Lin Feng has always been the male god in his mind, and he is an unattainable male god.

Moreover, the two of them had broken up amicably a few years ago. Therefore, he was a single man and the man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried. So, what couldn't she let go of?

"You've thought about it, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have thought about it. I am on your side. I will fully assist you in whatever you ask me to do. Moreover, I know that from now on, I will never have any future in Sister Mi's studio. Well, if that’s the case, then there’s simply no need for me to continue fighting.”

"Don't worry, I will let you have a good final destination. Okay, I don't think this canteen can be opened today. Come on, let's go back and see what this woman wants to say."

To be honest, when these wars are in front of you.

Reba was indeed a little worried in her heart.

After all, she has always regarded Sister Mi as her elder and her idol.

If she allowed herself to become an enemy with her idol at this time, to be honest, she had not completely let go of it in her heart.

Yueyue suddenly woke up from her sleep.

She suddenly sat up from the bed.

I took a look around yesterday and found that no one was guarding me here.

She obediently got off the bed and opened the door.

Unexpectedly, the living room was empty at this time, and Sister Mi and Sister Reba were not seen at all.

Then, she walked towards Lin Feng's bedroom.

When she opened the door, Lin Yueyue saw a woman lying on the bed.

Although her back was turned to him, judging from her dress, it was estimated that it was Sister Mi.

At this time, Lin Yueyue was a little unhappy.

After all, this is the master's bedroom and dad's room. How could a strange woman lie here casually?
She walked over and pushed Da Mimi's shoulder.

"Sister Mi, why are you lying here? Come down quickly, this is daddy's bed."

In fact, Damimi didn't sleep at all.

She kept her eyes closed, thinking about everything she had done before, including her bitter experiences over the years.

Da Mimi turned around, then looked up at Lin Yueyue, with a bright smile on her face.

"Yueyue, are you awake?"

"Get up, get up, don't sleep here, this is daddy's bed."

Yueyue was very anxious, and then she kept holding her arm with her hand.

At this moment, Da Mimi suddenly wanted to tease this child.

Unexpectedly, she actually defended her father so much.

From now on, even if she recognizes her daughter, I'm afraid she will always be able to stand with her father.

"Then I have to lie here today, do you think that's okay?"

"No, you can't lie here."

Lin Yueyue's little face suddenly changed.

She opened her eyes angrily, then looked at Da Mimi lying on the bed and said.

"Yueyue, come here, lie here and let me tell you a story, okay?"

"I don't, I won't lie here, and you can't lie here either. Get up quickly."

As she spoke, she once again used her hands to support Mimi's body.

How could a weak body support an adult?
This is simply an impossible thing.

Maybe I used too much force.Suddenly, Yueyue's hand slipped, and then she retreated and fell directly to the ground.

And just in time, Yueyue's head fell onto the table next to her.

With a sound of wow, Lin Yueyue cried loudly at this moment.

Da Mimi panicked when she saw it.

This can't go on any longer.

She suddenly jumped out of bed, walked over and squatted on the ground.

"Yueyue, Yueyue, how are you? Are you okay?"

"You hate, I don't like you, I don't like you."

Yueyue was crying and shouting loudly, and at the same time, she wanted to push her body away hard.

"Yueyue, please let Sister Mi take a look. Are you bleeding or have you been touched? It doesn't matter. Stand up and Sister will give you some medicine."

"I don't need you, I don't need you, you go, you leave."

Yueyue was still struggling fiercely.

However, how could Damimi let her child do this when she was here?
No matter what, my head was touched. At the very least, I need to check if there is anything wrong.

At this moment, the room door was suddenly pushed open.

Because after Lin Feng and Reba walked in from the outside, they heard the quarreling and crying inside.

In a hurry, he rushed in and saw this scene.

"Yueyue, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Feng quickly walked forward, and then held Yueyue in his arms.

"Dad, I don't like her."

"What the hell did you do to the child?"

Seeing Lin Yueyue crying like this really broke Lin Feng's heart.

In the past few years when she was raising a child alone, she could only cry a handful of times.

Moreover, the few times she cried were all caused by getting vaccinated. However, Lin Feng had never heard any crying in her life.
Therefore, when he saw his child crying in front of him, his heart must have been broken.

"I, I didn't do anything. She, she accidentally touched the table. I didn't want to show you to see if she was injured."

"What? Hit the table?"

As he spoke, Lin Feng seemed to be hesitant, so he gently touched Yueyue's head. Fortunately, no obvious injuries were found.

"Well, Yueyue, don't cry. Come here, daddy gives you a hug. If Yueyue has any grievances, tell her daddy."

"Dad, I, I don't like, I don't like Sister Mi, I don't like Sister Mi, you, you let her go, you, you let her go."

Lin Yueyue said this sentence out of breath.

"Okay, if we don't like her, we won't look at her. Yueyue, come, daddy will take you back to Yueyue's room."

As he spoke, he carried Lin Yueyue from the room to the opposite room.

"Sister Mi, what happened?"

Reba walked up, then looked at Da Mimi and said.

Da Mimi just looked back.

Originally, she was so angry that she didn't know who to complain to, but now, Reba was actually questioning herself?Let me ask, does Reba have this right?
"Well, why are you still here? Didn't I already tell you? This is our family's business. Since it has nothing to do with you, then you should go back to the company first." (End of Chapter)

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