Chapter 414 Everyone is concerned!

After hearing Wu Jing's words, Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

"Okay, okay, go about your business, your uncle won't be out of money!"

"Hey, you, you are my uncle, not my uncle!"

"It's the same, it's all the same!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then go ahead and have fun. Come over and have a drink together when you have time!"

Afterwards, Wu Jing continued: "Let's see if NIIT has time to come and play with our crew. This is a movie you invested in. Wouldn't it be great for you to come and act in your own movie?"

"Go ahead and play, I'm going to open my own little supermarket!"

"Oh, Uncle Master, how much money can your small supermarket make every day? How about I give you extra supplies?"

"Don't worry, Lin Yueyue is in kindergarten now, and I have to pick her up every day. You can act on your own!"

"We can wait a little. During the summer vacation, you can bring Lin Yueyue over to play, and I will take care of your child then!"

"Stop being ridiculous, are you holding Lin Yueyue and shooting a machine gun?!" Lin Feng laughed helplessly.

Wu Jing: "..."

Hearing this, he remembered how his son was used as a machine gun by him when he was a child.

Not only were they shooting machine guns, but they were also throwing children into the sand!

Thinking of this, Wu Jing felt a little embarrassed: "Uncle, don't worry. If you're worried, let Xiao Xie take care of Yueyue!"

"Let's talk about it then. It's not summer vacation yet!" Lin Feng waved his hand: "Don't wait for me. You should be doing things. You should choose actors as normal!"

"Okay, as long as you agree to come, let's have a drink and talk about actors when we have time!"

"Okay, the reason why you videotaped me is to let me act in a movie. My small supermarket is open, so you can't give me a red envelope!"

"Pack, definitely pack!"

"Okay, okay, go ahead and play with yourself, I have something else to do here!"

"Okay! As long as you are not depressed, after a while, if I have time, I will go find you for a drink!"

"roll roll roll!"

Lin Feng curled his lips. He didn't drink. Wu Jing always wanted to drink with him. Was he bullied while drinking with Uncle Yu and wanted to get it back from him?

After hanging up Wu Jing's video, Liu Yifei's message was sent.

Ask him if the supermarket is ready and if he needs her to come back to help.

Liu Yifei is abroad, and she can probably take care of several employees just for the round-trip air tickets.

Lin Feng will definitely not let her come back. He just wants her to come over and have fun when she is free, so that she can experience what it feels like to be a boss lady.

When Liu Yifei saw this news, her face immediately turned red.

Later, Liu Sisi and Tang Yan both sent WeChat messages.

Other investment friends and many directors and producers have also sent messages of greetings.

In fact, they were all relatively calm. After all, they didn't believe that Lin Feng opened a small supermarket just to make money.

The most excited person was Xu Yang.

After all, during this period of time, he was so busy trying to practice the clone technique because of things at the theme park that he stayed up until late at night every day.

Moreover, he had been drinking with a group of related people for several days.

Moreover, I have to work with a hangover every day, and I feel like I am dying.

And Lin Feng actually opened a small supermarket for his own entertainment!
Xu Yang was very angry when he saw this.

"Lin Feng, are you going too far? I drank so much every day in the theme park that I almost died suddenly, and I had to work with a hangover every day. I almost passed out, but you actually opened a small supermarket here for fun? !”

"I'll help you build a big business, and you'll be playing with toys at home, right? I sold myself to you!"

Lin Feng smiled helplessly: "Don't be excited, don't be excited!" "I'm so busy here that I almost want to die. You open a small supermarket at home and it's so leisurely. How can I not be excited?!"

"Gee, I'd be a loser without you!"

Xu Yang: "..."

"You can find an assistant. You have so many things to do, and you can also hire Didi to drink on your behalf so that you can spend every night safely!"

"Don't you think I don't want to find you? Do you know that this kind of person is very difficult to find?!"

"Just find someone in the company first!"

"I'm not calling you because of this kind of thing, I'm..."

"I'll give you a raise!"

"I'm not talking about salary, I'm..."

"Ten thousand!"

"It's not about salary!"

"Twenty thousand!"

Xu Yang: "..."

Lin Feng knew that this kind of thing was not negotiable. After all, he was lazy and left everything to Xu Yang, so he chose the most direct method, to increase his salary!
The salary of 2 yuan stopped Xu Yang immediately.

Lin Feng originally gave him a high salary, but now he has received an additional [-] yuan per month, making his annual salary over one million, and there are also bonuses!

Who can’t get along with money?
After thinking for a while, Xu Yang said: "Forget it, I'll just keep busy with work!"

"Business first, if anything happens, just call me directly."

"Okay, okay, you can open a small supermarket at home and have fun!"

"Okay, then I'm going to work and work hard. When this project is finished, I'll give you a day off!"

Lin Feng scratched his hair: "When this matter is over, I will ask my mother to introduce you to someone. My mother has many photos of beautiful girls, all of whom are suitable for life!"

"Okay, then you can help me say hello to my third aunt, and I will leave all my life-long affairs to her!"

Hearing Lin Feng say this, Xu Yang hung up the phone in a perfunctory manner.

He doesn't want to go on a blind date, this is not how he wants to find a wife.

Lin Feng looked at the phone and couldn't help but smile.

According to blood relationship, Xu Yang should be regarded as Lin Feng's distant cousin.

He is a top student who graduated from foreign actuarial major.

He was supposed to be an iron rice bowl, but because of Lin Feng, he has now become a drunkard who drinks with his partners every day.

Because Lin Feng gave him almost all the work after Lin Yueyue was born.

Moreover, Lin Feng was relieved to leave the work to him.

Because of his professionalism in finance, Xu Yang managed Lin Feng's assets very well.

Even if Lin Feng doesn't make various investments, his assets are steadily increasing every year!
Although he is very good at work, Xu Yang's love life is relatively bad.

There used to be a partner who was separated because he was too busy at work.

Then he started a life of letting himself go.

Every time after drinking with his partners, he would wake up from the hotel with a strange beauty.

Although they may only know each other's names, they also had a wonderful night.

Although Xu Yang lived a very happy life like this, his parents were very anxious.

I have long wanted to find him a wife!
(End of this chapter)

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