Chapter 304 Early morning incident!So embarrassing!
Liu Yan is very mature.

So she has adult considerations.

Under inexplicable circumstances, I lay drunk on the bed with my friend, whom I had a crush on.

It's an embarrassing thing.

So she chose to open her eyes after Lin Feng left.

Then, she began to slowly examine her body.

Nothing seemed wrong, except for a slight headache.

She hoped that nothing would happen between her and Lin Feng, but she also looked forward to something happening between her and Lin Feng.

After all, she still liked Lin Feng very much.


Why does it seem like nothing happened? !
Lin Feng, are you still a man? !

But it shouldn't be. When Lin Feng was getting dressed just now, he saw it. He... was normal!

At this time, Liu Yan was a little confused.

what's the situation? !

But the next second, she found another person on the bed.

Liu Yan was completely confused.

what's going on……

Liu Yan tried hard to think back, trying to recall some of yesterday's moments.

After a while, she remembered.

I slept in the living room yesterday. I got up at night to use the toilet, and then went to the bedroom to sleep.

Thinking of this, Liu Yan just wanted to get into the hole.

This is too embarrassing!
She covered her head with the quilt and no longer knew how to face Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sat on the sofa in the living room.

Liu Yan's clothes extended from the bathroom to the bedroom.

He could only smile bitterly now, there are such coincidences in this world.

Fortunately, he woke up first now.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and began to think about how to deal with this matter.

After a while he had an idea.

That is... pretending that nothing happened!

Wouldn't it be better to just say that I slept in the living room?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately relaxed.

After drinking water, he started playing on his mobile phone on the sofa in the living room.

Just after typing a copy, Liu Yan sent him a message.

"Lin Feng, are you in the living room?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and replied: "I'm in the living room, what's wrong?"

"Where did my clothes go?"

As soon as she typed these words, Liu Yan's face turned red, so she immediately withdrew and reposted: "Can you help me find some clothes? I woke up, but my clothes are gone!"

Lin Feng looked at the clothes scattered outside the living room door.

He exhaled helplessly: "Your clothes extend from the bathroom all the way to the bedroom!"

Liu Yan: "..."

After a while, she sent a message: "Can you get it for me? It's not convenient for me to come out now!"

Lin Feng laughed helplessly, gathered up Liu Yan's clothes and sent them into the bedroom.

I have to say, Liu Yan’s clothes are... so big!

After handing it to Liu Yan, Lin Feng continued to lie on the sofa and started playing games.

After a while, Liu Yan walked out of the bedroom.

She looked at Lin Feng with some embarrassment: "Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"Slept well, good morning, Sister Liu Yan!"

"Did you drink too much yesterday?"

"No, no, I looked at Yueyue yesterday and just drank a little bit." Lin Feng said.

"Okay, okay, then I'll go back to the room first and take a shower!" Liu Yan smiled sheepishly.

"it is good!"

"Then, goodbye!"

Liu Yan put on her shoes.

"Sister Liu Yan, would you like to have breakfast later?" Lin Feng asked casually. "No, no, no, I'll go back and wash up, and then take a nap for a while. I drank too much yesterday and didn't sleep well!"

Liu Yan left in a panic.

Lin Feng: "..."

For some reason, Lin Feng always felt that Liu Yan was a bit obedient.

After Liu Yan left, Lin Feng also relaxed.

Let everything go with the wind, let everything go with the wind...

Although a little strange, this song really fits Lin Feng's current mood.

After all, if you can't go with the flow, it will be very embarrassing.

Lin Feng looked at the bedroom, then walked in and lay down next to Liu Yifei.

Just pretend that nothing happened last night, after all, nothing really happened.

Liu Yan just slept next to her.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng fell asleep again.

After Liu Yan returned to her room.

He immediately threw himself on the sofa and started rolling around.

This morning, I was so fucking naked!

As expected, you shouldn’t drink too much wine!

She was a little embarrassed.

When she just asked Lin Feng to get some clothes for herself, not only did she have underwear, but she also had panties!

It’s embarrassing to think about.

The more Liu Yan thought about it, the more shy she felt, but this had already happened and nothing could change it!

"Forget it! It's already happened, don't think about it anymore!"

Liu Yan whispered, then stood up and walked to the bathroom.

It smells like alcohol, so I need to wash it off!

Time passed quickly, and soon it was nine o'clock in the morning.

Lin Feng and Liu Yifei also woke up.

As usual, they laughed and laughed for a while before getting up.

Lin Yueyue also woke up.

As soon as she saw Liu Yifei, she said loudly: "Godmother, we can't have so much wine in the future! It smells so bad!"

"Okay, okay, I won't drink so much in the future!" Liu Yifei smiled and rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head.

"Wine is not a good thing!"

"I know, I know!"

Lin Feng looked at the time. Xu Yang's appointment with him was less than two hours away.

So he quickly urged Lin Yueyue to wash up.

After all, we have to record songs today!
"Little Girl Picking Mushrooms", Taozi Music has been waiting impatiently for it.

Liu Yifei originally wanted to go, after all, the recording studio was not far away.

But she still has a lot of scenes today, so she can't go and can only stay on the set, waiting for filming!
Lin Yueyue sat in the car and said goodbye to her godmother: "Godmother! I will definitely miss you!"

"I'll miss you too!"

"Hey, let's come back in the evening, and we can see you in the evening!"

"Okay, I'll buy snacks at home and wait for you to come back!"

Lin Feng looked at Liu Yifei with a smile: "Xixi, you should go up after breakfast. It's very uncomfortable to have an empty stomach!"

"it is good!"

Liu Yifei smiled and nodded, then leaned into the car window and kissed Lin Feng on the face.

Lin Yueyue laughed: "I want it too! I want it too!"

Liu Yifei smiled and kissed Lin Yueyue.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I feel that you kissed me on the face, which was a bit perfunctory. You should have kissed me on the mouth!"

Liu Yifei blushed and pecked Lin Feng on the lips again.

But Lin Feng hugged Liu Yifei directly and gave her a hard kiss.

Liu Yifei's face instantly turned into a red apple.

"The child is still there!"

Lin Yueyue said with a smile: "It's okay, you can just pretend I'm not here!"

(End of this chapter)

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