Chapter 447 Threats and Lure

Could it be that there is something wrong with the company's operations?

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Sister Mi, where are you now?"

"Oh, I just got home, is there something wrong?"

"Sister Mi, didn't you watch the news?"

"Watching the news? What news?"

"Sister Mi, the news on the Internet has been crazy. Now, Maplewood Culture suddenly released an announcement. He said that their newly signed artists have successfully joined the most popular variety show."

"What? What does this newly signed female artist have to do with me? Also, what kind of variety show is it?"

"Sister Mi, don't you know? It's the show you helped Reba accept before, and the artist they signed is Reba."


"It's true, Sister Mi, I was very shocked after seeing it, so I hurriedly called you to ask for verification. What's going on? Is there another person with the same name?"

"I understand. Just do this for now. I'll take a look at it later and get back to you right away."

After saying that, Da Mimi hung up the phone.

Her brows were always tightly knitted together.

Impossible. Normally, it would be impossible for him to have any connection with Maplewood Culture.

Although we know that Maplewood Culture is a great media company, we shouldn't announce such important news in such a short time?

Everyone knows that Reba is a female artist under her banner, and a popular costume drama pushed Reba to the edge of being the most popular.

And Reba is still within the contract period. How could such news break out at this time?
Da Mimi took out his mobile phone and opened the news. Sure enough, the first thing he saw was the title of this announcement.

what's going on?
Da Mimi felt a little unbelievable. As she continued to scroll down, she found that it was indeed Maplewood Culture who made an announcement overnight.

And that variety show has been officially confirmed. It is the first program she has participated in the production after joining Maplewood Culture.

Impossible. I had just called Director Sun before to confirm this matter. It was impossible for Reba to get involved again.

Why is there such a big change suddenly now?
It seems that Da Mimi needs to question the chief director of this show.

Then, she took out her mobile phone and called Director Sun.

The phone was on for a long time, and no one seemed to answer.

It's strange, because every time he calls Director Sun, he is able to answer the call in the shortest time.

It seems that he is indeed a little hesitant at this moment. He is even hesitant and doesn't know how to respond to himself.

Okay, if you can't get through the first time, then you can call the second time. If you can't get through the second time, then you can continue to fight the third time.

After all, there was a phone call, and she believed that Director Sun would not be able to escape this disaster.

Finally, after calling for the second time, Director Sun finally answered the phone.

"Hey, Sister Mi." "Director Sun, what do you mean? I've read all the online news. I've obviously been a guest on this show. Why has it changed temporarily now?"

"Oh, Sister Mi, do you know? When you called just now, the phone was in my hand, but I didn't know how to explain it to you, so I didn't answer it for a long time. "

"Then, this news is completely true, right?"

"Yes, it is indeed true. Our group has just held a meeting and this program has been completely finalized. So Sister Mi, I also hope that we can discuss the next cooperation opportunity. Don't worry, next time I won’t give it up to anyone once.”

"Don't tell me what time it will be next. I'm not interested in this. I'm just asking you, why did it happen all of a sudden? Also, what notification did you receive?"

"It's Lin Feng."

"Lin Feng, as expected, I really guessed it right."

At that time, he really thought about Fenglin Culture and always suspected that it had something to do with Lin Feng.

As for her actions today, Reba will definitely report it to Lin Feng as soon as possible. In order to protect the rights and interests of his girlfriend, Lin Feng will most likely use his trump card.

However, she never thought that all this would happen so quickly.

"Yes, Lin Feng called me personally. Sister Mi, don't you know it? The boss behind Fenglin Culture, the actual controlling shareholder, is actually Lin Feng, Mr. Lin."

"I have doubted all of this before, but it was just a little bit of suspicion and no actual evidence."

"When he told me all this today, to be honest, I didn't even think about it. After all, he has retired from the world for so many years. However, when I clearly saw the article posted by Maplewood Culture this evening, When the announcement was made, I realized that what he said was true."

"Why, just because he is the boss of Maplewood Culture, you have to satisfy him and compromise with him no matter what he does, right?"

"My grandma, don't you know? I have two movies in my hands now, which will be completed in a month, and the financier of this movie is Maplewood Culture. At this time, If I offend Lin Feng, do you think there will be any good ending for me?"

"Ha ha."

Da Mimi just sneered on the phone. She just felt that something was going on.

Now I feel what it means to be pushed down by the wall.

"This time, I really can't help you. I'm really sorry. So, since the meeting, I have been thinking about how to explain it to you."

"Okay, there's no need to explain anything. I also know that you have your own difficulties, so that's it."

After saying that, Da Mimi hung up the phone.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, based on his current abilities, there is simply no way to turn the tide.

Lin Feng.

Damimi gritted her teeth with hatred, clenched her fists tightly, and spoke the man's name.

Before, I had always felt that I owed too much to Lin Feng.

But now at this moment, it seems that that debt has been successfully transformed into a contradiction, even a kind of hatred.

He didn't know at all how he should face this man.

Do you really regard him as your enemy?

(End of this chapter)

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