Chapter 16
Lin Feng's anger rose up.

He has seen a lot of women, but this is the first time he has seen such a ruthless and unjust woman like Da Mimi.

Thinking about it, I was a fool at the beginning and would fall in love with such a woman. I am so blind!

Look at Liu Yifei again. She is not related by blood to Yueyue, but she loves her as her own daughter. Damimi is really nothing.

Resisting the impulse, Lin Feng still replied to her.

"Yueyue and I live a good life, but I don't like your little money. It was Yueyue's idea to make the show, and I will respect her!"

After seeing this news, Da Mimi raised the corner of her mouth slightly, she really wanted to save face.

She then replied: "After all, I am also Yueyue's biological mother. You don't have to be polite to me. I know that your financial situation is not very good and you need my support."

"Yueyue is still young, so she may have been thinking about TV on a whim. But the entertainment industry is in deep water, and it can be said that she cannot be buried. You cannot let Yueyue jump into the pit. As the father of your child, you must protect her well. "

"Lin Feng, listen to my advice, put down your so-called face, and stop being brave. I will give you a sum of money, which is enough to make you worry-free."

"Quit the show and lead Yueyue to live a normal life. This is my advice to you!"

Lin Feng was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Da Mimi must have gone crazy.

Do you think having money can solve everything?

The advice that seems to be well-intentioned is actually for my own benefit. I am afraid that someone will find out about my dark history, and I am afraid that my hard-working career will be ruined.

This woman's little thoughts are so terrifying!

Lin Feng typed a few words quickly with his fingers: "Put away your ugly face. Yueyue has a mother like you. I really feel unworthy of her. I won't ask for your money. From now on, don't Harassing our lives. Yueyue is not your daughter, and we have nothing to do with her."

Although these words don't sound good, to someone like Da Mimi, Lin Feng has already given her face.

If she wasn't recording a program, Lin Feng would have called her directly and would have scolded her!
At this moment, Lin Feng was heartbroken.

He had been lying to Yueyue before that her mother was dead, but now it seemed that there was no difference between her mother and her death.

The little guy is still young. If he knows the truth when he grows up, will he be devastated?
I hope this lie can be kept hidden forever!
On the other side, Da Mimi looked at the messages on her phone with a cold expression.

She also expected this result.

Although what she just said was a bit unpleasant, in her opinion, it was the best choice for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has a very stubborn temper, and it is understandable that he cannot save face by accepting her funding.

When the two of them got along, Da Mimi quite admired his personality, but now the situation is different.

Lin Feng couldn't live a better life if he didn't have the ability to make money.

Does he want Yueyue to live a hard life with him?

I can’t even settle this account, my brain is cramping!
Da Mimi was also very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

She has a tenacity in doing things and will never give up until she achieves her goal.

She couldn't change Lin Feng's mind, she could only find another way.

After racking her brains for a while, she suddenly remembered someone - Tang Yan.

Da Mimi filmed "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" with Lin Feng, Tang Yan, and Liu Sisi.

They got acquainted through work, and the two got along very well. Later, Da Mimi and Tang Yan became good friends and talked about everything.However, because of her breakup with Lin Feng, Tang Yan came to be the peacemaker. She advised Da Mimi more than once to cherish the people in front of her, and Lin Feng was worthy of her lifelong trust.

But Da Mimi regarded her kindness as a donkey's heart and did not listen to Tang Yan's advice at all.

Finally, after giving birth to Yueyue, Da Mimi and Lin Feng broke up.

After Tang Yan heard about this, she was still a little disappointed, and her relationship with Da MiMi became increasingly weak.

Although it's not as close as before, it's still reasonable, and we'll talk on the phone from time to time.

During this period, Tang Yan also advised Da Mi Mi and Lin Feng to get back together more than once. A woman's ultimate destination is to marry her husband and raise her children. She should not take her career so seriously. After all, Yue Yue is her flesh and blood. If nothing else, she should also consider her children. consider.

But Da MiMi didn't listen to the advice and still went his own way.

Seeing her constant attitude, Tang Yan stopped making fearless efforts. After that, she was busy with her career and had fewer contacts.

Damimi knew that Tang Yan had a good relationship with Lin Feng. After Lin Feng quit the entertainment industry, the two had been in contact.

So this time, Da Mimi targeted Tang Yan and tried to ask Tang Yan to persuade Lin Feng.

After making up her mind, she sent a private message to Tang Yan Tang Yan.

Da Mimi: "Sisters, how are you doing lately?"

Da Mimi hasn't contacted Tang Yan for a long time.

The other party quickly replied with a message: "I'm fine. Big Boss Sister Mi, do you have anything to do with me?"

Da Mimi: "Lin Feng has returned to the entertainment industry and participated in a show. Do you know about this?"

Tang Yan: "I know, I've also watched it, it's called "My Superboy Daddy", and Yueyue's performance was pretty good."

Da Mimi went straight to the point: "I haven't watched the show. Yueyue is still young now, and I don't think she is suitable to participate in the show. Can you help me persuade Xiao Lin Feng to quit the show. I know he is doing it for money." If Yueyue participates in the show, if he agrees to quit, I will give him a sum of money to help Yueyue live the life he wants."

Tang Yan was stunned when she saw this news.

She was speechless and didn't know how to reply to the other party.

Why is Damimi so virtuous?

He abandoned Lin Feng and his daughter and vowed not to have any contact with them anymore, but now he is licking his face and wants to give Lin Feng a sum of money to quit the show.

What is this operation?
What does it have to do with you whether you want to quit the show or not? You still use money to insult people. It’s really shameless.

Just as he was complaining, Da Mimi sent another message.

"Yanyan, don't get me wrong. I can't bear to see Yueyue and Lin Feng living a hard life. Lin Feng brought Yueyue on the show just to make money. But the entertainment industry is a mixed bag, and it doesn't care about the growth of children. Okay, so I just want you to persuade Lin Feng that I will use money to make up for Lin Feng’s loss from quitting the show. This is not necessarily Lin Feng’s best choice.”

"Lin Feng is quite stubborn, and he won't listen to what I say. After much thought, I can only ask you for help. My dear sister, please help me persuade him!"

"I know you have a close relationship with Lin Feng. Maybe he can still listen to your words."

From the beginning to the end, the starting point of Da Mimi's words was always for the good of Yue Yue and Lin Feng, without mentioning her own petty thoughts at all.

And Tang Yan is not a fool. After a brief analysis, she came to a conclusion: Da Mimi asked Lin Feng to quit the show because she was afraid that someone would dig out her unsavory past and destroy her business empire.

People in the entertainment industry live a personal life.

(End of this chapter)

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