My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 320 The meeting of two warriors!Surrender to the feet of money!

Chapter 320 The meeting of two warriors!Surrender to the feet of money!

Lin Yueyue couldn't understand what her godmother said.

Lin Feng rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head and said, "Yueyue, you go play with toys first. Dad and godmother have something to talk about!"

"Can I hear you?"

"You still don't understand it now. When you grow up, you will be able to participate in this topic!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Yueyue looked at Liu Yifei, then at Lin Feng, and exhaled helplessly: "I know, you want to talk about adult matters, things that children cannot listen to!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Liu Yifei: "..."

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and each saw the embarrassment in the other's eyes.

This little girl!
"Okay, how about you go play with toys, or watch TV!"

"Then I'm going to play with toys!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Lin Yueyue didn't say anything and went directly to play with toys.

Damimi gave her Lego some time ago, and she quite liked playing with it.

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Yueyue and couldn't help but laugh.

This is a happy child!
She was really envious.

Lin Feng noticed her look, smiled and rubbed her hair, just like stroking Lin Yueyue's hair.

Liu Yifei also leaned on Lin Feng's shoulder, and then hugged his waist.

"Actually, I envy Lin Yueyue. She is so happy to have a father who loves her so much!"

"It's okay, I will love you so much in the future!" Lin Feng said with a smile.


Liu Yifei hugged Lin Feng tightly.

"Did your mother just scold you?"

Liu Yifei bulged her mouth.

She didn't lose the battle just now, but she didn't win either.

No matter what, it is reducing the relationship between myself and my mother.

Lin Feng let out a breath.

He understood Liu Yifei's complicated emotions. After all, that person was her mother, no matter what, she would be her mother.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng hugged Liu Yifei tightly.

He knew that what Liu Yifei needed most now was quiet companionship.

However, he already had a plan in mind.

In fact, in the final analysis, Liu Yifei's mother was afraid that the quality of life would be reduced after Liu Yifei followed her.

But that's not the case.

Because he had a lot of money, he could allow Liu Yifei's mother to attend various art exhibitions in France unscrupulously.

Even in France, you can watch an art exhibition while being mugged!

In the eyes of outsiders, he is a person who was kicked out of the entertainment industry.

No money, no job, struggling to raise my daughter.

But in fact, his life is nourishing!

After a while, Liu Yifei calmed down.

What happened today was a bit too thrilling. She didn't expect that her mother would come back so soon.

She had already made up her mind not to tell her mother yet.

Wait for a while and talk to her slowly.

If it really doesn't make sense, just talk to her about being pregnant.

Even at that time, no matter how much his mother disagreed, he could still officially announce the birth of the child!
However, this was something she didn't quite see.

She still wants to maintain the relationship as a family.

After all, she longs to have a family.

If possible, she actually wanted to have a good chat with her mother.But it's obvious that her mother doesn't seem to want to talk to herself now. She wants to have complete control over herself.

Thinking about her mother's words just now, she understood that if she and Lin Feng stayed together like this, there would be absolutely no results.

Thinking of this, she exhaled helplessly.

"Lin Feng, I'm sorry, it's my fault today!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile: "No, this matter is actually not the fault of any of us!"


Liu Yifei let out a breath: "I was quite happy at first, but my mother came back suddenly. I'm so angry!"

"Actually, I found a way to talk to your mother!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment: "How can I talk to my mother?"

"I'll just meet your mother and have a chat!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Liu Yifei's face changed: "Let's forget it, let's forget it, my mother has a vicious mouth, I'm afraid you can't help scolding her!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, don't worry!"

"I'm really scared. She told you that you were in a hurry, and then you two quarreled!" Liu Yifei exhaled: "Can you let me relax for a while and find a good opportunity for you two to meet again?"

"But this is a problem that must be solved, right?" Lin Feng smiled: "You don't want to sneak around with me all the time!"


Liu Yifei looked at Lin Feng and his determined look.

However, she was very afraid that her mother would say something unpleasant.

Thinking of her mother's attitude just now, she felt that Lin Feng would definitely quarrel with her mother.

After this quarrel, the two of them are definitely going to break up!
Forget it!

She was really afraid that the two of them would quarrel. Lin Feng was a proud person, and her mother was a self-righteous person. If these two people were put together, they would definitely have a big fight!
This topic became nothing more than a chat.

Liu Yifei also went back after a while.

Lin Feng took Lin Yueyue to have a delicious takeout meal.

After eating, Lin Yueyue felt sleepy and pulled Lin Feng to let him coax her to sleep.

After Lin Feng coaxed her to sleep, he sat in the living room and drank coffee.

As soon as I arrived in the living room, I received a WeChat friend request on my phone.

The note reads: "Liu Yifei's mother"

He immediately agreed.

Liu Yifei's mother didn't say much and said directly: "Why don't we meet?"

Lin Feng happened to have a plan: "Okay, then when will Auntie be free?"

"In a moment, let's meet at the hotel's coffee shop!"

Liu Yifei's mother was very direct in her decision.

She felt that she could not let Lin Feng tarnish her art. Even if it was money, she would let Lin Feng leave her daughter and stop disturbing her life!
She felt that Lin Feng was relying on his daughter to return to the entertainment industry.

Therefore, she was prepared to tell Lin Feng's thoughts directly and tell him to get out of her daughter's world without any mercy!

Lin Feng happened to also want to meet Liu Yifei's mother.

He also wanted to use money to solve this matter.

The two people were like warriors meeting for a fight, and they had agreed on the event and place to meet.

Lin Feng changed into a suit, as if he was wearing a shirt.

Liu Yifei's mother also put on very formal makeup and put on her most expensive clothes.

If two people hold weapons in their hands again.

It feels very much like two ancient martial arts masters fighting to the death.

"Mom, where are you going?"

Liu Yifei's mother smiled slightly: "I'm going to meet an old friend! Cut off an evil bond!"

Liu Yifei: "..."

Are you making a movie? !
(End of this chapter)

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