Chapter 388 Sisi is going to work!Alone again!
"Hey, if you quit the entertainment industry, you won't care about your image! I'm still here!"

Liu Sisi said and exhaled.

"You are one of your own, why should you pay attention to your image with your own people!"

Liu Sisi: "..."

The two of them were chatting and lying on the sofa, and time passed quickly.

After playing a game of poker and a game of chess, Liu Sisi went home to pack her bags and get ready to go to work.

Lin Feng felt a little reluctant to give up.

But he also understands that this is the normal working condition of an actor.

They have almost no rest time throughout the year, and they spend more time on the set than at home.

Sometimes, they would set off to work suddenly, just like Liu Sisi came back suddenly two days ago.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was very satisfied with his decision to quit the entertainment industry, because in this way, he could have time to accompany Lin Yueyue.

However, since Lin Yueyue entered kindergarten, his life seems to be quite boring.

It's time to find something else to do.

Lin Feng was thinking about this issue while drinking coffee.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to pick up Lin Yueyue from school.

When Lin Feng was about to go out, he suddenly had a sudden idea and took Lin Yueyue's scooter.

The kindergarten is very close and it is convenient to ride a scooter.

When I get Lin Yueyue, I can let her come back while riding the scooter.

To be honest, this scooter is really convenient, stable and fast.

Of course, the quality was also very good. Lin Feng bought the most expensive one at that time. Not only could Lin Yueyue ride it, but he could even afford it.

Of course, as an adult, riding a scooter on the road is indeed a bit eye-catching.

When those old men and women saw Lin Feng as an adult playing with children's toys, they all had some opinions about him.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he wears a mask when he goes out.

Others can't recognize who you are, so be ashamed!

In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the door of the kindergarten.

Today he arrived earlier than before, and finally stood at the head of the parent queue for the first time.

After about 10 minutes, you can pick up your child.

As soon as he walked to the door, Lin Yueyue saw him.

She excitedly pulled An Ran to Teacher Zhu and said, "Teacher Zhu, can I introduce a friend to my father?"

"Of course!"

At this time, Lin Feng had already arrived at the door.

"Dad!" Lin Yueyue shouted loudly.

"Hello, Teacher Zhu, I'm here to pick up Lin Yueyue!"

Teacher Zhu looked at Lin Feng and nodded tiredly.

Lin Yueyue pulled An Ran to Lin Feng and said with a smile: "Dad, this is my friend!"

Lin Feng: "???"

He didn't react!

"Dad, this girl's name is An Ran, she is my best friend in kindergarten!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng laughed: "Hello, classmate An Ran!"

With that said, he stretched out his hand and shook An Ran's hand.

"Hello, uncle!"

An Ran smiled shyly.

To be honest, Lin Yueyue's father is so handsome!

If only he were my dad, that would be great!
My mother's taste is really bad, why did she find her father, that fat man?An Ran began to have random thoughts in her mind.

"Dad, I would like to invite An Ran to visit our house on Saturday. Can you cook us more delicious food that day?" Lin Yueyue said happily.

"Of course!"

"Thank you dad!"

Lin Yueyue jumped up and down happily.

An Ran next to him was also very happy.

The two of them were holding hands and cheering, and they looked like very good friends.

At this time, Teacher Zhu came over and pulled Lin Feng aside.

There will be all kinds of strange parents in kindergarten.

There was a teacher who rewarded a child with a piece of chocolate. When the parent found out, they made a fuss in the kindergarten, claiming that the teacher had to pay for the child's bad food.

Another time, a child said that he took his nap with his grandfather in the kindergarten, and the parents made a fuss like crazy.

After a long investigation, they called the police and discovered that the grandpa was not an old grandpa, but a child named Ye Ye.

Teacher Zhu was reminded by her boss in various ways on her first day at work. She felt that Lin Feng should be reminded of this kind of thing.

In this society, the more famous you are, the easier it is to be framed.

In fact, it's fine for adults, but it has a huge impact on children.

So, Teacher Zhu whispered: "Dad Lin Yueyue, there is something I need to discuss with you in advance!"

"Good good!"

After the two of them walked to the side, Teacher Zhu said softly: "Dad Lin Yueyue, although this matter should not be my responsibility as a teacher, I still want to remind you!"

Lin Feng: "???"

He was stunned when he heard this. Did he do something bad?

He looked at Teacher Zhu with some confusion.

"The thing is like this. Nowadays, children in every family are the treasures of both parents. They are very doting on their children. If something happens to the child, the parents will be very impulsive!"

"It's a good thing to invite classmates to your home, but I think it's best for both families to discuss it."

"Besides, An Ran is also a girl. If she goes to someone else's house as a guest, it's best to be accompanied by her parents."

“Also, it’s best to ask if the other person’s child is allergic to any food!”

Teacher Zhu said it very comprehensively and tactfully, and Lin Feng understood it immediately.

Over the years, he has seen a lot of strange news and knows that many people are a little strange now.

Thinking about it, he nodded seriously to Teacher Zhu: "Thank you, Teacher Zhu, I understand!"

“I am also troubled, but I also don’t want kindergarten students to encounter any trouble.

"Thank you, thank you!" Lin Feng said seriously.

At this moment, Lin Yueyue looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Dad, when will we go home?"

"It's fine now!"

Lin Feng nodded towards Teacher Zhu: "Teacher Zhu, I will take Yueyue back first!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Lin Yueyue!"

"See you tomorrow, Teacher Zhu!"

After Lin Yueyue and Lin Feng walked out of the kindergarten, Lin Yueyue asked curiously: "Dad, what were you and Teacher Zhu talking about just now?"


"I don't believe it. She definitely told you a lot!" Lin Yueyue raised her eyebrows and smiled maturely, like a middle-aged woman who loves to listen to gossip.

Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand: "No, you just told me about your situation in the kindergarten!"

"Hmph! I was so good in kindergarten!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, Teacher Zhu praised you just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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