Chapter 351 A mature woman’s sense of boundaries!

Finally the luggage was packed.

But at this moment, Liu Yifei suddenly remembered that the gift for Lin Yueyue was still in her room, and hurriedly ran back to her room.

However, as soon as she left, Liu Yan came over.

Just as she was finishing her work from the crew, she saw the door to Lin Feng's room open.

"Lin Feng, what's wrong? Why don't you close the door? Are you waiting for me?"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

"What's going on? Do you want to treat me to dinner?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled and said, "If I treat you to dinner, I might have to wait for a while! Come in first, why are you standing at the door?"

When Liu Yan walked into the room, the first thing she saw was Lin Yueyue lying on the sofa and watching TV.

Seeing Liu Yan coming, she quickly sat up and said with a smile: "Aunt Liu Yan!"

"Yueyue! Hello, what kind of cartoon is this?"

"Peppa Pig, hehehehe..."

"I watch this cartoon sometimes!" Liu Yan said with a smile: "Peppa goes to a private kindergarten. If you think about the things in it, it's very interesting!"

"Oh?!" Lin Yueyue's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect Aunt Liu Yan to watch cartoons too. You know more than my father!"

At this moment, Lin Feng came over and said with a smile: "Sister Liu Yan, we are going back in a while. You just come over, otherwise I have to go to your place to say goodbye!"

"Are you leaving today?" Liu Yan was stunned for a moment: "Why are you going back so soon?"

"It was already planned before I came here. Yueyue will go to kindergarten soon!"

Lin Feng said this and poured a glass of water for Liu Yan.

Liu Yan took a sip and felt that this glass of water had a sour taste.

After looking at Lin Feng, she laughed and said, "If I hadn't come back, you definitely wouldn't have said goodbye to me!"

"How could that be? Of course I'm going to the set to say goodbye to you!" Lin Feng also said with a smile.

Anyway, both of them were joking.

He knew what Liu Yan was thinking. After all, the two of them had kissed, but their relationship could only be limited to kissing.

For actors, a kiss on the lips is nothing. After all, they can still kiss in front of the camera.

However, it is impossible for Lin Feng to take the next step.

He is already with Liu Yifei.

"Hey, I don't believe it!" Liu Yan looked around: "Where is Xixi?"

"Go back to your room to get your things. You'll be here in a minute!"

"Is that so..."

Liu Yan looked at Lin Feng. She had a lot to say, but she didn't know how to say it.

After exhaling, she changed the subject: "By the way, have your luggage been packed? Do you want me to help you?"

"It's been packed up." Lin Feng smiled.

"Okay, okay, it's too late to finish work today, and you didn't give me a chance to show off!" Liu Yan exhaled: "I thought you were still going to stay for a while! I didn't even have time to buy anything for Yueyue!"

"It's okay, I'll buy it when you go to my house next time! I'll treat you to dinner then!"

"I have written this sentence down in my notebook. I will go to your house to have dinner next time! If your cooking is not delicious, I will..."

Lin Feng looked at Liu Yan and smiled: "What are you going to do?"

"It hurts when I hit someone!"

Liu Yanshou twirled her fist.

"You can't beat me!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Liu Yan took a sip from the water glass and felt that the water was not so sour anymore.

At this moment, Lin Yueyue suddenly remembered that she was very nervous, as if she had accidentally tuned into a horror movie.

She suddenly jumped up from the sofa and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Dad! I'm so scared! It's so scary!"

When she rushed towards Lin Feng, she accidentally bumped into Liu Yan.

All the water in Liu Yan's hand was sprinkled on Lin Feng's body, giving Lin Feng a chill!
Liu Yan: "..."

Lin Yueyue didn't even notice this. She threw herself into Lin Feng's arms and shrank into a small one: "Dad, it's too scary! This TV is too scary!"

Lin Feng rubbed his temples helplessly.

"Why are you scared?"

"Look! There's a ghost on the TV!" Lin Yueyue didn't dare to watch TV and pointed directly behind her.

Liu Yan and Lin Feng looked over subconsciously. It turned out that Lin Yueyue had accidentally tuned the TV to the horror movie "Uncle Zombie".

At this time, big zombies are destroying everywhere!
Lin Feng smiled helplessly, took the remote control, and turned the TV back to cartoons.

But Lin Yueyue no longer dared to look. She curled up in Lin Feng's arms and whispered: "Dad! I'm scared!"

"It's okay, everything on TV is fake. Haven't you already visited the place where TV was filmed before?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Yueyue nodded, as if there was really nothing to be afraid of!
And now Peppa Pig is back on TV!
After looking at the TV twice, her attention was drawn to it again.

Lin Feng climbed down and sat on the sofa again to watch cartoons quietly.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

Liu Yan shrugged: "Children are sometimes more courageous than us. If I were scared, I would definitely not dare to watch TV!"


Liu Yan saw that Lin Feng's body was wet with water, and water was still dripping from some places.

I quickly took some paper from the table and wiped it for him.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Liu Yan said while wiping Lin Feng's body.

"It's okay, it's okay! I can just wipe it myself!"

How could he let a woman rub her body like glass? He was not a borderline person.

As he said that, he reached out to take the paper in Liu Yan's hand.

But what a coincidence, he accidentally grabbed Liu Yan's hand and injured it.

In an instant, Liu Yan's body stiffened.

This, this, this, something is not right!

Liu Yan quickly pulled her hand back.

Lin Feng couldn't help but froze there.

He shook hands and couldn't help but laugh: "Sister Liu Yan, sit here for a while and I'll change my clothes!"

"Okay! Ok!"

Liu Yan was so nervous that she didn't dare to look at Lin Feng. If Liu Yifei happened to come back just now, she might have lost a best friend! was really exciting just now!
Liu Yan took a deep breath, picked up the mineral water on the table and drank it in big gulps.

But he immediately realized that this seemed to be what Lin Feng had just drank!


Liu Yan became even more nervous. She glanced at Lin Yueyue who was watching a cartoon. Fortunately, she was concentrating on watching the cartoon.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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