Chapter 149 Lin Feng can fly?

He suddenly asked: "Yueyue, have you washed your hands after lunch?"

"No." Yueyue replied seriously.

Lin Feng said with a painful look on his face: "You didn't wash your hands and you rubbed all over me. Is that okay?"

After saying that, he pinched his collar and smelled it, and sure enough he smelled the smell of braised rabbit meat.

Yueyue asked back: "Didn't you ask me to give you a massage?"

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, his expression worse than death.

He likes to be clean. Although he is not mysophobic, he can't stand greasy things.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't laugh or cry when they saw this scene.

Lin Feng quickly stood up, urging Yueyue to wash her hands, and at the same time prepared to change clothes in the bedroom.

Yueyue pursed her lips and said, "Dad, I didn't mean it."

"I know, dad is not angry with you. He just doesn't like greasy things." Lin Feng looked at Yueyue lovingly, "You just gave dad a big meal, dad should say thank you to you."

After Yueyue washed her hands, she asked Lin Feng to check if they were clean.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction and took Yueyue to bed for a nap.

As soon as she lay down on the bed, Yueyue suddenly remembered that she hadn't eaten the shepherd's purse she had pulled out in the morning, so she stuck to Lin Feng to make dumplings for her.

Lin Feng had no choice but to fool the little guy and promised to make shepherd's purse dumplings in the evening or afternoon.

Maybe it was because she spent a lot of energy doing activities in the morning, so Yueyue fell asleep soon after closing her eyes.

The same goes for Lin Feng.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, several groups of families gathered at the village committee on time, waiting for the director to announce the task.

Unexpectedly, the program team suddenly became so kind. Considering that everyone was too tired from doing the tasks in the morning, the tasks originally planned to be done in the afternoon were temporarily canceled.

Free activities are arranged in the afternoon. You can wander around the village and enjoy the scenery as you like.

As soon as these words came out, the father and the children went crazy.

The children excitedly hugged and hugged the director.

Afterwards, several adults discussed visiting Lin Feng's residence.

Because only the land where Lin Feng lives is on the mountainside, and the scenery is said to be pretty good, everyone wants to visit it.

When the group of people came to the mountainside and saw the dilapidated and crude adobe house for the first time, they all felt a strong sense of sympathy.

What attracts children the most is the swing made by Lin Feng.

They all scrambled to sit on the swing, and Yueyue said proudly: "My father made this specially for me. My father is amazing, he can do anything."

"My dad is even better, he is a diving champion." The handsome boy said unconvinced.

Children's desire to win is so strong, and in a blink of an eye, the topic turns to whose father is more powerful.

"My dad is a fitness expert and he has many fans." Xiao Puff said.

"My dad is even more powerful. He can sing and dance. He has also filmed many TV series before. To put it more seriously, he used to be a little fresh meat." Wu Xinyi said seriously, "A little fresh meat! Aren't you awesome?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zun, who was standing aside, couldn't laugh or cry. Was Wu Xinyi praising herself or herself?

Yueyue became even more enthusiastic. She would not allow other people's fathers to overwhelm her own father.

She said: "My father has also acted in many TV series, and he has won many awards."

"My dad is a world champion, and his medals are world-class." The handsome boy followed.

"My dad can also drive a go-kart." Little Puff raised his voice.

"My dad can also ride a motorcycle."

"My dad cooks very well."

"My dad can dance, sing, and do somersaults."

"My dad is very good at martial arts."

The little guys refused to give in to each other, and they all blew their dad up to the sky.

They are all proud of their fathers, but they don't want to be shorter than other people's fathers.

The scene fell into chaos for a while.The strongest Yueyue finally couldn't bear it anymore and dropped a bombshell: "My dad can fly."


Several other children were confused. Yueyue's father can fly, which is amazing.

Wu Xinyi answered: "Sister Yueyue, have you seen someone in the TV series who can fly? My father said that people can't fly."

"No, my dad can really fly." Yueyue said with great force.

"I don't believe it." Wu Xinyi said.

"I don't believe it either, unless you let your father fly for us to see." Little Puff said.

"I want to see it too," said the handsome boy.


Just like that, the four children all ran towards Lin Feng. They shouted at each other, and Lin Feng was confused.

It took him a long time to understand that the little guys heard Yueyue say that their father could fly, so they wanted Lin Feng to perform.

Lin Feng felt dizzy for a while.

The handsome boy pulled down Lin Feng's trousers and said, "Uncle, just give us a show."

"Yes, I also want to see my uncle who can fly." Little Puff said.

Wu Xinyi wondered: "Uncle, my father said people can't fly. So it's a lie that sister Yueyue said you can fly, right?"

Lin Feng: "..."

"Children, I really can't fly." Lin Feng said with shame.

Yueyue said dissatisfied: "Dad, please don't lie to them. Let's be honest, okay?"

Lin Feng sighed speechlessly.


"Haha, your strength is a lie."

"Lin Feng, just fly one and show it to the children."

"Yueyue is really not bragging, Lin Feng can really fly."

"I think Lin Feng is hiding his strength."


The dads who were watching the excitement couldn't help but smile.

After looking at the helpless Lin Feng, they called the child to their side.

"Little handsome boy, people can't fly. Come here quickly and don't join in the fun."

Tian Liang's words made Yueyue angry again.

She said angrily: "My dad can fly, I really didn't lie to you."

Lin Feng clutched his forehead, speechless to the extreme.

He also wanted to give Yueyue some face, but he really couldn't fly.

He thought that the reason why Yue Yue said this was probably because when she was at the Shaolin Temple, Yue Yue's badminton hit the roof and she was worried because she couldn't reach the badminton.

Lin Feng used his strength to climb higher and jumped to the roof to get the badminton.

To be honest, for someone who has practiced kung fu for several years, this is nothing at all, but Yueyue concluded that Lin Feng could fly.

Yueyue is very serious. The dads looked at her serious face and didn't want to say anything.

I had no choice but to control my children and not let them make noises, and quickly change the subject to talk about other things.

However, Wu Xinyi was very serious and asked: "Dad, can Uncle Lin really not know how to fly?"

Wu Zun didn't know how to explain it. People couldn't fly based on their own abilities.

He had talked about this topic with Wu Xinyi before, but now that Yueyue was there, he was afraid that telling the truth would make Yueyue unhappy.

After all, children have very strong self-esteem, and they might get into big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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