Chapter 49 Don't Shot
The nurse in charge of drawing blood also comforted her: "Don't be afraid, kids. The injection won't hurt at all. When you finish the injection, I will reward you with a small sticker, okay?"

"Woooo, I don't want it!"

She struggled desperately, but Lin Feng applied a little more force and held Yueyue down again.

"Yueyue, do you hear that? It won't hurt at all if my sister pricks you with an acupuncture, and my sister has already disinfected your skin with alcohol. It won't hurt at all if your skin is drunk."


Before she finished speaking, Yueyue watched helplessly as the needle plunged into her arm.

At this moment, she became quiet instead.

I don't know if it really doesn't hurt. At this moment, Yueyue didn't react at all, but her face was squeezed into a small meatball.

Lin Feng quickly covered her eyes, and within a few seconds.

He patted Yueyue's shoulder gently: "Okay, let's go."

Yueyue opened her eyes in shock and saw a small cartoon sticker on the arm where the needle was inserted.

"Thank you sister! Goodbye sister!"

Yueyue said hello to the nurse, and Lin Feng led her away.

"Dad, the acupuncture hurts so much, you lied to me!" Yueyue said as she walked.

"Maybe the alcohol hasn't taken effect yet. It won't hurt after a while. Dad didn't lie to you!" Lin Feng said seriously.

"Okay, seeing how sincere you are when you speak like this, I will believe you just once!"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and leaned over to wipe the tears from the corners of Yueyue's eyes.


"Please change Yueyue's name to Lin Qiangqiang. She didn't even cry when she got the acupuncture. That's amazing."

"Lin Feng is a big liar, but his trick of deceiving children is quite good. I will try this trick with my daughter next time."

"This is called brainwashing, not a lie."

"Hahaha, I died from laughing."


Two minutes later, Yueyue took off the cartoon sticker on her arm and saw the shallow needle holes on her skin.

"Yueyue, is the blood still bleeding?"

"It doesn't flow anymore."

"Does it still hurt now?"

"Dad didn't lie to me, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

Lin Feng smiled mischievously: "When did Dad lie to you? Dad is the person who loves you the most. Just believe in Dad from now on!"

"Yeah!" Yueyue nodded vigorously.

Lin Feng held her little hand: "Let's go and weigh herself. Let's see how much Yueyue weighs and how much it can be sold for."

"Smelly daddy!"

In a blink of an eye, the two came to the measurement room.

"It weighs 22.5 kilograms."

Lin Feng stared at the numbers on the physical examination form and asked, "Yueyue, please calculate how many pounds this is?"

"45 pounds." Yueyue opened her mouth.

"Yeah, smart! Pork is now 15 yuan per pound. How much can I sell it to you?" Lin Feng scratched the back of his head, "Oh, I can't buy it for 700 yuan. Forget it, I won't sell it for now, wait. Let’s fatten you up and then sell you!”

Yueyue rolled her eyes at him: "Be careful, one day I will stuff boogers in your mouth while you are sleeping!"

Lin Feng: "..."

After completing all the examinations, the father and daughter returned to the experience department, and Lin Feng handed over the results of Yueyue's experience to the doctor.

The doctor took a look and said: "All indicators are within the normal range. However, your child is still missing one shot of vaccine. Should he make up for it today or wait until he goes to kindergarten?"

Lin Feng and Yueyue looked at each other and saw that the little guy didn't refuse: "Then let's do it today."

Taking the doctor's order, Lin Feng went to pay the bill first.

"I remember you only received one injection half a year ago. Do you still have one injection when you are four and a half years old?" Lin Feng muttered in a low voice, "Did you remember it wrong?"

Although the words were whispered, Yueyue also heard them.

She answered: "Dad remembered correctly, the doctor must have been confused."

Yueyue originally told the truth. She didn't want to get another shot, so she just expressed her inner thoughts.But Lin Feng always felt weird listening to it.

The barrage in the live broadcast room...

"Yueyue hopes the doctor remembers it wrong."

"What's Lin Feng's expression like? It looks like he's eaten something."

"Taunt from Yueyue!"


Yueyue was reluctantly held by Lin Feng's hand and walked to the vaccination clinic.

Knowing that she was going to get an injection, Yueyue resisted instinctively.

She knew it was extremely painful every time she got the vaccine.

Lin Feng coaxed: "Yueyue, please be obedient. After this injection is finished, we can go to dinner."

"Injections hurt! I don't want to get injections!"

"Yueyue is the strongest. We are not afraid of injections, right?"

"I'm not strong at all!" Yueyue said aggrievedly.

No matter how strong a child is, she will be frightened by the sight of needles, and Yueyue is no exception. Every time she sees a needle going into her arm, she almost wets her pants with fear.

Lin Feng looked at her with gentle eyes: "Daddy, please hold you, okay? Let daddy give you strength!"

"No, dad just beat me for me."

"How can that be done? Why don't you let dad do the eating for you?" Lin Feng continued to comfort him, "How can dad buy you biscuits after the injection?"

"Cookies?" Yueyue wavered, but then said: "No cookies! I just don't want to get an injection!"

Lin Feng noticed the subtle change in Yueyue's expression and continued to seduce her with delicious food: "Do you want to eat that cake?"

This time Yueyue didn't speak, looking at the ceiling and thinking.

I haven't eaten cake for several days. It's not cost-effective to ask my father to buy me cake after just one injection, right?

"Do you want to eat the lollipop?" Lin Feng asked again.

Upon hearing this, Yueyue laughed out loud: "Okay, buy cakes and lollipops, and I'll take the injection!"

Lin Feng said helplessly: "Okay, it's all up to you."

This little guy is not big, but his abacus is quite good.

"Haha, father and daughter have to settle the score, right?"

"Yueyue's routine is pretty deep."

"Yueyue: Injections are okay, but I have conditions!"


On the other side, the filming location of "Meng Hua Lu".

Liu Yifei finished filming the morning scene and sat aside to rest.

At this time, a very hoarse voice came.

"Director Chen, how is the progress of this play?"

Director Chen: "We have just started filming, and it is still early to finish filming."

"Director Chen, it's such a pity that I couldn't cooperate with you this time. You have to give me a chance in the next movie!

"Sister Mi, I'm just waiting for your words."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your trust. Some of our new faces in Jiaxing are good-looking and have good acting skills. They just lack a chance to appear in front of the screen."

Liu Yifei looked for the sound and saw Da MiMi chatting with the director of the crew.

Da Mimi is dressed in a very sexy professional attire and is very capable.

"Would you like to go over and say hello?"

Liu Yifei thought to herself that she and Da Mimi were old acquaintances. It would be a bit impersonal if she didn't say hello, but she didn't want to take the initiative to provoke people like Da Mimi. She was still very disgusted with Da Mimi in her heart.

At this moment, director Chen Wei waved to her.

"Feifei, your old friend is here, come over and say hello."

(End of this chapter)

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