Chapter 308 I have to take good care of my daughter!
Many people think that this scandal is a sign that Lin Feng will make a comeback.

But there are also many people who think this is not the case.

After all, Liu Yifei has been involved in scandals for so many years since her debut, and this is the first time she has been rumored to be involved in a scandal, and the scandal is still with her old CP.

This doesn't live up to the hype.

After all, if possible, an old CP like this would avoid scandals.

After all, many fans will leave sadly.

You may lose a large number of fans before there is any hype, which is something no agency wants to see.

Therefore, when it comes to hype, it is usually with the new CP, and then when the popularity breaks out, refute the rumors, and then expose the scandal, so as to continue to increase the popularity.

So, regarding the scandal between Lin Feng and Liu Yifei.

Most people think it's true.

There are also many CP fans who support this relationship, and they all wish Liu Yifei and Lin Feng well.

Of course you, there are two people who are very angry.

One is Liu Yifei's mother, and the other is Da MiMi.

Da MiMi was so angry that she almost overturned the table. Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei had already beaten her to the punch just as she was about to attack.

Lin Feng is not only a handsome guy, but also a handsome guy with resources!
Also in the entertainment industry, having resources proves that you have the capital to spend willfully and willfully!

Therefore, after seeing the scandal between Lin Feng and Liu Yifei, Da Mimi immediately became anxious.

And what about Liu Yifei’s mother?

She was completely angry, so damn angry.

She was away from the set for only a few days, but Liu Yifei was able to create such a scandal!
If you don't care about it for a few days, it will be time to uncover the roof!
She was so angry that she almost destroyed her house.

Immediately, she booked a ticket back to Leicheng.

She has to go back and take care of her daughter now!
Even though her daughter is already thirty, she still has to take strict control of her!

Liu Yifei's mother may have some mental problems and is very controlling. Liu Yifei entered the entertainment industry solely to make up for the regrets she had when she was young.

Now Liu Yifei is a work of art for her, and Lin Feng's appearance has tarnished this work of art.

In fact, Liu Yifei's success has little to do with his mother.

Maybe she could introduce some resources at the beginning, but later on, her vision was no longer good. She was like a wild bird that strayed into the zoo and didn't even understand the basic rules.

If she did a little research, with her current connections, she should be able to find out some strange things about Lin Feng just like Da Mimi.

After knowing that Lin Feng had so many resources, if she had known that her daughter was with Lin Feng, she might not have booked a flight back to the set to take care of her daughter now.

Instead, I booked a flight to go back and celebrate with my daughter!


Lin Feng didn't know these things.

He and Lin Yueyue are now in the recording studio preparing to record!

The sound engineer was very cooperative. When Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue walked into the recording studio, he was ready to record.

Lin Yueyue looked at various things in the recording studio with great curiosity. After seeing so many professional machines and people, she became a little nervous.

The first time she recorded, her voice was trembling.

After Lin Feng made several jokes with her, she slowly relaxed.

I recorded it three times, and finally I no longer had to do any tuning.

Because the singing voice played from the speakers became very nice!

Every word of Lin Yueyue's words was very clear, and every note was in tune, basically meeting the requirements of the sound engineer.

He even thinks it sounds better than some professional singers!
"This child has a talent for singing! If she is properly nurtured, she will definitely become a very powerful singer in the future!" "Thank you!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded to the recording engineer, then pulled Lin Yueyue away from the recording studio. come out.

The next thing is done by professionals in the recording studio.

After the song was produced, it was Xu Yang who discussed it with Taozi Hospital.

However, at this moment, Lin Yueyue suddenly heard someone calling her.

"Yueyue! Yueyue!"

Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue looked back, and were stunned for a moment. It was Reba!
Now, Reba's impression on Lin Feng's side was not very good because of Da Mimi.

"Sister Reba!"

Lin Yueyue was very happy after seeing Reba, and waved her little hand towards Reba, who also laughed happily.

Lin Feng: "..."

He felt a little unlucky.

I was entangled with Da Mimi before, but now I see Reba. He and Jiaxing Media really don’t get along!

However, it is not easy for him to act too cold in front of others.

So he looked at Lin Yueyue with a smile and said, "You can have all kinds of connections at such a young age. Yueyue, you are very powerful!"

"That's a must. Dad, are you envious of me?"

"How could I envy you..."

What's there to envy? !

But before Lin Feng finished speaking, he saw Reba running over.

I have to say, she can walk so fast in ten-centimeter high heels, which is really amazing!
"Hello, Teacher Lin Feng!" Perhaps because she ran too fast just now, Reba was still breathing a little when she spoke.

"Hello!" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Although it was just a smile, Reba was stunned when she saw it.

She looked directly at Lin Feng's face, and her whole body fell into a kind of silence.

"Sister Reba, why are you here?" Lin Yueyue saw Reba standing there blankly, so she took the initiative to ask.

"I'm here to record. I sang the episode of the TV series I acted in!" Reba looked at Lin Yueyue with a smile, and then looked at Lin Feng.

"Sister Reba, you are so great! Not only can you act, you can also sing interludes!"

"so far so good!"

"How can it be okay? People who can sing are very good, because my father usually can't sing. It's hard to listen to!" Lin Yueyue said.

Lin Feng: "..."

His hand that sent the message to Liu Yifei subconsciously stopped.

He glanced at Lin Yueyue and said, "Can you say bad things about me again when I'm not around?"

"Hey hey hey!"

Lin Yueyue scratched her hair and laughed.

Lin Feng rubbed her little head helplessly.

Seeing this action, Reba began to envy Lin Yueyue. She didn't know if she would have a chance to be touched on the head by Lin Feng.

She didn't know why, but she felt very nervous every time she saw Lin Feng.

But this time Lin Feng didn't seem to pay much attention to himself. Was he sending messages to Liu Yifei?
Thinking of Liu Yifei, Reba's face became a little ugly.

She had heard Da Mimi talk about Liu Yifei and Lin Feng before, but now that she saw them really being together, she felt sour.

(End of this chapter)

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