If Liu Sisi hadn't reminded him of all this, it seems that Lin Feng really didn't react.

Good guy, this woman really set up a trap for herself. If she doesn't get in, she seems to be a little sorry for these careful arrangements.

"I didn't expect that this woman is really very clever. How come I wasn't prepared for this?"

"So, now you have no initiative. If you continue to have such a tough attitude, you will be the one who suffers in the end. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I know, but I just want to see what he wants to do when he asks me out this time."

"Where does he want to take you?"

"She said she had taken her children to the playground today, so she also wanted me to go there."

"Did you see it? Now, not only has he taken the initiative, but also, he is preparing to play the emotional card."

"You mean, Yueyue has been bribed by her now, right?"

"I have told you a long time ago that such a blood relationship cannot be changed at all, so Yueyue will definitely choose to stand with her now."

"Haha, okay, I understand. Thank you for reminding me of these things. I'll rush there right now. If anything happens, we'll talk about it later."

Liu Sisi didn't speak. After Lin Feng left, she simply packed up these things, and finally left Lin Feng's home.

Lin Feng drove directly to the amusement park.

This amusement park is the largest one in the city, and it was newly built with investment. It just opened for business about half a month ago.

At that time, he also told Yueyue that he would take him to play for a while during the summer vacation in kindergarten. Unexpectedly, this time, Da MiMi did it first.

At the entrance of the amusement park, he saw Da Mimi's car at a glance. It seemed that she kept her word and was waiting for him here.

Lin Feng quickly parked the car and then ran over there.

"Dad, Daddy."

Yueyue saw him running over there from a distance, so she got out of the car excitedly and threw herself into his arms.

It was only a day since they last met, but Lin Feng felt as if a century had passed.

He held Yueyue in his arms and kissed her face one by one.

"Dad, please stop kissing me. Your beard, your beard is so prickly."

Only then did Lin Feng realize that he had not had a good rest last night, and that he had rushed here early this morning without even grooming himself.

"Haha, I'm really sorry, Yueyue, dad is so excited, Yueyue, how did you sleep last night?"

"Well, I slept well. But there is one thing, I didn't sleep well. I got up very early this morning."

"Oh, Yueyue, what about you? Where is she? Where did Sister Mi go?"

"Well, you mean, Sister Mi?"

"Yes, she's in the car."

"Okay, I understand, Yueyue, please wait a moment, I will go over and say a few words to Sister Mi."

"No, Dad, let's go together. Besides, Sister Mi promised me that if you have time today, you will play with me. Is that right?" "Yes, okay, I can play with Yue today." Joy."

As he spoke, he walked over there. Before he reached the car, he saw Da Mimi walking out of the car.

She smiled at Lin Feng, and then walked over easily carrying her bag.

"How's it going? Are you in a hurry? You haven't had breakfast yet? Come on, I've already prepared it for you when I'm on the way."

She stretched out her right hand out of habit, and then placed a bag of breakfast in her hand.

"No, I already had it in the morning."

"Ah, what's going on? Why don't you eat? If you don't eat, how can you have the strength to play with Yueyue? Yueyue, tell daddy quickly and let him eat well."

"Yes, Dad, if you don't eat breakfast, it proves that you don't want to play with Yueyue, right?"

"Haha, how is that possible? Dad has already told me that I have already eaten it at home."

"Dad, you're lying. You never cook when I'm not at home, so you definitely don't know how to eat."

It seems that Yueyue really knows this about him.

Even if he wanted to lie, it seemed like he just couldn't do it.

"Okay, okay, Yueyue, I promise you, I will eat it, can't I eat it?"

"Yueyue, come, let mom lead you, and let dad eat breakfast first. Let's wait for a while. Now, there are still about 10 minutes before the park opens."

Yueyue nodded sensibly, and finally, Lin Feng put Yueyue on the ground and took out the breakfast.

In his opinion, whatever he eats now is difficult to swallow.

He just wanted to resolve this matter between them as soon as possible, and he also wanted to know what Damimi would do next.

Gobbling down, Lin Feng ate the breakfast into his stomach.

"Okay, can we go in now? Also, what do you mean by holding that press conference today?"

"If you insist on discussing these topics in front of your child, okay, I can sit down and have a good chat with you, but don't you think what Yueyue said to her is a bit boring? My child, I just want to have a good conversation today. play for fun."

Lin Feng had no choice but to shake his head. What he said now made sense. Moreover, just like Liu Sisi said, he had completely taken the initiative in this matter now.

Following the two people, Lin Feng walked into the VIP passage.

This is the case in any amusement park. As long as you have privileges and you get enough money, then you don't need to wait in line like everyone else.

First it was a relatively small project, suitable for children to play, so Lin Feng gave Yueyue up, and then walked towards Dami Mi again.

"I know you have a lot of thoughts in your mind. You may not have expected that I would suddenly hold a press conference this morning."

"Yes, you are pushing the child to the highest point of public opinion. Besides, don't you think you are taking advantage of Yueyue now?"

"No, I don't think so. If you didn't expose that postcard to the Internet in advance, do you think I would do this? Now, the way I present myself is undoubtedly to let them know that I do have A child, but this child is Yueyue." (End of Chapter)

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