Chapter 170 Drinking with Reba

Seeing Da Mimi's dejected look, Reba wanted to remind her to wash her face and sober up.

Da Mimi was very persuasive, stood up and said, "Okay, I'll wash my face first."

"Reba, do you have any beer at home? I want you to drink some with me."

"No problem, I'll order takeout right now."

After saying that, Reba took out her mobile phone and opened the takeout app, while Damimi twisted her waist and went directly to the bathroom.


The next second, a scream came from the bathroom.

Damimi's sudden surprise frightened Reba, and she asked nervously.

"Sister Mimi, what's wrong with you?"

In the bathroom, Da Mimi was really shocked when she saw herself in the mirror.

She couldn't believe it, was this still the confident and charming Da MiMi?

Why are humans and ghosts so ugly?

After regaining her composure, she replied: "Reba, I'm fine, don't worry."

After saying that, Da MiMi opened the faucet and poured water on her face over and over again.

When Reba heard this, her heart calmed down.

She continued to browse the takeout app and ordered some beer and snacks. She quickly placed her order.

After ordering the takeout, she was not in the mood to use her cell phone. Her brain was running rapidly, wondering what Damimi had experienced today to make her look so ugly.

If Reba remembers correctly, this is the first time she has seen Da Mimi in such a state of control since she met him.

It turns out that no matter how strong a woman is, she still has a fragile side.

Reba changed her past view of Mimi.

Da Mimi took off her makeup, used Reba's skin care products to moisturize her face, and spent more than half an hour in the bathroom before coming out.

When she came out, the takeaway ordered by Reba also arrived.

The aroma of the vegetables came to his nostrils, and Mimi felt a little better.

Reba gave up the main seat of the sofa to Da MiMi, and then pointed to the food on the coffee table.

"Sister Mi, I don't know what you want to eat, so I can just order whatever you want. Do you think that's okay?"

"Okay, food doesn't matter, as long as you have beer. Come and have some drinks."

Da Mimi handed Reba a can of beer, then picked up another can and opened it, holding up the beer and taking a big gulp.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Because he drank so hard, Da MiMi choked and coughed several times.

"Sister Mi, drink slowly."

Reba reminded, and then handed a tissue to Da MiMi.

Da Mimi wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Come, drink together, let's have a good time tonight!"

"No problem. I just don't have work tomorrow, so let's drink as much as we want."

Reba was very supportive. Since Sister Mi was in a bad mood, she would have a good drink with her to relieve her bad mood.

She usually drinks, but for the sake of sisterhood, she risked her life today.

Opening the beer, Reba took a sip, then frowned.

This is bitter and tastes really bad!
She swallowed it with difficulty, then tore a piece of fried chicken to wash away the taste in her mouth.

The fried chicken is still delicious, the meat is delicious, crispy and delicious.

"Sister Mi, please pay me back for this fried chicken, it's so delicious."

As soon as Reba finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that Dami Mi was very strict with herself and never ate such high-calorie food.

Then she changed her words and said: "Sister Mi, this tofu is also very good, you should eat this."

Da MiMi picked up the wine bottle and took another sip, then let out a deep breath: "It's great! Our goal tonight is to eat and drink happily. No matter how much we control our bodies, we can eat whatever we want!" Said, Da MiMi Mi tore off a fried chicken leg and ate it until his mouth was full of oil.

Reba was surprised: "Sister Mi, don't you plan to lose weight?"

Da Mimi was really unusual today. In the past, she would not eat a bite of such high-calorie food.

Just to maintain a good figure and show a perfect self to the public.

However today...

She was actually chewing fried chicken legs, and her mouth was full of oil. Reba was very puzzled.

"No more weight loss. Liu Yifei is much fatter than me. She has a good life in love and career, so isn't she living a good life?" Da Mimi took another bite of the chicken leg, chewing it very vigorously.

Thinking of the injustice she had suffered tonight, she could only vent her anger through food.

So, in two or three mouthfuls, she chewed up a chicken leg until only the bones were left.

"Well, this fried chicken is so delicious!" Da Mimi licked the chicken bones and threw them into the trash can.

Reba was dumbfounded by her popularity.

What's going on with Sister Mi? She's looking for food to vent her dissatisfaction.

By the way, why did she suddenly mention Liu Yifei just now, and she even said with some jealousy that Liu Yifei had a good harvest in love and career.

Could it be that Sister Mi's desolate look today has something to do with Liu Yifei?

Did Liu Yifei steal Sister Mi’s resources?

If that's the case, it's normal for Sister Mi to be hit by this.

The two of them are both at the top of the entertainment industry, but Sister Mi has always been arrogant and arrogant, and her resources have been robbed by the other party. It is right not to give in.

Reba finally figured it out. She grabbed another beer and gave it to Damimi.

After a few sips of rice, a can of beer was drained.

Then she opened another bottle. She was in a bad mood. In addition, she drank it too fast, and the rice was already a little drunk.

She held Reba's hand and asked: "Reba, who do you think is more beautiful, me or Liu Yifei?"

"No need to ask, of course you are the most beautiful!"

"What about her figure? Is her figure as good as mine?" Mimi asked again.

"Sister Mi, you are recognized as the actress with the best figure in the Chinese entertainment industry."

Reba said sincerely that she was now sure that Da Mimi's emotional time and space was caused by Liu Yifei.

Da Mimi raised his head, took another sip of wine, and said disappointedly: "In terms of looks and figure, Liu Yifei can't compare to me, but how could Lin Feng fall in love with her?"

At this time, Da MiMi had slurred speech when speaking, and it was obvious that she had drunk too much.

When Reba heard this, she opened her mouth in surprise.

It turns out that Da Mimi’s dissatisfaction with Liu Yifei has something to do with Lin Feng.

I'll go~
It turns out that Damimi really misses Lin Feng. It seems that she knows that Liu Yifei and Lin Feng have a special relationship.

Da Mimi held her forehead and was already shaky on the sofa.

Her face turned red, and she looked at Reba with blurred eyes and asked, "Reba, you are talking. Do you think Liu Yifei is better than me?"

"No, I think Sister Mi is the most perfect woman in the world, no one can compare to her."

Damimi was already incoherent: "Reba, do you also like Lin Feng?"

Dami Mi drank a lot, and Reba clearly felt that she was already too drunk. However, Reba only drank a few sips, and she was still conscious.

Hearing Da Mimi ask this, Reba didn't know how to answer.

Da Mimi asked too directly!

Just as she was thinking about how to avoid this question, Da Mimi spoke again.

"Reba, I like you, but don't have too high hopes for Lin Feng. If my guess is right, Lin Feng is already sleeping with Liu Yifei in his arms."

(End of this chapter)

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