Chapter 191 I’m not fat!No need to lose weight!
Lin Yueyue and Reba chatted happily, but the netizens in the live broadcast room were very confused.

I seem to have heard the voice somewhere, but I'm not sure.

"Who did Yueyue chat with so happily?"

"It seems to be Reba. I listened back and forth several times, and it seems to be Reba!"

"Yes, yes! It's Reba!"

"My dear, are the two chefs ecstatic? Are Lin Feng and Reba so familiar?"

"It should have been introduced by Da Mimi!"

"Lin Feng and Reba both have the looks that I love, hehehe, it's so cool!"

"Don't get excited, we're not sure it's Reba!"


Netizens in the live broadcast room were very curious, and so was Mrs. Lin.

Lin Yueyue has never had anything to do with her mother, which makes the old couple very worried.

There is always a fear that not having a complete family will affect her growth.

Therefore, when a young woman's voice came from the mobile phone, Mother Lin's mind couldn't help but become active.

"Yueyue, who was the one who spoke just now?" Mother Lin asked.

"A big sister!"

Hearing this, Mother Lin became excited.

My son is finally going to have a wife?
"Isn't that big sister pretty?"

Lin Yueyue didn't know what grandma meant, but she nodded vigorously: "She is very beautiful, she is a big star!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room also widened their eyes.

From the chat between Lin Yueyue and her grandmother, plus the voice just now, they were basically sure that it was Reba!
Many people were surprised. Logically speaking, Lin Feng and Reba should not know each other.

Reba is a popular traffic flower, while Lin Feng is a has-been martial arts student.

When Reba entered the entertainment industry, Lin Feng's name might not even be there anymore.

The two of them have never cooperated before, so how can they be WeChat friends?

The entertainment industry is indeed a circle, and two people who have nothing in common are actually very familiar with each other.

After Lin Yueyue chatted with Reba for a while, Reba was busy with work, and the chat ended.

But Reba was very happy.

She was able to obtain Lin Feng's photos, and they were such personal photos.

So happy!
Thinking about it, she subconsciously changed the screensaver to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng only slept for more than half an hour.

When Lin Yueyue saw that he was awake, she ran over obediently and took care of him.

"Lin Yueyue, have you done something bad? You seem to be more enthusiastic than usual today!" Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

"how is this possible!"

Lin Yueyue shook her head vigorously: "My grandma told me before that it was very hard for you to take care of my bills alone, so I want to repay you!"

"Hey, my conscience has discovered it!"

Lin Yu sat up as he spoke.

He felt something strange on his face and subconsciously wiped it with his hands.

But at this moment, Lin Yueyue immediately spoke to organize.

"Dad, don't touch your face!"

"what happened?"

"I put makeup on you while you were sleeping!" Lin Yueyue said.

Lin Feng: "..."

"I'll bring you the mirror and you can see how I draw!"

After saying that, Lin Yueyue trotted back and took a small mirror from the bedroom.

"Are you good at painting? I feel like I'm so good! Dad, now you can compete with the Seven Fairies in beauty!"

Lin Yueyue held her chest high and her head high, very proud.Lin Yu held the mirror, looked at his monster-like appearance, and smiled helplessly: "The painting is really good!"

"Dad, don't praise me, I will be proud!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Are you already proud? !
Lin Yueyue looked at her father's face seriously, considered it for a moment, and said, "Dad, will you marry me?"

Lin Feng: "???"

The corners of his eyes twitched, as if he was holding back some emotion. He held it in for a long time before saying, "Let's go!"

"Dad, just marry me. This is better than being a bachelor!" Lin Yueyue asked in confusion.

"Being single is better than marrying you!" Lin Feng joked casually.

"Dad, do you want to become a monk?"

Lin Feng: "..."

He turned to look at the camera.

Everyone felt helpless. This episode should be broadcast!

"Dad, why don't you want to marry me? I'm so sensible!"

Lin Feng continued to joke with his daughter: "Because you don't lose weight, I won't marry you!"

When Lin Yueyue heard this, she immediately put her hands on her hips and became angry: "I'm not fat at all, why should I lose weight!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Dislike and pampering coexist!"

"Lin Yueyue successfully turned her father into a noble lady!"

"Lin Yueyue is so cute, this little girl makes me want to raise a daughter!"

"Huahua, if you don't marry me, do you want to become a monk?"

"Just because brother, if you don't marry me, do you want to become a monk?"

"Lin Feng was so funny. Instead of rejecting his daughter's kindness, he started joking with her.


Lin Yueyue was very angry when she heard that Lin Feng wanted her to lose weight. How could she possibly need to lose weight!
My belly is just bigger, my face is far away, and my legs and arms are thicker. There is no way I need to lose weight!
She angrily lifted up her clothes, patted her fleshy belly, and asked, "Look, I'm not fat at all!"

"I just have a little belly, and my waist is very thin!"

Xia Qi looked at Yao, who was almost smiling: "If a person lacks something, he will show off!"

Lin Yueyue tilted her head: "What does this sentence mean?"

Lin Feng had a mischievous idea and said, "It means you are not fat and your waist is very thin!"

Lin Yueyue nodded vigorously and laughed: "This is necessary!"

After saying that, she washed her belly vigorously.

It’s like I’ve really lost a lot of weight!

The audience in the live broadcast room was about to laugh like crazy.

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh when he saw his daughter trying hard to suck her stomach.

"Dad! Don't laugh. Do you still think I want to lose weight?" Lin Yueyue puffed up her mouth angrily.

"No, no, no, how could it be? I agree with you!"

"Huh! I don't believe it at all. I'm just a child, not a fool. Your eyes have already given you away, Dad!"

Lin Yueyue was very angry: "I think you are laughing at me!"


Lin Yueyue's serious face, coupled with her round belly, looked very cute.

Lin Yueyue bulged her mouth.

My father definitely doesn’t believe that he doesn’t need to lose weight.

She must come up with evidence!
Thinking about it, she looked around.

He hurriedly took the electronic scale from the corner, and then stood on it impatiently.

At this time, the camera also turned around.

Everyone is staring at the electronic scale closely!
(End of this chapter)

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