Chapter 189 Diamond Stickers
Seeing Lin Feng's disappointed look, Mother Lin expressed some concern and quickly let him take a bath.

At this time, Lin's mother was bathing Yueyue in the small bathroom, while Lin Feng went to the large bathroom to take a bath.

The cameraman had no choice but to focus his lens on the living room.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei quickly called Lin Feng and expressed concern for him.

Half an hour later, after taking a shower, Yueyue changed into sportswear and broke into the camera.

Originally, Mother Lin wanted to change her into a dress, but Yueyue refused to wear it, so Mother Lin didn't force it.

At this time, the little guy noticed a lot of cookies on the coffee table in the living room.

These cookies are individually wrapped and look delicious.

But Lin Feng said that she could not eat more than five biscuits a day, so Yueyue lay on the coffee table and started counting.

"1, 2, 3."

When the number three was counted, Lin Feng, who had just finished taking a shower, also came to the living room. He interrupted directly: "8!"

Yueyue was confused immediately.

"How far did I count just now?"


Yueyue scratched her head and started counting again: "1, 2, 3, 4."

Lin Feng interrupted again: "Thirteen!"

"Fourteen, fifteen...wrong number again."

Yueyue was led astray by Lin Feng again. She turned around and angrily said: "Damn dad, don't make trouble!"

"Hey, I just want to cause trouble! What can you do to me?" Lin Feng replied in a mean tone.

"Humph! Ignore you!" Yueyue rolled her eyes at him.

There was a burst of complaints in the live broadcast room.

"Lin Feng is so mean!"

"You deserve a beating so much. It made Yue Yue cry. Kenkai has to be scolded again."

"You don't look like an adult!"


However, Lin Feng was still teasing Yueyue endlessly.

"What's wrong Yueyue, did you count wrong again?"

"You keep disturbing me, can I count correctly?" Yueyue said with a small mouth.

Lin Feng was unconvinced and said: "I count mine and you count yours. How can you blame others if you count wrongly?"

As he spoke, he picked up a small biscuit, tore open the package and put it in his mouth.

Seeing this, Yueyue simply stopped counting, picked up a small biscuit, unwrapped it and put it in her mouth.

"Bah bah bah!"

Then she spat out the cookie.

What does this biscuit taste like? Why is it so spicy?

"Bah bah bah!"

Yueyue spat twice more, then quickly picked up the water glass and drank.

Lin Feng didn't know why. He glanced at the biscuit packaging bag that Yueyue had just thrown away, and he understood immediately.

"Good guy, why are there still mustard-flavored biscuits? The biscuit makers are also talented!" Lin Feng complained.

Yueyue said while drinking water: "This biscuit is too unpalatable, it chokes my nose."

Lin Feng laughed and picked up a pink packaged biscuit. After tearing off the package, he wanted to feed it to Yueyue.

Yueyue shook her head vigorously: "I won't go out to eat, I won't eat!"

"This isn't spicy."

"you're lying!"

"Dad didn't lie to you!" Lin Feng pointed to the biscuit packaging bag, "This one is strawberry flavored, and the green one you just ate is mustard flavored. The two are different."

After his explanation, Yueyue felt relieved.

"Is this really strawberry flavored?"

"Well, dad doesn't lie!"

"Then I'll try it."

With that said, Yueyue took the biscuit in Lin Feng's hand and took a small taste.Sure enough, it tastes like strawberry, very sweet!
He squinted his eyes and said, "Dad really didn't lie to me this time!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Yueyue distrusts herself less and less!
It seems that I have to lie to this little guy less in the future.

Yueyue felt that she rarely ate these strawberry-flavored biscuits, so she quietly ate four or five pieces while Lin Feng wasn't paying attention.

Just when she was about to eat another piece, Mother Lin came over with two boxes.

"Yueyue, look what grandma bought you?"

Yueyue raised her head: "Grandma, is it a snack?"

"This little foodie is hopeless!" Lin Feng muttered in a low voice.

Then Yueyue stuck out her tongue at him playfully.

"It's not food. This is a gift grandma bought you when she was shopping. Open it and see if you like it?"

Yueyue's eyes lit up, she took the box from Mother Lin's hand, and eagerly opened it and took a look.

"It's diamonds!" Yueyue said excitedly, "Dad, look, there are so many diamonds!"

"Ha! It's true!" Lin Feng pretended to be surprised.

This is not a diamond at all, it is just a diamond sticker to fool children.

But this sticker is very realistic and shiny.

There are heart-shaped ones, five-pointed star shapes, and various colors.

"Is this a nail art sticker? It's so beautiful!" Yueyue looked excited, "Grandma, I love you so much."

Lin Feng smiled from ear to ear and looked at the little guy dotingly: "As long as Yueyue likes it, grandma will take you to buy it together next time. There are a lot of fun things there."

"Yeah, okay! I like grandma so much." Yueyue praised her whenever she could.

Lin Feng was a little annoyed. He curled his lips and said, "Yueyue, didn't you like daddy the most before? Why have you become grandma again?"

"I just like grandma. If you buy me toys, then you are my favorite person!" Yueyue said without any secret.

"You are so heartless!" Lin Feng pointed at Yueyue's little head and complained.

Yueyue was in no mood to talk to Lin Feng, her attention was now attracted by the diamond stickers.

She took off a heart-shaped sticker and glued it to her shoes.

Then she stamped her feet, feeling very satisfied.

After that, she peeled off some stickers in other shapes and glued them to the other shoe.

Mother Lin saw that the little guy wanted to decorate his shoes, so she helped Yueyue put on the stickers. After putting them on, she handed them to Yueyue, and Yueyue stuck them on her shoes.

Soon, Yueyue's sneakers were covered with diamonds and turned into "diamond shoes".

Even though it's messy, it's still legible.

The female viewers in the live broadcast room also started discussing.

"Yueyue's shoes are so beautiful!"

"This aesthetic is okay."

“I also like diamond stickers.”

"I'll go to PDD to see if there are any stickers like this and buy some for my daughter."

"Ever since I bought stickers for my daughter, she has tagged all my gadgets."


Lin Feng was so indifferent that he fell asleep leaning on the sofa.

Yueyue followed her grandma and put stickers all over her sneakers. The little guy was very satisfied.

"Dad, do you think my shoes look good?"

Yueyue shouted, but did not hear Lin Feng's reply.

She looked back and found that Lin Feng was asleep.

"What a lazy pig. He sleeps all day long." Yueyue snorted angrily.

Lin's mother was very happy and even said good things to Lin Feng.

"Dad is tired, let him sleep for a while!"

Lin's mother always thought that it was hard and inconvenient for Lin Feng, a grown man, to raise a child. She had suggested to Lin Feng many times that he send the child back to his hometown for her and his grandfather to take care of the child, but Lin Feng did not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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