Chapter 353 What is reality?What is love?

This matter passed quickly.

Nothing happened, Lin Feng and Liu Yifei soon became inseparable again.

The two sat on the sofa and chatted for a long time.

If Lin Yueyue wasn't here, if they weren't leaving soon, they might have gone to the bedroom to catch up on their sleep.

But forget it now, after all, the future is long!
Even though he was very reluctant to leave, Lin Feng still wanted to leave with Lin Yueyue.

The three people came downstairs to check out and then put their luggage in the car.

Liu Yifei stood outside the car window and said softly: "When you go back, be careful on the road!"

"I know, don't worry!"

Lin Yueyue sat in the back and waved vigorously to Liu Yifei: "Godmother! I'm starting to miss you now!"

"Hahaha! I've started to miss you too. When this drama is finished, I will go back to be with you!"

"Okay! Let's pull the hook!"

"it is good!"

Liu Yifei stretched out her little finger and hooked up with Lin Yueyue.

Then, she checked her phone and saw that the director had begun to urge her. If she didn't go to the set, everyone would not be able to start work.

So she exhaled and kissed Lin Feng: "Drive slower on the road!"


Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The car started and slowly drove out of the parking lot.

Liu Yifei looked at the car that was driving away. She didn't turn around until she couldn't see the license plate clearly.


It takes a total of two hours to drive from the studio to my home.

In order to make Lin Yueyue's journey safer, Lin Feng threw his cell phone to her to play with.

But now, Lin Yueyue doesn't want to play with her mobile phone.

She was swaying from side to side while sitting in the car. If it weren't for the safety seat, she might have jumped up on the seat cushion.

She looked out the car window and said to Lin Feng: "Dad, are we going home now?"

"Yeah, what's wrong, you still want to play outside?"

"Of course not, I have wanted to go back for a long time!" Lin Yueyue said very happily.

In fact, for Lin Yueyue, it is really interesting outside, but only by staying at home can she truly relax.

After playing outside for so long, she had long wanted to go back.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Yueyue through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but laugh: "What do you want to do after you get home? Why are you so happy?"

"Of course I will lie at home and rest when I go back!" Lin Yueyue said with a smile: "Dad, I actually really like staying at home. After all, staying at home is very free."

"I actually like to stay at home. I always feel like I can't rest well in hotels!"

"Hehehe, those toys at home must have missed me!"

Lin Yueyue was so happy that she started to talk a lot, and she kept talking all the way.

By the end, she was singing in the car.

Lin Feng also felt very comfortable. Listening to his daughter's singing made him feel more relaxed while driving.

"Dad, why can't you sing?" Lin Yueyue suddenly looked at Lin Feng and asked after singing.

Lin Feng: "..."

Why does this little girl have so many problems?

He glanced at Lin Yueyue through the rearview mirror and exhaled: "Why can't I sing? I can sing pretty well!"

"Dad, don't brag about this kind of thing, I have ears!" Lin Yueyue couldn't help but laugh. "Hey, Lin Yueyue, let me tell you, you can't talk about other people's shortcomings so directly. This is offending others!"

"You are my father, why can't I talk about you!" Lin Yueyue looked at Lin Feng: "Dad, I think I inherited it from my mother. Otherwise, my singing would definitely be terrible."

Hearing this, Lin Feng thought of the song "The Offering of Love".

This is Da Mimi’s only song, and it’s also a song that uses electronic music and lip-syncing.

If this can be called singing well.

Then I must be the voice of nature!


Liu Yifei's side.

After Lin Feng left, she was completely out of sorts.

She used to just like Lin Feng, but now she is with Lin Feng.

The feeling became even stronger after the separation.

She turned around and returned to the hotel to rest with an ugly face.

When she got to the room, she happened to see her mother applying a facial mask.

Then he said: "Lin Feng took Lin Yueyue home!"

"All right!"

Liu Yifei came to the room, picked up her bag, and prepared to go to the set.

But at this moment, Liu Yifei's mother said: "Xixi, you are an actor. You must not let your emotional problems affect your career!"

As she spoke, she breathed out: "Lin Feng loves you very much now, so you should take advantage of this moment to learn something useful from him!"

Liu Yifei was in a bad mood originally, and now she is even worse!
She glanced at her mother unhappily: "Mom, I told you before, Lin Feng and I never thought about these things when we were together!"

"Hey, you girl!"

"The only reason why Lin Feng and I are together is because I like him. If I just want to get something, then I will never be with him!"

Liu Yifei frowned.

Liu Yifei's mother breathed out: "My silly girl, you sleep in the same bed with her, why can't you order something from him?!"

"Everything is fake, only by standing higher can you be real!"

Liu Yifei bulged her mouth. She didn't want to say anything more to her mother: "Okay, okay, the director has urged me to go to the crew!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei's mother turned to Zhao Ji.

The reason why she agreed to Liu Yifei and Lin Feng being together was because Lin Feng could help Liu Yifei. Otherwise, she would definitely not agree to her daughter being with Lin Feng.

Thinking about it, she took Liu Yifei's hand: "Xixi, let me tell you, you can't be so stupid. I agree with you and Lin Feng, but I don't let you be with Lin Feng like this!"

"You're already sleeping in the same bed with him, you're definitely going to get something!"

"Mom! I don't want to be so realistic!" Liu Yifei said irritably.

When Lin Feng came home, she was already in a bad mood. When she came back to get something, she had to be lectured by her mother, which made her even more irritable.

"What do you call reality?!" Liu Yifei's mother said loudly: "This is the expression of love. If he is not willing to help you, why do you say he loves you!"

Liu Yifei's mother was so anxious that her face turned red.

She had long wanted Liu Yifei to talk to Lin Feng about resources, but her daughter didn't say anything!
Obviously, Liu Yifei's mother was very dissatisfied with her daughter's idea.

"Okay, Mom, I'm going to the set. We'll discuss this issue when we come back!"

Liu Yifei's mother was so angry that she almost fainted.


Liu Yifei must get resources!

(End of this chapter)

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