Chapter 394 Belated maternal love, sudden concern!
After telling this secret, Da Mimi felt relaxed.

She felt like this matter was like a big stone pressing on her heart, so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

After telling this secret, everyone relaxed.

But Reba was stunned.

She sat there stupidly, not even reacting to the mosquito bites on her face.

My ears were buzzing and I couldn't hear anything.

Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Apart from these three words, there was nothing in her mind.

Did you really hear it right just now? 1
Da Mimi is actually Lin Yueyue’s biological mother!

This is too ridiculous. Movies wouldn’t even dare to act like this!

Although Reba had thought about who Lin Yueyue's biological mother was before, but now after hearing Da Mimi's admission, she was completely dumbfounded.

After a long time, she finally recovered.

Then she whispered: "Sister Mi, were you kidding me just now? You are really Yueyue..."

At this point, she stopped. What if someone came in and heard her?
Da Mimi nodded: "Yes, apart from my agent, only you know now!"

Reba nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell anyone!"

Da Mimi nodded: "Well, I don't want others to know yet, so you can't tell it!"

"I know I know!"

Reba nodded obediently.

Then she felt something strange.

It shouldn't be, Lin Yueyue said, her mother passed away!
"I will tell everyone about this when the time is right!" Damimi seemed to be talking to Reba, or to herself.

Then, she saw Reba's doubtful eyes again.

"What's wrong, do you have any questions to ask me?"

Reba nodded: "Before...Lin Yueyue said that her mother passed away!"

"That's what Lin Feng told her!"

"Then Lin Feng is so inhuman. How can he tell his child that his mother has passed away? What should you do?"

"It's my fault too!"

Da Mimi took out a breath and began to slowly tell what happened between her and Lin Feng.

She and Lin Feng had been in love for a while, and there were also very sweet moments.

But she did not tell the real reason why she gave birth to Lin Yueyue and abandoned her.

I just said that at that time, I had no time to take care of my children because of my work, and I didn't have time to meet Lin Feng, so I broke up.

After the breakup, she never appeared in the lives of the father and daughter again, and never took care of them.

Therefore, there is no problem for Lin Feng to tell Lin Yueyue this way.

Because, these years, it really seems like she has passed away.

If Lin Yueyue and Lin Feng hadn't appeared on a live variety show, Da Mimi might not have contacted them in a few years.

Hearing these paintings, Reba was silent for a long time.

Today's events have confused her mind.

What are these things? It’s too complicated!
She never thought that Da Mimi could do such a thing, and she never thought that Da Mimi could be so ruthless!
"Reba, actually I regret it now!" Da Mimi exhaled: "It would have been better if I had not chosen to leave them!"

"Actually, you didn't think too much about it at that time. If you weren't great at that time, you wouldn't be where you are today."

Reba talked to Da Mimi, but she felt that Da Mimi was really ruthless, but Da Mimi was her boss and sister, so she could only speak for the big secret.


Da Mimi looked outside the window.

If she had not left Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue, her current career might be very dull, or she might have quit the entertainment industry long ago.but……

There is no if in this world!
Reba looked at Mimi.

At this moment, the image of Damimi in her heart collapsed.

Originally, she had always thought that Da Mimi was perfect. Although he had some flaws in his character, he had always been her idol.

But now she discovered that Da Mimi was so ruthless and could abandon her lover and children for the sake of career!
So heartless...

But I am not qualified to talk about her.

But if she wasn't told, she felt that Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue were really hurt.

Just by imagining it, she could feel how difficult Lin Feng's life had been over the past few years.

Therefore, Reba is very confused now and doesn't know what to say.

She exhaled helplessly.

Damimi said: "Reba, I know I did something wrong, but I can only choose one thing between family and career..."

"I'm in the spotlight now, and I want to make it up to Yueyue, do you think that's okay?"

"You mean, you want to admit that you are Lin Yueyue's biological mother?"

"This will take some time. I need to coordinate with various departments in the company. After all, the entire company depends on me for food!"

Damimi said.

She did this just to make up for Lin Yueyue and to give her the maternal love she had been missing before.

Even if she couldn't get back together with Lin Feng, she still hoped that the father and daughter wouldn't hate her.

Reba: "..."

After a long time, she finally said: "Sister Mi, if I tell the truth, it's actually a bit unpleasant."

"What do you say?"

"I think you should talk to Lin Feng. If you suddenly reveal your relationship with Lin Yueyue, I think the child may not be able to bear it."

Da Mimi: “???”

She looked at Reba with some confusion.

"Lin Yueyue always thought that her mother passed away. It was because of her death that she could not live with her."

"But suddenly I told her that her mother had never died, but because of her career, she had never seen her... Sister Mi, can you accept this comparison?"

Rice: "..."

"Moreover, Sister Mi, with your identity, if you admit that you are Lin Yueyue's mother, she will definitely be harassed by various reporters. By then, not only fans but also anti-fans will pay attention to Lin Yueyue..."

"Can she really handle this sudden attention?"

Hearing Reba's words, Da Mimi pursed her lips.

She had really never thought about these questions.

"Then you say, what should I do now?"

"I think you should talk to Lin Feng. This is your child!"

Damimi shook his head: "Lin Feng and I have completely broken up and we can't talk!"

Reba: "..."

Hearing the news, Reba was quite happy.

However, she quickly put this happiness to rest.

Then he said: "Sister Mi, maybe you can pay more attention to Yueyue. She is a sensible child and will definitely understand you when she grows up!"

"By then, she will definitely be able to accept you!"

(End of this chapter)

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