Chapter 177 Back to Hometown
Therefore, Lin Feng planned to take this opportunity to return to his hometown to visit his parents and grandfather. Doesn't this also fit in with the theme of the show?

Lin Feng's hometown, Yancheng, is [-] kilometers away from Leicheng.

The journey was a bit far, and Lin Feng didn't want to drive, so he planned to take Yueyue back by taking the high-speed rail.

After buying the ticket, Lin Feng took the packed luggage and took Yueyue on the journey home.

Before setting off, he notified his parents. The old couple were extremely excited after receiving the news. At the same time, they told Lin Feng: Take good care of the children on the road and ensure safety on the road.

Yueyue was also extremely excited about going home to visit her grandparents.

In the past few years, Yueyue followed Lin Feng to many places.

Lin Feng is a very restless person and likes to travel around the country. He feels bored after staying in one place for a long time.

Yueyue is probably influenced by Lin Feng and also likes to travel.

Lin Feng is the son of a farmer. Although he now has the financial ability and bought a house for his parents in the city, the old couple are reluctant to leave the countryside where they were born and raised.

Lin Feng had no choice but to build a small bungalow for his parents in the countryside. The living environment was very good, it had everything he needed, it was spacious and bright.

As soon as they heard that Lin Feng was coming back, his parents quickly cleaned the house.

Both parents were farmers and didn't have much experience. They felt that the single most correct decision they made in their lives was to send Lin Feng to the Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts when he was very young.

Lin Feng was still young at the time and didn't understand why his parents did this.

He is still so young, why should he be sent to Shaolin Temple to endure hardships?

For this reason, he once hated his parents and even wanted to sever the father-son relationship with them.

But as he grew older, he became more and more aware of his parents' good intentions.

Especially since becoming a father, with the change of role, Lin Feng also realized that being a parent is not easy, and he began to take the initiative to greet his parents, and the relationship between father and son has also eased a lot.

This is the transition from boy to man!
On the high-speed train, Yueyue leaned against the window, admiring the scenery outside the window that was gradually receding.

Lin Feng felt very peaceful.

After two days of vacation, Liu Yifei also returned to the crew.

Because of her absence, the filming progress of the entire crew was also slowed down a lot.

So when Liu Yifei came back, the crew started working hard again.

As soon as she entered the venue, Liu Yan spotted her figure.


Liu Yan, who was sitting in the nanny's car, whistled and greeted Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei reacted and walked towards her.

"Hurry, get in the car!"

Liu Yan asked Liu Yifei to get in the car mysteriously, and then said in a panic: "Feifei, something big happened!"

"What's wrong?" Liu Yifei was also nervous by her.

"In the past two days since you were away, your mother has been calling the crew!
"Ah?" Liu Yifei asked hurriedly, "Then?"

"Fortunately, I was clever and fooled your mother, but your mother is not that easy to fool. She will probably come to the set to look for you. Just be mentally prepared!" Liu Yan kindly reminded her.

After hearing this, Liu Yifei's face turned pale and she swallowed nervously.

She hadn't received a call from Liu Xiaoli in the past two days. She thought her mother was finally willing to let go of her, but she didn't expect that the call came to the crew.

"Sorry to trouble you." Liu Yifei said apologetically, and then asked, "My mother didn't say anything, did she?"

"Don't worry, everything is under my control. I just told her that we would go shopping together."

Liu Yifei nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

She knew her mother's character very well and was afraid that Liu Xiaoli would make things difficult for Liu Yan.

After a pause, she added: "My mother is like this. She wishes she could control me 24 hours a day. Thank you so much this time." "I understand, you're welcome." Liu Yan smiled heartily, "What will you do if you go out in the future? If you have something ulterior to tell, just tell me in advance and I will cover it for you."

Liu Yifei said shyly: "There is nothing hidden! What are you thinking!"

Liu Yan smiled: "However, Auntie is doing it for your own good. If I had such a beautiful daughter, I would be worried that my daughter would be taken advantage of by a bad man."

"I'm not stupid, how can I be taken advantage of by a bad man?"

"You still said no! There is evidence on your neck. It seems that you were really captured by Lin Feng and me!"

Liu Yan pointed at Liu Yifei's neck and said.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei was confused for a moment and covered her neck in panic.

Why didn't she know there was evidence left? If she had known, she would have brought a silk scarf to cover it up.

"Is there? Where is it?"

Liu Yifei's pretty face turned red, and she quickly took out the mirror and took a look.

She had already complained in her heart. That man was so careless. He knew that leaving red marks on his neck was a taboo for actors, but he actually went against the trend and committed a crime.

But it hurt her terribly!
After looking in the mirror for a long time, I didn't see any red marks.

Just when Liu Yifei was restless, Liu Yan suddenly burst out laughing.

"Feifei, you are so easy to deceive. I just said it casually, and I actually deceived you." Liu Yan couldn't stop laughing wildly, "Isn't this Lin Feng very powerful? He captured you in two days."

Liu Yifei was so angry that her mouth twisted and she raised her hand to hit him.

"Okay, if you dare to lie to me, see if I don't deal with you!"

"No, I was wrong, can you spare me?"

Even though Liu Yan raised her hands to surrender, Liu Yifei still didn't let her go easily. She stretched out her hand to scratch Liu Yan's itchy flesh, and the two of them started tearing apart.

A roar of laughter came from the nanny car, and the crew colleagues passing by cast curious glances.

After fighting for a while, the two stopped.

Liu Yan adjusted her collar and re-buttoned her clothes.

She especially likes to wear tight-fitting clothes to highlight her proud figure. If she moves a little wider, the clothes will easily jump up.

But Liu Yan's figure is really great, especially her proud breasts, which gave her a lot of confidence.

Liu Yifei quietly observed all this from her side.

Envy: "Feifei, you have such a great figure, what's the secret?"

Only then did Liu Yan notice Liu Yifei's fiery gaze, staring directly at her chest.

Taking another look at Liu Yifei's part, she understood immediately.

"This is what I was born with. What's the trick?"

Liu Yifei looked slightly disappointed: "Then, can a situation like mine be changed?"

"Bangzi Country is quite good at treating this!" Liu Yan replied.

"I can't accept this. Is there any other way?"

"Then take supplements, eat more papaya and drink more milk."

"Does it work?"

"I don't know either. You can get it if you try."


(End of this chapter)

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