"I didn't ask these people to sign a contract. I just wanted to give them some filming opportunities. When the time comes, can I get some help from them?"

"Well, do you know that the contract stipulates that they can only take over the tasks assigned by the company, and they cannot take over the filming of these things in private."

"I know, I can't do anything with those big-name actors. They are all small actors. I can learn from those small actors, even actors who are not easy to be seen. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, you want to take advantage of their psychological gap, and then use enough eyeballs to attract them. In this case, they will naturally switch to your Maplewoods culture?"

"Yes, that's what I mean, but don't worry, Mr. Liu, I will never reveal anything about you, and I won't let anyone know. Remember, only you can do it quietly here all of these."

"Logically speaking, it would indeed be a bit unethical for me to do this."

"Yes, Mr. Liu, this is not an immoral thing. To put it bluntly, Reba and I can call you over today, and you can also see the relationship between me and Reba."

Having said this, he just looked back at Reba, who nodded with a smile.

When he first arrived, Mr. Liu had already guessed why Reba could beg for this man again and again.It is estimated that the relationship between them has long gone beyond ordinary friendship.

Coupled with his words today and the eye contact between the two of them, he has clearly judged that the two of them should have established a relationship.

"Haha, okay, even if I didn't understand it before, then, now I understand it. It's okay, Reba, you hid it quite deeply?"

"Mr. Liu, you are really good at telling jokes. I have always treated you as my senior in the company. You have to admit this, right?"

"Yes, I admit it, so I have always admired you very much."

"Yes, that's why I'm calling you out now. The actual purpose is to hope that you can help Lin Feng."

"Okay, if you ask Reba, this won't be difficult at all, but you know very well the relationship between me and Da Mimi."

"I know that the relationship between you two should be difficult to judge, but I didn't force you, and I didn't say that I would let you switch to Maplewood Culture. I just wanted to use the relationship you have now to gain a little Reveal just a little bit, and we can do the rest."

"Okay, that's no problem for you. If you need it, I will send you the actor's identity at the same time. However, you can't find those popular actors."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not use a popular actor, because it will be too eye-catching. I will rediscover from those unknown actors that no one even knows that she has this ability. I also have this ability, and I am sure that I can make him famous."

"Haha, okay, if that's the case, there must be no problem."

"Mr. Liu, I will record every other actor. I will definitely benefit from you when the time comes. Every penny he earns in the future, of course, there will definitely be enough shares for you."

"Haha, Mr. Lin, you are so polite. This is not the case. Moreover, you also know that I, Liu, do not value real money in this life. All I value is my ability. Do you understand? "

"Yes, I definitely know that. In this circle, if Mr. Liu dares to claim to be second, I guess no one dares to claim to be number one."

"Haha, come on, don't just talk here, come on, drink and drink."

What Lin Feng said was indeed to support Mr. Liu.Moreover, it does seem to be very useful.

Here he is relying on his old age to show off his old skills, and he is an old man.

When Lin Feng found him, he really found the right person.

After three rounds of drinking, Lin Feng was still slightly tipsy.

He learned from Mr. Liu that a lot of things have happened in the entertainment industry in recent years.

In fact, it has to be said that Lin Feng himself has not paid much attention to things in the entertainment industry in the past few years since he left.

Although Fenglin Culture has always been inseparable from the entertainment industry, he leaves most things to his professional managers to take care of.

Lin Feng only needs to control a general direction.

Lin Feng has never been a gossip person.

Therefore, he never paid attention to those gossipy news. When he was at home most of the time, he just played with Yueyue, studied with her, played with her, ate with her and slept with her. He did nothing else. Pass.

Therefore, when Mr. Liu told himself about all kinds of news in the entertainment industry in recent years, he was really shocked and dumbfounded.

Because Lin Feng had never thought that the entertainment industry had become so corrupt.

When I entered the entertainment industry before, it was not like this at all. Moreover, everyone knew their position and what they were going to do next.

However, these people have already begun to show off here and regard themselves as big shots before they are even really famous. In fact, Lin Feng does not like this at all.

"Mr. Liu, don't tell me, why have such big changes happened in the past few years since I left the entertainment industry?"

"Yes, if you were in this entertainment industry, you don't know what the situation would be like now. For example, Da Mimi was actually relatively innocent before, but in the past few years, I feel At this point, she started to do things that were obviously a little sinister."

After saying this, he only hesitated slightly.

It seems that what Mr. Liu said should be roughly the same as the comments I made to him before.

But, having said that, Reba has been with him for so many years, and it seems that Reba has not said anything about him.

Moreover, there are some dark inside stories about the company's operations, which Reba doesn't know at all.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean by this? I have been in the company for so many years, why don't I know about this?"

Sure enough, when Reba heard it, she also felt something novel, so Bian asked here. (End of chapter)

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