My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 328: It’s so uncomfortable not being able to cook!

Chapter 328: It’s so uncomfortable not being able to cook!

Hear what Lin Feng said.

Liu Yifei's mother frowned slightly and said, "Maybe black and red are also a kind of red!"

Liu Yifei looked at her mother in shock.

Is this really my own mother? !

She actually let herself take the black and red route. Is she doing it to make money, regardless of her daughter's life?
She really doesn't want to take this route!
Lin Feng exhaled and said: "Auntie, if you are asking for my opinion, I think if you don't accept this TV series, you shouldn't accept it!"

Liu Yifei's mother looked at Lin Feng's plain appearance and couldn't help feeling nervous.

She had wanted to take on this TV series before.

A few years ago, foreign awards were very popular. She wanted to take Liu Yifei out for a tour, and then come back to make better money.

But I didn’t expect that times would change so quickly, and foreign awards would be considered rubbish in the minds of Chinese people today.

After Liu Yifei came back, her popularity also shrank.

And because she made several movies with low ratings and box office, she was called box office poison, and many film crews did not dare to invite her.

In fact, when he wanted to go out a few years ago, Lin Feng advised Liu Yifei not to go out.

But at that time, they didn't think about it.


Thinking of this, Liu Yifei's mother had a headache.

After looking at Lin Feng and then at her daughter, she said, "Xiao Feng, how do you think Xixi should continue to pursue her career as an actress?"

"My thoughts?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Liu Yifei's mother to ask him such a thing. This was obviously not in line with her character!
But Liu Yifei's mother nodded vigorously and looked at him expectantly.

Liu Yifei also looked at Lin Feng. She didn't know that her boyfriend was a mysterious independent employer, but she just believed in her boyfriend.

Lin Yueyue also looked at Lin Feng with some curiosity. She didn't know why everyone looked at her father like this.

In order to be gregarious, she could only look at it this way.

Lin Feng: "..."

He exhaled and said: "If possible, I hope Xixi can develop her career in TV dramas again!"

"TV series? She is filming a TV series now!" Liu Yifei's mother was very anxious: "Can this Menghualu become popular?"

Liu Yifei's mother had inquired before, and it was clear that Fenglin's name was not among Menghualu's employers.

In other words, Lin Feng doesn't think this is a popular TV series.

Isn't this nonsense!

This kind of bad TV series can only be paid by the trolls to improve the ratings, and its reputation will soon be ruined.

But in order to take care of them, Lin Feng could only say: "This TV series is okay, neither good nor bad!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei's mother let out a long breath.

It’s okay, okay, as long as it’s not bad!

But Liu Yifei frowned slightly.

She seems to have gotten used to the fact that the TV series she filmed have a bad reputation.

Anyway, no matter what, she has already received her salary, so why bother with so much? Why not just make her life a little easier?

So he said, "Mom, why do you seem a little weird today? This TV series hasn't even been released yet. What are you so worried about?"

Liu Yifei's mother looked at her daughter and exhaled helplessly: "My silly girl, you don't even know Lin Feng's identity now!"

Liu Yifei blinked, her eyes full of confusion.

She looked at Lin Feng: "Are you some mysterious person?!"

Lin Yueyue also smiled and said: "Dad, are you Batman?!" Lin Feng smiled bitterly: "Batman is not a good person, his life experience is too miserable!"

"Your father is just an ordinary person!"

Liu Yifei looked at him suspiciously.

At this moment, Liu Yifei's mother said: "Lin Feng is actually Feng Lin, the most mysterious independent investor in the entertainment industry. As long as the movies and TV series he invests in, there is no one that is not popular!"

Liu Yifei's mother directly revealed Lin Feng's identity.

The first one is to confirm whether Lin Feng is Feng Lin.

The second thing is to tell my daughter that if Lin Feng is really Feng Lin, then you two will be together. If Lin Feng is not Feng Lin, then you will separate as soon as possible!

Hearing her words, Liu Yifei was stunned.

She looked at Lin Feng with wide eyes.

Lin Feng looked at Liu Yifei, smiled helplessly, and said, "Auntie, you are exaggerating a bit. I just made a few investments to make some money, it's not that magical!"

Liu Yifei’s mother: “…”

The money you earn can make all the waiters in France line up to dance!

Is your quality of life too high? !
Liu Yifei looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Remembering that Lin Feng had always advised her to return to China to develop her career instead of going abroad.

Previously, she had been advised to take on some TV series with strange names, such as "Chen Qianqian" and "Only Thirty".

But these TV series were all rejected by his mother.

As a result, all these TV series became popular!
She originally thought that Lin Feng was just talking casually, but she didn't expect that Lin Feng actually knew the inside story very well!

What's more, he didn't expect that Lin Feng was actually the mysterious independent investor!
For a moment, her mind went blank and she didn't know what to say!

Lin Feng gently held her hand, looked at her and smiled.

After a long while, Liu Yifei finally recovered.

She whispered: "Let's talk about this later!"

"Okay, okay, we'll be fine from now on!"

"Xiao Feng, from now on, Xixi's career as an actor will be in your hands!" Liu Yifei's mother smiled and said, "Xixi's life will also be in your hands. You can't fool me!"

Liu Yifei's face immediately turned red: "Mom, what are you talking about? Let's eat first. I'm already hungry!"

After saying that, she helped Lin Feng pick up some vegetables.

Liu Yifei's mother also looked at Lin Feng and Liu Yifei with a smile and asked them to eat more, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm.

Maybe Lin Feng is a big investor, and Liu Yifei's mother likes Li Feineng no matter what she thinks now.

Even better than your own children.

In fact, Lin Feng was not used to this.

He always feels like a waiter in France...

Liu Yifei has also been looking at Lin Feng.

She didn't expect that her boyfriend was actually a mysterious independent investor.

At this dinner table, the one with the most innocent thoughts was Lin Yueyue.

She was concentrating on cooking. While eating, she said with a smile: "This is your dish, it tastes pretty good!"

Liu Yifei's mother smiled and wiped her mouth: "If you like the food here, I can bring you to eat it tomorrow!"

Lin Yueyue's eyes widened: "Can we come to eat tomorrow too?!"

"But we have to go home tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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