Chapter 42 The little fox’s tail is exposed


"Why don't I understand what Yueyue is doing? Are you deliberately trying to please Lin Feng because you want to eat durian?"

"What a little smart guy."

"Haha, it turns out that Yueyue can trick people."


Under Yueyue's constant urging, Lin Feng finally stood up and prepared to get durian for Yueyue.

He went to the bedroom first, rummaged in the closet, found a hooded sweatshirt and put it on, and then put on a hat.

I took some toilet paper, crumpled it into a ball, and stuffed it into my nose, and then put on several masks layer by layer.

After being fully armed, he went to the kitchen and took out a kitchen knife.

This posture is the same as that of a masked robber.

When Yueyue saw him, she rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Lin Feng carried the kitchen knife and came to the dining table where the durians were placed.

Yueyue was full of expectations, but at the same time she didn't forget to remind: "Dad, be careful, don't prick your hand."

Lin Feng nodded, picked up the knife and started to chop the durian.

The durian was already ripe. He took the knife and tilted it slightly, and the durian split open.

When the durian split open, Yueyue's eyes widened and she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Lin Feng shook his head, looking disgusted.

He put down the knife and gently broke it with both hands, breaking the durian into two pieces.

The smell above hit him head-on, and Lin Feng couldn't help but look bitter.

Even though I blocked my nose with toilet paper and wore several layers of masks, the stinky smell still penetrated my nose.

Yueyue stood on tiptoe, holding the edge of the table, staring at the durian with her little eyes.

The durian pulp was very plump. She swallowed and said, "Dad, this durian is really good."

"Well, does that prove that Yueyue is good at choosing?" Lin Feng said with a pained expression.

"Hey, daddy, hurry up and get me a piece. I'm almost starving for it."

Lin Feng took a piece of durian pulp, put it on a plate and handed it to Yue Yue.

The little guy giggled excitedly, took the durian and took a bite eagerly.

Seeing the little guy eating happily, Lin Feng frowned.

He peeled off all the durian flesh and put it in a crisper. The durian shell was thrown into the trash can. He lifted the trash bag and glanced at Yueyue.

"Yueyue, you can eat it by yourself, daddy will take out the garbage."

Yueyue buried her head in eating the durian without looking at him.

"Well, you go."

Lin Feng hurriedly stepped out of the way with the garbage bag in his hand. He took off his mask after exiting the door. He wanted to take a few breaths of fresh air, but the smell of durian in the garbage bag wafted out again.

He quickly put on the mask again, pressed the elevator button, and went downstairs carrying the garbage bag.

When I got downstairs, I was so scared that I threw the garbage bag into the big trash can.

He then took off his mask, took a few breaths, and then slowly went upstairs.

After returning home, he immediately opened all the windows in the room for ventilation. Then he went to the bathroom and washed his hands several times with hand sanitizer.

He didn't stop until he could no longer smell the smell of durian.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and laughed at him with barrages.

"Lin Feng is so good at pretending. Is the durian one that smelly?"

"Haha, seeing Lin Fengsheng's loveless look makes me want to laugh."

"Durian is obviously fragrant, why do you react like this?" "Durian and snail noodles are my favorites, and I can't stop eating them every time."

"Liu Genghong is making puffs with her daughter, why can't Lin Feng eat a piece of durian with Yueyue?"


Lin Feng wouldn't eat the durian even if he was beaten to death. Now he washed his hands, armed himself again, and sat down far away from Yueyue.

Yueyue looked like she was enjoying the meal. After a while, she had already eaten several pieces of durian.

She took a big mouthful of durian, raised her little head and asked, "Dad, do you want to leave a piece of durian for your godmother?"

"Farewell Yueyue, your godmother will come over yet. You can eat it by yourself."

"Oh fine."

"Don't eat it all at once. Save some for dinner. Don't hold on."

"I know." Yueyue said again, "Dad, next time my godmother comes, you buy a durian and I will eat it with my godmother."

"Okay, no problem. But when you two eat, you can't drag me along with you, you know?"

Yueyue nodded. She didn't understand. How could her father hate eating durian when it was so delicious?
Lin Feng sniffed and could still smell the smell of durian.

He regrets now that he forgot to let Liu Yifei and Yueyue eat the durian last night.

That way he could go downstairs for a walk and get some fresh air.

This durian smell is so overpowering!

Yueyue started eating durian without stopping, one bite after another, one piece after another.

Seeing that the little guy had finished making more than half of the durian, his belly was visibly bulging.

Just after finishing one piece, she picked up another piece and opened her mouth to nibble.

Lin Feng stepped forward and stopped him quickly. He was really afraid that the little guy was overstretched. Although Yueyue didn't eat much at noon, the half of the durian was still very stomach-churning, so she couldn't let her eat like this anymore.

"Yueyue, don't eat it, wait until tomorrow to eat the rest."

Yueyue blinked at him with her big eyes, and Lin Feng said again: "Children have weak stomachs, and eating such durian will make it difficult to digest."

Hearing this, Yueyue couldn't bear to put the durian back on the plate, pursed her lips and muttered: "Okay, let's wait until tomorrow to eat it."

When she saw Lin Feng's appraising look, she knew that no matter how much he begged for mercy, Lin Feng would definitely not let her eat it again.

Lin Feng put the remaining durians into a crisper, then wrapped several layers of plastic wrap tightly, then put it in the refrigerator with peace of mind.

He then told Yueyue to wash her hands and brush her teeth. He smelled the durian smell on Yueyue's body.

Yueyue went to the bathroom obediently and completed the task assigned by Lin Feng.

After everything was over, Lin Feng picked up Yueyue and went into the bedroom to take a nap.

My usual practice before going to bed is to listen to the Great Compassion Mantra.

Lin Feng clicked on his phone and played "The Great Compassion Mantra" for Yueyue. He gently patted Yueyue's back with one hand. After a while, the little guy fell asleep.

Tian Liang live broadcast room.

At this time, Tian Liang was also coaxing his handsome son to sleep.

He only told his son a few bedtime stories, and the little handsome boy was tired of hearing them.

Probably because he thought the story was too boring, the handsome boy twisted his body in protest.

But Tian Liang ignored him and continued to tell the same old story.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the handsome boy became more daring and sat directly on Tian Liang's belly as soon as he got up.

Tian Liang was very annoyed, but he couldn't get angry in front of the camera.

After all, in the eyes of the audience, he has always been a kind father. Getting angry with his children will cause a lot of controversy, and even the character will collapse.

Even though the handsome boy was sitting on top of him, he forced himself to keep smiling.

"Little handsome boy, stop messing around and lie down and go to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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