good to be praised by everyone.

At this moment, Lin Feng had already checked Yueyue's arms and legs and was relieved after making sure that the little one was not injured.

This child was reckless and always worried him.

Yueyue squatted on the ground, pointed to the little rabbit in the bag and asked: "Dad, look at this little rabbit with so much meat, it must be delicious when braised in braised rabbit head."

Lin Feng nodded and joked: "Yeah, but it's not as meaty as you. Can't we just braise you?"

(End of this chapter)

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