Chapter 40 Visiting Kindergarten

The house that Lin Feng lives in was bought by him a few years ago. Although the house is relatively old, the location is not bad and the supporting facilities around the community are complete.

There are shopping malls, wet markets, schools, hospitals, and three kindergartens nearby.

Lin Feng had done research on these three kindergartens before.

Among these three kindergartens, one is private. The tuition is not expensive, but the environment is not good.

There is also a public kindergarten. Because it is newly built, the environment is very good. Lin Feng likes it very much, but it is not the enrollment season now, so he can't get in.

Finally, there is an international kindergarten. This is the nearest kindergarten to Lin Feng’s home. It has good teachers and complete facilities. It has small classes. Each class can accommodate up to 20 children. However, the tuition is a bit high and miscellaneous. In total, it costs 3 yuan a month.

After careful consideration, Lin Feng chose this international kindergarten.

At this moment, Lin Feng and Yueyue, father and daughter, were on their way to the international kindergarten.

Yueyue's dress is particularly eye-catching today.

Wearing a pink princess dress with white canvas shoes, and two small hairpins on her head, the cartoon hairpins are very cute.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten.

After inquiring, they found the admissions office and were greeted by a female teacher in her 30s.

The female teacher explained while leading Lin Feng and Yueyue to visit the kindergarten.

When she came to the amusement area, she saw that the area was filled with various amusement equipment, and Yueyue became excited.

The female teacher told Yueyue that she could play as she pleased, and the little guy went straight to the slide.

Because it was inconvenient to move around in a skirt, Yueyue simply tucked the skirt into her leggings.

This operation made the admissions teacher dumbfounded.

She thought Yueyue was a little lady just now, but she didn't expect that she turned out to be a tomboy.

Lin Feng also felt ashamed and shouted something loudly to Yueyue, asking her to put down her skirt. Yueyue, who was having fun, pretended not to hear.

Lin Feng sighed and prepared to catch Yueyue himself.

The passage of this slide is relatively narrow and can only accommodate children. Lin Feng is an adult and has a very tall body. It is very difficult to walk in the passage while bending down.

He was walking slowly behind, and Yueyue was running in front, unable to catch her at all.

The two of them were playing hide-and-seek. Lin Feng tried several times and managed to catch Yueyue.

He gasped for air, and Yueyue giggled happily.

"Dad, you are too stupid to catch me."

Lin Feng said angrily: "Yueyue, please put down your skirt quickly."


"You are a girl, lifting your skirt is detrimental to your image."

Yueyue quibbled: "It's not like I'm not wearing pants underneath."

"The leggings you are wearing don't look good, and we are recording a show. Do you want the uncles and aunts in the live broadcast room to see you like this? Aren't you ashamed?"

After Lin Feng said this, Yueyue suddenly realized and put down her skirt.

Yueyue played on the slide by herself, and the admissions teacher gave Lin Feng a detailed introduction to the kindergarten.

After what she said, the tuition fee of this kindergarten is a bit expensive, but it has its advantages.

All kindergarten teachers in the kindergarten are highly educated college students who have been trained abroad. They are first-class in terms of quality and experience.

The food is also very rich, with milk, fruits, and meat included in every meal, and the nutrition is balanced.

After hearing the introduction, Lin Feng made up his mind and planned to let Yueyue attend this kindergarten. However, Yueyue still had to record a program, so it would be a month before she started school.

Yueyue was also very satisfied with the new kindergarten. After sliding on the slide for a while, Lin Feng took her away.

As soon as she walked to the door, Yueyue saw banners hanging on the fence of the kindergarten and asked, "Dad, what are the words written on them?"

"Don't let your children lose at the starting line."

"Oh, are there still races in kindergarten? Then I will definitely not lose." Yueyue said firmly. In terms of sports, she has this confidence that is stronger than other children.

Lin Feng glanced at her speechlessly: "I'm not asking you to race. This sentence means that you have to start learning from a baby."

"Oh, that's right. Is dad also at the starting line?" Yueyue asked curiously. "I'm almost 30, and I'm already past the starting point."

"Is daddy almost at the finish line?"

Lin Feng: "Uh..."

Facing Yueyue's soul question, Lin Feng's face turned green.

The admissions teacher following them secretly covered his mouth and laughed.

Seeing Lin Fengsheng's helpless expression, Little Master Yueyue said in a tone of voice: "Dad, you have to work hard too, and you must not lose at the finish line."

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was filled with laughter and laughter.

"Lin Feng was left speechless by Yue Yue again, hahaha."

"Teasing Yueyue's daily comedy."

"Lin Feng is about to die at the finish line because of Yueyue's anger."


Lin Feng looked at Yueyue depressedly. He wondered what was in this child's mind and why it was different from normal people's thinking.

The screen switched to Liu Genghong’s live broadcast room.

His relationship with his daughter Xiaopuff is obviously much more harmonious than Lin Feng's weird father and daughter.

Liu Genghong has a gentle temperament, and her daughter Xiaopuff is well-behaved and sensible.

Because Liu Genghong has a huge fan base, the popularity of his live broadcast has remained high since the first day of filming.

Little Puff had been clamoring to make her own dessert early in the morning. At this moment, Liu Genghong was driving her car to buy the ingredients needed for the dessert.

Liu Genghong was in a good mood today, and the smile on her face never disappeared.

While driving, I hummed Jay Chou's "Sunshine Homeboy".

Little Puff, who was sitting in the safety seat, also sang with him. The little guy’s singing voice was very sweet.

"Dad, you sang the wrong lyrics." Little Puff reminded.

Liu Genghong glanced at the rearview mirror: "Did you sing it wrong? No?"

"That's how it's sung." After saying that, Little Puff sang a few lines for Liu Genghong to correct.

This sweet singing instantly aroused the applause of a large number of fans in the live broadcast room.

If I could use one word to describe Yueyue and Little Puff.

Yueyue is a girl, and Little Puff is the little sweetheart.

Yueyue is reckless and reckless, while Little Puff is as gentle as water.

These two little guys are two extremes.

Little Puff's cute character made Lin Feng very envious of Liu Genghong.

However, after a brief period of envy, Lin Feng convinced himself.

Although my daughter is a bit reckless, she still has many advantages.

Not only is she good at kung fu, but she is also good at dancing.

It would be more perfect if you don't always quarrel with him.

After visiting the kindergarten, it was noon, and Lin Feng took Yueyue home.

On the elevator, the father and daughter met a young girl.

The girl is very beautiful, she looks like she is in her twenties, and she is holding a little Bichon Frize with white fur in her hand.

This little bichon is very cute and even wears a shirt.

The hairpin on its head aroused Yueyue's interest.

Yueyue felt that the hairpin looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

After staring for a while, she slapped her forehead and said to Lin Feng, "Dad, this puppy and I have the same hairpins."

(End of this chapter)

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