Chapter 165 Eat well and play games

Lin Feng's titanium alloy was so bright that he was blinded.

The snow-white skin, the jade arms like lotus roots, and the graceful back made Lin Feng take a breath.

Sensing his hungry look, Liu Yifei said shyly: "What's wrong with you? Doesn't this dress look good?"

"No..." Lin Feng swallowed hard, "It's so beautiful."

Liu Yifei pursed her red lips, feeling quite proud.

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

Yueyue, who was eating pizza in the restaurant, also turned to look at Liu Yifei. She commented: "Godmother, your dress is so beautiful, especially for your figure."

Liu Yifei smiled so hard that her eyelashes curled up: "Thank you Yueyue."

"Godmother, when I grow up, can you give me this dress?"

"When you grow up, these clothes will be out of date. Then your godmother will buy you many, many beautiful clothes to wear!"

"Yeah, okay." Yueyue asked again, "Dad, isn't your godmother pretty today?"

Lin Feng replied readily: "Beautiful, very beautiful."

"I think it's beautiful too. You two look so well matched."

Tong Yan Wuji.

These words made Lin Feng and Liu Yifei happy.

Kazuma's hearty laughter came from the living room.

Liu Yifei shook her head, turned around and went into the restaurant to eat with Yueyue.

Lin Feng's head was still dizzy and he had no appetite at all, so he lay down on the sofa to rest.

Yueyue took a bite of pizza and turned to look at the living room: "Dad, don't you want to eat some? Godmother bought a lot of delicious food."

Liu Yifei also advised: "Lin Feng, just eat some. Don't you like eating these things? How about I order takeout for you?"

"Don't bother. I'm a little dizzy and can't eat anything."

Lin Feng replied, and then took out his mobile phone to kill the boring incident.

Liu Yifei ate very quickly and was full in two or three bites.

After she finished eating, she came to the living room and sat down next to Lin Feng.

She asked with concern: "Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, I don't have anything else wrong. I just have a little headache. I guess it's because I sat in the car for too long today. I just need to take a breather and it'll be fine."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he moved his body and lay on Liu Yifei's lap.

This move frightened Liu Yifei's delicate body to tremble. She and Lin Feng had never been so intimate before.

Lin Feng said calmly: "Why don't you pat my head for me?"


Liu Yifei nodded and immediately pressed her hand gently on Lin Feng's temple.

The strength was just right, and Lin Feng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

He turned sideways and lay facing Liu Yifei, so that he could just see Liu Yifei's chin.

"Will pressing your head help? How about I find you some painkillers?"

"No, I just think this is good. Thank you for your hard work."


Yueyue was sitting in the restaurant, eating pizza happily.

At the same time, she glanced into the living room from time to time, and she was very happy to see Lin Feng and Liu Yifei sticking together.

She had eaten half of the durian pizza, but she still couldn't help but want to eat it.

"Godmother, if you married dad, would I eat durian pizza every day?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yifei's expression froze and the movements of her hands stopped.

She lowered her head and glanced at Lin Feng, who was lying on her lap. Lin Feng was also looking at her with affectionate eyes.

When their eyes met, Liu Yifei felt like her breathing had stopped.

She coughed twice and replied: "Even if your godmother doesn't marry your father, she will buy you durian every day."

As soon as he said these words, Lin Feng's face immediately darkened.

Liu Yifei seems to dislike him!Lin Feng asked decisively: "Don't you want to marry me? Is it because I'm not worthy of you?"

Liu Yifei's eyes flashed with panic: "No, no, I want to marry you, just..."

Halfway through her words, she suddenly stopped and felt her face burning.

This mouth is too disappointing, why did he accidentally reveal it?

Lin Feng smiled evilly and said, "Why don't you speak?"

At this moment, Liu Yifei was about to tell Lin Feng loudly that she wanted to marry him. She thought about it every day and all the time.

It's just that she didn't have the courage to say it!

Facing Lin Feng's teasing, Liu Yifei remained silent.

Lin Feng took advantage of the victory and pursued it: "What do you mean by not speaking? Is it acquiescence?"

Lin Feng knew Liu Yifei's thoughts about him, but the girl was relatively thin-skinned and kept her mind closed so she didn't want to express it.

So he was testing Liu Yifei, getting closer to her psychological defense line step by step.

Liu Yifei was sweating nervously and her face was as red as an apple.

She didn't dare to speak, fearing that Lin Feng would see through her nervousness and be laughed at.

Just nodded slightly.

"Then why don't you confess to me?" Lin Feng suppressed a smile and deliberately teased Liu Yifei.

He found it particularly interesting to tease Liu Yifei, a silly person.

"What?" Liu Yifei was surprised.

"How do I know you like me if you don't confess your love to me?"

After saying this, Lin Feng stood up suddenly, hooked Liu Yifei's neck, and kissed her hard on her red lips.

Liu Yifei felt that her brain was about to shut down.

She looked at Lin Feng in disbelief, her nervous hands nowhere to be.

After Lin Feng kissed her, he quickly let go of Liu Yifei.

Yueyue was still present, so he had to restrain himself.

"Don't be stupid, wake up."

Lin Feng saw Liu Yifei's empty eyes and knew that she was acting like this because she was nervous, so he teased her.

Liu Yifei said in horror: "What are you doing? Yueyue is still here."

However, before Lin Feng could speak, Yueyue's voice came from the restaurant.

"Godmother, the durian pizza you bought is so delicious. I want to eat it for a while while you and daddy take your time and play!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Liu Yifei had just calmed down her mind, but when she heard these words, her face turned red again.

She frowned and looked at Lin Feng, not knowing how to respond to Yueyue.

Lin Feng helped her out and said loudly: "What fun can we two adults have? You hurry up and eat. When we are full, the three of us will play games together."

play games?
As soon as she heard that she was going to play a game, Yueyue speeded up her eating and was full after a while.

Then she slipped off the chair and ran to the living room.

"Dad, godmother, I'm full, let's play games."

With Liu Yifei's massage, Lin Feng's headaches were relieved a lot, and of course his mood improved a lot.

The three of them gathered in the living room to play games.

They played checkers and some card games.

Yueyue was having a great time playing the game, but she didn't know that Lin Feng and Liu Yifei were the ones giving in to her every time they played the game.

After playing for a while, Yueyue suggested.

"Dad, let's play house together, shall we?"

"You are the father, godmother is the mother, and I will be the baby."

"How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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