Chapter 158 Liu Yifei calls

The program team will definitely assign some tricky tasks for them to make a fool of themselves.

No matter what, Lin Feng is still looking forward to tomorrow's arrangements.

It is also fun to experience a village market with local customs.

Lin Feng didn't think much, turned sideways and hugged Yueyue to sleep.

Just then, his cell phone rang. The call was from Liu Yifei.

He hadn't contacted Liu Yifei for several days, and he was a little excited when he saw someone coming.

After picking up the phone and walking out of the house, Lin Feng answered the call.

"Feifei, it's so late, haven't you slept yet?"

"I'm not disturbing your rest, right?" Liu Yifei asked.

"No, Yueyue just fell asleep, I'm not asleep yet. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask how you guys are doing in the countryside these days?"

Liu Yifei also had nothing to talk about. In the past two days, she would watch the live broadcast when she had nothing to do. She probably knew what Lin Feng and the others were doing every day.

Lin Feng smiled and replied: "It's good. The air in the mountains is very good, the scenery is also good, and my mood feels better."

Liu Yifei laughed twice. She also longed for this kind of life in the mountains, which was particularly pure and simple.

Then he asked: "That's great. I was worried that Yueyue wouldn't be able to adapt to it."

"Then you are overthinking. Yueyue adapts faster than me." Lin Feng was a little excited. "You don't know how much Yueyue likes life in the mountains. She can see big roosters fighting and pebbles hitting each other." We bought a rabbit and we made a pot of rabbit meat, and the little guy loved it here."

Liu Yifei chuckled.

She had actually seen what Lin Feng said during the live broadcast, but hearing Lin Feng tell it to her personally was a different feeling.

After Liu Yifei smiled, Lin Feng said again: "Feifei, life in the countryside is incomparable to that in big cities. Here you will feel that the pace of life has become very slow, and your whole body is relaxed, there is no pressure at all, and even your soul is relaxed." Be washed.”

"I can't express my feelings on the phone. When I have the opportunity, I will take you to experience it. I guarantee you will like it here."

Lin Feng's words directly touched Lin Yifei's heart. She also longed for this poetic and picturesque life, not to mention having the person she loved by her side.

"Then it's settled. When I finish filming this movie, it's time for you to fulfill your promise." Liu Yifei said in a coquettish tone. She now wanted to run to Lin Feng all the time to experience this kind of life. .

"Okay, no problem." Lin Feng readily agreed. He smiled and said, "Feifei, how old are you, why are you still acting coquettishly with me?"

"Why, can't it? No woman can act coquettishly, no matter how old she is." Liu Yifei became more enthusiastic, and her coquettish tone became a little more intense, "Don't they say that women who can act like a coquettish person have a better life? I just feel that life is a bit bitter, and I should act like a spoiled child. Acting like a spoiled child."

"That's it, then I also hope that your life will be better. If you act like a spoiled child to me in the future, I will never dislike it." He replied.

Liu Yifei chuckled: "Don't misunderstand me, I only act like a spoiled child to you."

Lin Feng was stunned by these words. Liu Yifei had changed a lot after not seeing her for just a few days.

Nowadays, the standard of speaking is different. In the past, Liu Yifei would never say such love words.

"Okay, I wish you could act like a spoiled child with me." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Well, as long as you don't dislike it." Liu Yifei felt that enough was enough, and then changed the subject, "By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

"The program team will arrange to go to the market tomorrow morning, and we will most likely be able to go home in the afternoon."

"Going to the market? It should be fun."

Liu Yifei became interested as soon as she heard this. She often heard old people say that going to the market was very fun, but Liu Xiaoli's family was very strict and she never had the chance to go to the market since she was a child.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Yifei lived for 28 years and lived in an ivory tower for 28 years. Although she was very well protected by Liu Xiaoli, she did not want this kind of life. It was too boring and had no freedom at all.Rather than saying that she is a flower growing in the greenhouse, it is better to say that she is Liu Xiaoli's puppet.

Really, this is no exaggeration at all.

Even now, Liu Yifei has grown up, and Liu Xiaoli is still involved in all aspects of her affairs, including dating.

What she wants is a free and carefree life like Lin Feng.

Liu Yifei also took a fancy to this aspect of Lin Feng's character.

Be free and never compromise on life!

Lin Feng continued: "The market should be quite fun, but I haven't been there either. I'll go and experience it tomorrow, and I'll take you to play when I have the chance."

"no problem."

Liu Yifei was excited and excited. Affected by her emotions, her voice rose a bit.

This is in sharp contrast to her usually gentle and quiet personality.

She suddenly realized something and said timidly: "Sorry, I was too loud. I didn't disturb Yueyue's rest, right?"

Lin Feng looked up at the night sky and said leisurely: "No, Yueyue is sleeping. I called you in the yard."

"Then I'm relieved." Liu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, if you go home tomorrow, can I pick you up?"

"Um..." Lin Feng paused. Although he was thinking about it, he knew that Liu Yifei was busy recently, and he was too embarrassed to bother her. "Don't bother, the show team uses the car."


Liu Yifei said softly, seeming a little disappointed.

Sensing the change in her mood, Lin Feng changed his words and said, "If you have time, you can go home. Yueyue and... I miss you very much."

Liu Yifei was completely stunned.

Even breathing became short of breath.

What did Lin Feng just say?
He misses me?

Am I right?
After thinking about it again, Liu Yifei was sure that she heard correctly and that she was not hallucinating.

Lin Feng just said that he missed her.

At this moment when Liu Yifei was stunned, Lin Feng still meant that she had no time.

"If you're busy, forget it. We'll meet again when we have time."

"I have time." Liu Yifei opened her mouth in panic, "When did I say I didn't have time? I don't have any drama in the past two days. I have a lot of time to stay with Yueyue"

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow, and you should go to bed early."

"OK, good night."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng went directly back to the house to sleep, but Liu Yifei couldn't calm down for a long time.

The thought of meeting Lin Feng tomorrow made her sleepy.

She hurriedly got up and went to the closet to look for clothes. She wanted to choose the most beautiful clothes so that Lin Feng would feel refreshed when he saw her.

After trying on clothes for a long time, Liu Yifei was not satisfied with any of them.

(End of this chapter)

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