Chapter 168 Worry
Apart from anything else, Da Mimi's acting skills have indeed improved a lot in the past few years. It makes her cry like a pear blossom, and it's really pitiful!

Da Mimi wanted to show off her tears in order to influence Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng had been deeply hurt by her a long time ago, and he didn't like rice rice.

A woman with a vicious heart deserves no sympathy at all.

Seeing that Lin Feng had no reaction, Da MiMi cried for a while and then stopped.

Lin Feng said expressionlessly: "Stop making excuses for yourself. The moment you abandoned Yueyue, you were no longer her mother. Her mother died long ago."

"You said that you are working hard to make money to give Yueyue a better life. Do I believe it? This is all your wishful thinking and has nothing to do with us. As long as your conscience finds out, you will not ignore Yueyue in the past few years. Question. Don’t say you are very busy. You have time to travel and go shopping, but you don’t have time to see your daughter? Is it possible?”

"I'm not a fool. Please be more sober. Don't disturb our lives anymore. We have no relationship at all now, not even friends."

Lin Feng finished speaking in one breath and looked at Da MiMi again with a strange look: "By the way, please don't worry, I will always keep the fact that you are Yueyue's mother, and I hope you will not come to break our peaceful life. .”

Each word was like a knife stabbing into Damimi's heart.

She looked at Lin Feng expressionlessly, her mind going blank.

This is the evil result you have sown.

After a long silence, Da Mimi finally came to his senses: "Can you and Liu Yifei take good care of Yueyue? If you have children of your own in the future, Yueyue will definitely be treated unfairly by you. I am Yueyue's mother, I can’t watch her being abused and ignored by you.”

When Da Mimi said this, she wanted to test whether Lin Feng had any plans to have a child with Liu Yifei.

Lin Feng was so impressed by her IQ that he replied coldly: "This has nothing to do with you!"

"What about Reba? Reba must have something to do with me! She is currently on the rise in her career, and your appearance has seriously affected her life. You'd better stay away from her, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!"

Lin Feng was in a fog.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally remembered who Reba was.

Reba must be the girl I met on the basketball court that day, and the other girl asked me for WeChat.

Lin Feng knew that this girl was an actress that Da Mimi Company fully supported, and Da Mimi had put a lot of effort into her.

"I'm talking about Da Mimi, can you stop being so self-righteous? Who do you think you are? Why do you interfere in my affairs? What I want to do is none of your business!" Lin Feng said angrily.

Da Mimi suddenly became anxious.

"What do you mean, you just want to stalk Reba, right?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, I was not interested in this Reba originally, but to make her unhappy, I have this idea again now."

"How dare you!" Da Mimi shouted hoarsely.

"Am I the one who was scared by you? Let's see!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car.

He felt that it would be a waste of life to talk nonsense to Da Mimiduo.

"Lin Feng, get back here!"

Da Mimi yelled, but Lin Feng didn't even look back at her.

Looking at Lin Feng's back, Da Mimi arranged the seats carefully.

I feel really disgusted with myself today.

He came with good intentions to persuade Lin Feng to change the way he educates Yueyue, but when he failed to do so, he was severely humiliated by Lin Feng.

In all her life, she has never suffered such injustice.


Upstairs in the living room.

Liu Yifei has been unable to calm down since Lin Feng came downstairs.

She was guessing what the purpose of Da Mimi's coming here tonight was.

Could it be that Da Mimi came to Lin Feng to get back together?

Very likely.

Although Damimi abandoned Yueyue, she was Yueyue's biological mother after all, and Lin Feng had once been in love with her.Moreover, she has a great career now, and she is not inferior to herself in terms of appearance and figure.

If Da Mimi really wanted to get back together with Lin Feng, Lin Feng probably wouldn't refuse.

If that were the case, he wouldn't have any chance at all.

"Godmother, are you worried about something?" Yue Yue noticed Liu Yifei's uneasy look and asked.

Liu Yifei was startled: "Huh? No!"

"Don't lie to me, you have been in a very low mood since that aunt came." Yueyue blinked her big curious eyes, "Godmother, are you worried that your father has been abducted by that beautiful aunt?"

"Little clever devil!" Liu Yifei shaved Yueyue's little nose, "Godmother asked you, is that aunt beautiful?"

"Well, pretty."

After hearing Yueyue's answer, Liu Yifei was obviously a little disappointed.

She asked again: "Then do you think the aunt is prettier or the godmother?"

Liu Yifei looked at Yueyue expectantly.

"Both are beautiful, but my godmother has more temperament."

Liu Yifei smiled: "Then do you think your father will like that aunt?"

"No!" Yueyue shook her head, "Dad only likes one person!"

"Ha! Yueyue knows how to say nice things. How did you know that I am the only one who knows dad? Did dad tell you that?"

"No, because dad and I have a telepathic connection, and I can guess what he is thinking."

She didn't get the answer she expected, but Liu Yifei was still amused by Yueyue.

This kid has really high emotional intelligence!

Just a few words can make yourself happy.

And at this moment, the door opened.

Liu Yifei looked towards the door nervously. After seeing Lin Feng, her hanging heart was relieved.

She was really worried that Lin Feng would be abducted by Da Mimi just now.

Lin Feng put on his slippers, hung his coat on the hanger, and glanced at Liu Yifei on the sofa.

"Feifei, you look so bad, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

When asked by Lin Feng, Liu Yifei suddenly became nervous.

Before she could reply, Yueyue suddenly spoke: "Dad, godmother is worried that you have been abducted by that aunt."

Liu Yifei had nowhere to put her hands in embarrassment. Just now she praised Yueyue for her high emotional intelligence. She really couldn't help but praise her.

Lin Feng sat on the sofa: "Feifei, why is your brain so bad?"

"No!" Liu Yifei nervously raised her forehead.

Liu Yifei wanted to ask about Da MiMi again, but considering Yueyue was present, she didn't say much.

Looking at Yueyue again, the little guy was already so sleepy that his eyes were blurred.

"Yueyue, are you sleepy?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Well, I want to sleep." Yueyue yawned and turned to look at Lin Feng, "Dad, can you let your godmother stay to put me to sleep?"

"Of course." Lin Feng replied.

Yueyue asked Liu Yifei again: "Godmother, can you sleep with me for the first time?"

Liu Yifei smiled: "No problem, godmother will take you to take a bath first, okay?"


After hearing this, Yueyue immediately danced with joy. She stuck out her tongue at Lin Feng mischievously and said, "Dad, my godmother can coax me to sleep. Don't be too envious."

(End of this chapter)

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