Chapter 19
"No problem!" Yueyue was very proud, "Auntie, tell dad what you want to eat and let him prepare the food in advance."

Lin Feng glanced at Yueyue with a resentful look: "You have said all the good things, and all the work has been pushed to me, right?"

"Otherwise, I can't cook!" Yueyue said confidently, "But I can help dad wash the dishes and clean up."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "That's pretty much it."

The father and daughter sang and drank together, and Tang Yan was very envious.

Yueyue spoke again: "Aunt Yanyan, we have decided on this matter."

"Okay, no problem!" Tang Yan said cheerfully, "Then I'll thank Yueyue in advance!"

Yueyue pretended to be a little adult: "Why are you so polite? We are a family."


Tang Yan's silvery laughter came from the phone.

"Auntie, you can talk to dad, I won't disturb you."

Yueyue handed the phone back to Lin Feng and ran to the side to play by herself.

Lin Feng chatted with Tang Yan about the current situation and hung up the phone after a few minutes.

Yueyue swayed her little body and came over again: "Dad, I think Aunt Tang Yan would be a good mother to me."

"Auntie is so gentle, she will definitely not bully children."

After hearing this, Lin Feng felt ashamed.

What's going on in the little guy's head?

Why do you think about finding yourself a wife every day...

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't say anything, Yueyue said again: "Dad, you can also consider considering your godmother. Your godmother is so beautiful, doesn't it suit your taste?"

"Alas!" She sighed again, "If only dad could find me more mothers."

Lin Feng: "..."

Good guy, let me be the King of the Sea, right?
You really arranged everything clearly for your father!

However, Yueyue seemed to be an unintentional joke, and Lin Feng also caught the point.

This child really wants a mother. Although he takes good care of her, a family is incomplete without a mother.

Yueyue is still so young and has never experienced the taste of maternal love.

This is also the reason why Lin Feng has always felt guilty about Yueyue.

"Dad, I want to see Xiong Da Xiong Er, is that okay?" Yueyue requested.

"Okay, but I can only watch two episodes at most."


Lin Feng took out his cell phone and handed it to Yueyue.

Lin Feng's discipline method is not very strict, and he does not prevent Yueyue from looking at her mobile phone.

Although many parenting experts now disapprove of letting children play with mobile phones too early, Lin Feng obviously does not agree with this statement.

Nowadays, mobile phones and the Internet have become necessities. Even adults cannot control themselves when playing with mobile phones, let alone a child.

The only harm they bring are those nipple entertainment apps, short videos, games and the like.

But Yueyue never plays games, she just likes to watch cartoons on her mobile phone.

Every time she watched cartoons, Lin Feng would also watch and set a time for her.

Yueyue did a good job in this regard. When the time was up, she returned the phone to Lin Feng and never indulged in it.At the same time, Tang Yan accidentally posted a barrage in Lin Feng's live broadcast room using a large trumpet, causing an uproar.

The Fairy Sword TV series that repeatedly set ratings records back then is a fond memory for countless people.

The main actors who star in this drama are all handsome men and beautiful women, and are deeply loved by fans.

Lin Feng and Tang Yan, a talented and beautiful couple, were also criticized by many viewers.

The two didn't get together in the end, which was a bit disappointing.

It happened that in the afternoon, because of the barrage Tang Yan sent to Lin Fengjian, a group of melon-eating people smelled the ambiguous atmosphere.

Some good people even edited the film and television series they collaborated on and their interactions at the event into videos and posted them on Weibo.

The quality of this video is very high, and there are some ambiguous interactions that spark the spark of love.

There was also an entertainment talk show where two people participated as guests at the same time. This show was very large, and the host often made things difficult for the guests.

When Tang Yan was asked which star in the entertainment industry her ideal boyfriend was, Tang Yan blushed and glanced at Lin Feng with her head lowered.

From such small details, anyone who understands can tell at a glance that Tang Yan has a crush on Lin Feng.

The host immediately joked: "Yanyan is quite discerning. I think you and Lin Feng are also suitable. We are about to hire a master of ceremonies for the wedding, and I will sponsor it voluntarily!"

After the video was released, it received rave reviews on Weibo.

Many true fans and casual fans all rushed to comment below the video. There was a strong smell of gossip in the comment area.

"Back then I saw that these two looked like a couple. They should have been together a long time ago."

"Back then, I watched the TV series Fairy Sword with my first love in a small hotel. That was my youth, but now things have changed, alas!"

"Why are everyone talking about Lin Feng and Tang Yan? I belong to Lin Feng and Liu Yifei. We are not in the same organization."

"I'm still kissing Da Mimi and Lin Feng, Nuomi Lian!"


The popularity of the video was rising rapidly, and it soon hit the hot search list.

Tang Yan, the protagonist in the video, had no idea about all this.

At this time, she had just made a phone call.

"Hey, Mimi, I've already told Lin Feng what you told me."

Da Mimi was a little tired after a busy day, but when she heard this, she immediately became energetic.

"What did Lin Feng say?"

On the phone, her voice was a little anxious, obviously she couldn't wait to know the result.

Tang Yan said calmly: "I conveyed your intention to Lin Feng word for word, but he refused without even thinking about it."

"Huh! I knew this was the result." Da MiMi said in a shaky tone, "I know him best, and he values ​​his face more than anything else. He lives in such a miserable life, but he still can't let go of his dignity and accept my funding, which has caused great harm to Yue. Yue lives a hard life with him, this kind of man is really rubbish!"


Da Mimi actually called Lin Feng trash?
This is too unpleasant to hear!

When Tang Yan heard this, she felt disgusted. She quickly explained to Lin Feng: "Mimi, Bai Lianou's situation is not as bad as you think. He is not short of money at all. In the past few years, he has brought Yue Yue all over the world. He is traveling around various places and living a leisurely life. Yueyue is also living a good life and is spoiled by Lin Feng like a little princess. I think you have some misunderstanding about him?"

"Did Lin Feng tell you these things? Yanyan, you are so deceitful! Don't I know Lin Feng's financial situation clearly? He talks about himself so superiorly just to maintain his dignity as a man. You must not be fooled by her." Da Mimi said coldly, "That's not right, Yanyan, why do you always say good things for Lin Feng? We are good sisters!"

Just now, Da Mimi learned that Lin Feng and Tang Yan were on hot searches, and she felt very uncomfortable.Although Lin Feng has nothing to do with her anymore and is just like a passerby.

(End of this chapter)

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