Chapter 29 Old Fox

Wu Jing was obviously a little anxious and raised his voice: "Why don't you listen to my advice? At the age when you are struggling, you just want to lie down, right? You are a good script writer and have good martial arts skills. You have to be good-looking. If you have good looks and acting skills, you are willing to let this talent be buried? What do you think? "

Lin Feng chuckled: "It's not like you don't understand me. No matter what you say, it won't work. So don't bother talking. I make the decision about my life!"

"No, you can think about it again!" Wu Jing frowned, "As long as you are willing to agree, you can set whatever conditions you want."

"Ha, that's not a bad tone." Lin Feng knew that Wu Jing had good intentions and was not angry. He sneered twice and continued, "I am not short of money, and I am not interested in fame. I am pure and have few desires, what else can I pursue?"

"Oh, I am really defeated by you. You took most of the original dividends from "Wolf Warrior", so you are indeed not short of money."

"You're saying this as if I'm robbing you of your money."

"That's not what I meant. You gave me the script and paid for the filming. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Didn't I say this because I was driven out of my mind by you?" Wu Jing apologized with a smile. , "Uncle Junior, please don't be angry with me, hehe."

This conversation was full of information and magical, and the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned for a moment.

"What's going on? Why didn't I understand?"

"I'm confused too. From what you mean, Lin Feng seems to be a nobleman of Wu Jing."

"Lin Feng hid it deeply enough. I thought he was bronze, but he is actually a king."

"Everyone has been deceived by Lin Feng. He is not poor at all. He has no desires and desires and does not want to show off in front of others."

"Lin Feng didn't say he was poor. It's all your own imagination."


At this moment, Wu Jing was helpless and helpless.

He expected that Lin Feng would reject the olive branch he extended, but he did not expect that the other party's rejection would be so clean and tidy, leaving no room for maneuver.

In the past few years, Lin Feng has always been reticent and has refused many invitations from film producers.

Including when he was filming "Wolf Warrior", Wu Jinggang initially planned to let Lin Feng play the protagonist and himself play the villain.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jing said a lot of good things sincerely, and almost kowtowed to Lin Feng, but he did not waver at all.

Wu Jing did this because he felt that Lin Feng had a lot of talent and it was a pity not to show it to the audience in front of the screen.

If he stops acting completely, it will be a loss for the entire entertainment industry or the entire country.

Today's entertainment industry is very deformed. Artists dominate the entertainment industry under the operation of capital. This is an unavoidable pain in the entertainment industry.

The popularity of fresh meat has seriously lowered the public's aesthetic taste. If this situation continues, the entertainment industry will not be able to move forward.

Moreover, there are already many martial arts stars in China who can really fight. Although Wu Jing is one of them, he is also old.

So Wu Jing wants Lin Feng to come back and take up the banner of saving internal entertainment.

After thinking about it, Wu Jing decided to make one final attempt.

"Uncle, Yueyue is about to go to kindergarten now. It's so boring for you to stay at home alone. You should have some fun. Isn't it good to film movies or something? Maybe there will be unexpected gains?"

Wu Jingyi pointed out that he was tempting Lin Feng.

"Are you bored? Don't you know that my hobby is to sleep and play games?"

"You are depraved. You are just playing with things to lose your ambition. Don't live in a virtual world and dream about death. If you are afraid of being tired from playing the leading role, you can just play a supporting role!"

"supporting role?"

"Ah, I still need a son in the play..."


Lin Feng spit out lotus flowers.

There was joy in the studio.

"Why do I suddenly want to knock Lin Feng and Wu Jing!"

"I just love watching these two fight each other!"

"Come on, let's hurt each other!" "Lin Feng is so good at showing off. Wu Jing even talked about this, but he is still indifferent."

"Wu Jing, I am good at raising sons. Although I am about the same age as you, I don't think you are too young!"


There was another figure in the kitchen.

After washing her face, Yueyue twisted her butt and walked in.

She saw the cameraman and other staff covering their mouths and laughing, and thought the senior brother was telling a joke.

But the jokes told by senior brother are not very funny, and they will not cause such a big reaction.

So what are they laughing at?

Yueyue looked at Lin Feng in confusion: "Dad, what are you laughing at? Has senior brother told a joke again?"

"Well, your senior brother told a very cold joke. Because it wasn't funny, we laughed."

The scene was full of hahaha again.

Wu Jing was silent...

Then, his eyes lit up again, and he thought of a brilliant plan.

Lin Feng is a maniac about doting on girls. Wasn't it Yue Yue's idea to participate in "My Super Daddy"?
In this case, he could convince Yueyue first that as long as this little guy was dealt with, Lin Feng would have to film even if he didn't want to.

Wu Jing set his target on Yueyue again.

He asked with a playful smile: "Yueyue, have you finished washing your face?"

"After washing, I also applied soap, which smells of jasmine." Yueyue's voice was grandma's reply. She also put her hand to her nose and took a deep breath, with a beautiful look on her face.

"Yueyue is such a cute little princess!"

"Giggles, it's the elder brother who speaks nicely. I'm the little princess."

"Then who is the little princess's great hero? Is it her father?"

Lin Feng also saw that Wu Jing was guiding Yueyue, but he saw through it without saying anything.

Yueyue thought for a few seconds and replied slowly: "Dad is not a great hero. Great heroes are those who go to heaven and earth and can save all living things!"

it is good!
Very good standard answer!

Wu Jing, who was wily and scheming, secretly rejoiced: "That's right. Does Yueyue want her father to become a big hero? There is a movie now and she wants to invite your father to play a big hero. What do Yueyue think?"

The little guy's eyes lit up: "Really? Then can I go to the scene to watch daddy filming?"

"Of course. Yueyue can not only watch the filming, but also participate in the show."

"Wow, am I still filming? That's great! Senior brother won't lie to me, right?" Yueyue was very interested.

Lin Feng finally couldn't hold it any longer and said, "Wu Jing, don't incite us Yueyue. What are you doing to get a child involved in adults' affairs?"

Wu Jing was smart and immediately retorted: "Why are you, an adult, meddling in a child's matter?"

Lin Feng was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

If he wasn't filming a show and Yueyue was present, he would have been spitting out sweet things.

Yueyue asked again: "Elder brother, are you the director of this play? Can you handle it after you say it?"

"I'm not a director, but I can keep my word. It's no problem to give Yueyue a role."

Wu Jing didn't make any big claims. Although he was not a director, he had a certain right to speak, so it wouldn't be a problem to give Yue Yue a small role.

Moreover, Lin Feng is also an investor in this drama.

(End of this chapter)

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