Chapter 184

"Is that spicy?" Yueyue calmed down a little.

"Well, it's still a bit spicy." Lin Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Look, dad is sweating because of the spicy food."

Yueyue looked at the sweat beads on his forehead, then looked at the red lips, and believed Lin Feng's words.

Apparently, the spicy strips were really spicy, and my father’s lips were so spicy that they bled.

"Dad, are you okay?" Yueyue asked with concern.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "As an adult, it's fine for me. A child will definitely have a stomachache after eating such spicy spicy strips."

"Yueyue, you'd better eat some other snacks!"

"Okay then!" Yueyue nodded.

Although the spicy strips are tempting, they are too spicy for children to eat.

Yueyue swallowed, but the next second she saw Lin Feng take out a small bread and put it into his mouth without any scruples.

"What are you..." Yueyue couldn't speak.

Lin Feng hissed and said: "This spicy strip is too spicy. Dad, eat some bread and squeeze it. You should be okay with it, right?"

" objection." Yueyue was confused.

At this moment, she was no longer in the mood to play in the sand, and just watched Lin Feng in a daze as he ate a bag of spicy strips and a bag of buns.

When Lin Feng opened a pack of spicy strips again, Yueyue finally couldn't help it anymore.

She wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and asked, "Dad, can I have a taste?"

"No, these spicy strips are too spicy. You can't eat them. Dad will help you solve them all." Lin Feng hissed twice and said.

"I'm not afraid of spicy food, just let me try it! Besides..." Yueyue swallowed, "If the spicy strips are really spicy, then I can also eat some bread and squeeze them!"

Lin Feng carelessly stuffed a spicy stick into his mouth and refused: "No, Yueyue, children can't eat these things!"

"You won't let me eat, right? Then I'll call you grandpa!"

Yueyue whimpered: "Grandpa!"

"No, no, no, don't scream." Lin Feng was immediately frightened and quickly handed over the spicy sticks, "You eat, you eat!"

Lin Feng really didn't want to be scolded by his father in front of so many spectators, which would be embarrassing to the whole country.

In the live broadcast room...

"It's better for you, grandpa. Look, Lin Feng is scared like a grandson."

"Lin Feng is doing it for Yueyue. Children really can't eat spicy food."

"Then we have to eat it behind Yueyue's back. You see, the little guy is so greedy."

"This spicy strip should be quite spicy, Yueyue shouldn't be able to eat it."

"I really want a pack of spicy strips too!"

"Look, Yueyue is eating spicy strips!"


Seeing Yueyue pick up a spicy stick and put it in her mouth, the audience in the live broadcast room stared at her intently, anticipating what kind of reaction Yueyue would have.

Sure enough, the little guy still choked.

She coughed twice, but she didn't stop moving her mouth, making a hissing sound while chewing the spicy sticks.

"So spicy! Hiss! Ha!"

"I told you a long time ago, but you still don't believe it." Lin Feng looked at Yueyue with gloating, "Don't eat it, spit it out quickly!"

Yueyue didn't stop. Although this spicy strip is spicy, the more you chew it, the more addictive it becomes.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng quickly opened a small piece of bread and stuffed it into Yueyue's mouth while she was breathing out.

"Thank you dad!"

The little guy couldn't even express his spicy words clearly, so he didn't forget to thank Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile as he watched Yueyue swallow the bread and spicy sticks in her mouth.

"Dad, I still want to eat!" Yueyue licked her lips and said.

Lin Feng: "..."

I'm really addicted to it.Helpless, Lin Feng brought another spicy stick to Yueyue and warned: "Don't eat too much of this, otherwise your butt will be spicy when you poop, which will be uncomfortable."

Yueyue nodded seriously: "Dad, don't eat. You just ate so much, your butt will definitely be spicy when you poop!"

Lin Feng's face darkened visibly to the naked eye.

In the live broadcast room, the cute little Yueyue made me laugh again.

"Beautiful, instant kill! Instant kill!"

"Yueyue is such a little tease!"

"This on-the-spot reaction ability is unparalleled!"

"You're so hot, but you still don't forget to criticize Lin Feng. Yueyue is such a talent!"

"You'll become addicted once you eat spicy strips, and Yueyue can't stop eating them."


Lin Feng got another spicy stick for Yueyue and quickly finished all the remaining spicy sticks.

Yueyue finished eating: "Dad, I really want to eat!"

"Don't eat it. You are still young. There will be many opportunities to eat spicy strips in the future. Dad is getting older and his life is shortened. Do you want to let dad know about delicious food in the future?" Lin Feng educated.

Yueyue thought for a while and realized what her father said made sense.

Then he nodded heavily: "I understand. If there is something delicious in the future, I will give it to dad first. When you stop eating, I will eat it again!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was very happy: "Yes, yes, that's what dad meant. Yueyue is quite smart. Respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of our nation."

With that said, Lin Feng lay back on the recliner and took out a bag of potato chips. When he was about to open the package, he felt a pair of sinister eyes staring at him.

He turned his head sharply: "Hey, Dad, why are you here? What should we eat for lunch?"

Father Lin walked up to him and said with a straight face: "You must respect your elders and help your mother cook!"

"Who will take care of the children while I cook?" Lin Feng said unconvinced.

As soon as he said this, Yueyue started to complain.

"Grandpa, daddy robbed me of snacks. He ate all the delicious food you bought for me!"


Yueyue pointed to the packaging bag on the ground and looked at her grandfather with pleading eyes.

Father Lin glanced at the ground, snatched the potato chips from Lin Feng's hand, and said angrily: "What did I tell you just now? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to grab snacks with your children? Look at you, 30 years old You still fight for food with your children when you are married, and you won’t be afraid of being laughed at if you tell me!”

Lin Feng still felt very wronged and argued: "I'm not afraid that Yueyue ate too many snacks, which will be bad for her health! I really didn't want to compete with her for snacks, I was wronged!"

"Then if you eat so much, aren't you afraid that it will be bad for your health?"

"For the sake of my children, what's the point of my sacrifice?" Lin Feng said aggrievedly.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and help your mother cook!" Father Lin rolled his eyes at him.

Lin Feng shrank his neck, glanced at Yueyue who was covering her mouth and snickering, and reluctantly stood up from the recliner.

Then, he walked silently towards the house, and Yueyue's voice came from behind again.

"Dad, you have to obey me and don't let grandma get tired. You can take over the cooking from now on!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Little guy, if you add insult to injury, it’s your fault!

The barrage in the live broadcast room...

"Haha, Lin Feng is going to be mad!"

"It's so interesting that the father and daughter are fighting openly and secretly."

"Yueyue has never been at a disadvantage. It just depends on whether she wants to deal with Lin Feng."

"With the support of the elderly, Yueyue can walk sideways at home."

"Now do you know the consequences of offending Yueyue?"

"Lin Feng is so depressed. He and Yue Yue usually yell at each other, but when they get home, they immediately become a doormat!"

(End of this chapter)

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