Chapter 355 Am I drunk, or is he drunk? !
Although Lin Feng said that it was very difficult to open a theme park like this, he was already thinking about it.

He also has some resources as an independent investor, so he can find someone to buy this kind of copyright.

Moreover, Lin Yueyue likes it and can make money.

Why not spend some time and really create a paradise like this?

Not only is Lin Yueyue happy, but she is also happy, and she can also make a lot of money!

This attention is really great!

Lin Feng not only wants to make it a Journey to the West theme park, but also wants to add some other anime characters.

This matter of copyright convenience can be left to Xu Yang. Anyway, he is versatile and now is the time when he has nothing to do and wants to work.

Buy the copyright of Black Cat Sheriff, and then go to Haier to buy the copyright of Haier Brothers, Naughty Blue Cat, Calabash Baby and Snake Spirit!
The most important thing is the snake spirit!
Tsk, tsk, tsk, I thought this snake spirit was very beautiful when I was a kid, so I didn’t buy the scorpion spirit, I just let the scorpion spirit contribute his wife.

Hey Hey……

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

Later, he also thought that there are so many gods in China!
These are all copyright-free!
At that time, the theme park will have a special show, some dry ice and lights, so that people will feel like they are in heaven as soon as they enter.

Very cool!
There is also the theme of martial arts. Those authors have almost sold out the copyrights, and they don’t care about selling it to themselves to open an amusement park!

To be honest, when he was reading novels, Lin Feng really dreamed of opening a martial arts-themed amusement park.


However, isn’t it a bit strange to put martial arts and gods together?

Forget it, let’s get it first and wait until we get the copyright!

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became. He clapped his hands suddenly, looked at Lin Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, do you also want our own theme park?"


"Dad actually wants to get one too!" Lin Feng said confidently: "When the theme park is ready, I will take you to play!"

"You just said that it is difficult to build a playground like this?"

"It's okay, I will go through any difficulties for you!" Lin Feng said proudly: "You can get whatever cartoon characters you want to get in, and get whatever tasks you want!"

When Lin Yueyue heard this, her eyes widened in shock. After a long time, she finally said, "Is he so powerful?!"

"That is!"

"Hey, hey, dad, are you bragging?"

Lin Feng: "..."

The pride he had just felt suddenly disappeared.

He sat down on the sofa in frustration, then looked at Lin Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, can't you trust your father?"

Lin Yueyue looked at Lin Feng who was serious and tried hard to swallow the burger in her mouth: "It costs a lot of money to open a theme park. Do you really have that much money?"

Lin Feng: "..."

To be honest, Lin Yueyue was right about this.

Not only does the theme park cost a lot of money, but buying the copyright also costs a lot of money!
And it’s not just money, talent in all aspects is also an issue!

A lot of manpower, material resources and energy are required!

Lin Feng's head hurt when he thought about this kind of thing.

But well!
He has been an independent investor for so many years and knows many big names in the industry.

If you respond a little bit, those big guys will definitely give you face.

All you need to do is build a shelf and let them fill in the interior!

And there is no need to be too anxious about this kind of thing. Plan it first, get the framework in place, and then talk to others about it!
So he rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head and said with a smile: "We can treat this as a dream first and slowly realize it!" Lin Yueyue nodded vigorously: "Yes! If you can't do it, there is still me! We can definitely make it happen!”

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled helplessly, thinking that the little girl really didn't believe in herself!

Lin Feng didn't say anything more, just smiled.

There is nothing now. No matter how much you say, it will be false. When the theme park is really built, Lin Yueyue will believe it!
Lin Feng thought carefully in his heart.

Now the theme park is no longer just Lin Yueyue's idea, it is also his dream.

Of course, apart from copyright, the biggest difficulty in opening this kind of theme park is national policy.

You must fully understand the policy before you can make the next step of planning.

Moreover, this kind of theme park is very large, and it is difficult to obtain land. If demolition is involved, the cost will be even greater!
However, no matter how difficult it is, Lin Feng is willing to try.

Moreover, there is Xu Yang, his ability is not as simple as just being an agent.

He is now Lin Feng's assistant and is also very energetic in the circle!

Regarding policy matters, let Xu Yang think about it. Don’t think so much about it first, and figure out the framework first!
Lin Feng started planning on paper.

First there are some simple plans, but slowly and surely, a plan will be drawn up!
Time passed quickly.

When Lin Feng looked up again, it was already dawn, and Lin Yueyue had already gone back to her room to sleep.

Lin Feng is not tired at all, he is very excited. He is already looking forward to this theme park.

Eat a little something to replenish energy.

Lin Feng called Xu Yang.

When Xu Yang answered the phone, he was confused and didn't know where he was fooling around.

He is what people in the industry often call a very annoying investor.

While hugging the girl, he said that movies should promote positive energy. Now I definitely don’t know which hotel to sleep in!

"Lin Feng?! You wouldn't call me if you had nothing to do. What happened?" Xu Yang forced himself to wake up.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Feng could smell the smell of alcohol coming from the phone.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I'm fine, but you have a job. How are you? Are you excited?"

Everyone in Xu Yang was dumbfounded. What's going on? Is medicine so advanced now?Can lazy cancer be cured? !

Lin Feng coughed twice: "Brother, I have something here that I want you to help me with?"

"what happened?"

When Xu Yang heard this, he felt that this matter was very big.

After all, if it wasn't important, Lin Feng wouldn't have called him at this point.

Do not!
He wouldn't even call himself!


Lin Feng coughed twice and continued: "I want to build a theme park for our country. Please help me plan it!"

Xu Yang: "..."

Am I still drunk? This must be a dream, right? !

A theme park in China? !

Am I drunk or is he drunk? !
Xu Yang took out a breath and asked seriously: "Lin Feng, how much alcohol did you drink yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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