Chapter 5 Dad, don’t be afraid!
Da Mimi locked the door directly.

The next second, she couldn't hold back any longer, biting her thumb on her lips, pacing back and forth.

If what happened back then was really revealed, her career would be ruined.

Her current persona is that of a strong single woman. If the media knew that Yueyue was her daughter, not only would her persona be ruined, but all her efforts over the years would also be in vain.

How is this good?

Da Mimi hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go to her agent Zeng Jia to discuss it.

"Sister Zeng, have you seen the hot search on Douyin?"

Da Mimi came to Zeng Jia's room and said straight to the point.

"Well! You must be doing it for Lin Feng, right?"

Different from what Da Mimi imagined, Zeng Jia looked extremely calm, without any trace of panic.

"Hmm! Then... could Yueyue be my child?" Damimi couldn't help but ask.

"Based on the time, it should be!"

As soon as these words came out, Da Mimi seemed to be discouraged and slumped on the sofa, a little confused.

Seeing this, Zeng Jia asked calmly.

"Mimi, what are your current plans?"

"I don't know either. I just know that my mind is very confused. I never thought that Lin Feng would come back!"

"Then do you think Lin Feng will expose what happened back then?"

Da MiMi shook her head bitterly.

"If it were Lin Feng back then, he wouldn't be able to do it, but with him now, I really can't guarantee it!"

As he spoke, Da Mimi pulled her hair anxiously.

She had put in so much effort to reach the top of her class, and she would go crazy if she was knocked back to her original form.

no!Absolutely not!
Zeng Jia gently patted Da Mimi's back and said in a gentle tone.

"Don't worry yet, the matter is not that serious yet!"

As she spoke, she poured a glass of boiled water for Damimi.

"Drink a glass of water and calm down first. I think the reason why Lin Feng participated in the show is because he has no money to support his children!"


Hearing this, Da Mimi was in a daze.

"If you study the short video carefully, you will find one detail. Lin Feng loves his children very much. How could he do something harmful to his children?"

Zeng Jia calmly analyzed, "Therefore, he will definitely not expose what happened back then!"


"Of course, we still have to shut Lin Feng's mouth. Isn't he short of money? As long as you provide living expenses to his father and daughter on a regular basis, all problems will be solved!"

"Is it really possible?"

"Try it, don't you know?"

"Okay! I listen to you! I will contact Lin Feng later!"

Damimi gritted his teeth and said.

From the entertainment industry to the present, Zeng Jia's role can be said to be crucial.

Because of this, Da Mimi has blind confidence in Zeng Jia.

Later, Da Mimi returned to her office and couldn't help but click on the hot search video.

Perhaps because of the blood connection, she couldn't help but want to see Yueyue more.

Lin Feng really took good care of his children. He was independent and cute at a young age.

Those big watery eyes really look like hers.

Da Mimi kept watching the video over and over again, feeling guilty suddenly rising in her heart.

Later, she secretly got a small account and went to the live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast life of the father and daughter.

the other side.

Lin Feng is taking Yueyue to the supermarket.

"My Superman Dad" does not have fixed shooting tasks, and the main focus is on the free expression of dads.

As long as it doesn't go too far, the program team will not interfere in the lives of the guests.en route.

Yueyue's little hand held Lin Feng's, and her big watery eyes looked around curiously, muttering along the way.

After a while.

The two arrived at the parking lot.

I don’t know why, but there are so many cars in the supermarket parking lot today that there are very few empty spaces.

After walking around for a long time, I still couldn't find a parking space.

Suddenly, Lin Feng suddenly saw a red Honda reversing not far away.

I don’t know what happened to this driver, but he actually occupied two parking spaces.

Seeing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but curse.

"This guy is so unqualified that he actually occupied two positions!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but curse while controlling the steering wheel.

Considering the live broadcast, Lin Feng resisted swearing.

Yueyue, who was sitting in the safety chair, blinked and looked around.

"Dad, where is the car?"

"Did you see the red Honda in front of you on the right? One person occupying two positions is simply a mess!"

With that said, Lin Feng drove the car next to the red Honda.

Before Lin Feng could speak, Yueyue rolled up the window and looked at the driver of the red Honda with her lips pouted.

"How did you park your car? Why did you have to occupy two spots? It's very strange!"

When Lin Feng saw this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Then, before he could speak, Yueyue gently patted the driver's backrest.

"Dad, don't be afraid, I've already told him!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Who is the father?
Why does he feel like a flock of crows are flying across the sky...


"I'm laughing so hard! Yueyue is so capable! She's really not afraid of anything!"

"What kind of little cotton-padded jacket is this? It's clearly a battle robe full of combat power!"

"I couldn't help but think of my son. We met an aunt in the mall before. The good boy asked me loudly: Dad, should I call this old woman grandma or grandma?"

"Look at Yueyue's pink fists, she's ready to fight every minute!"

"Oh my gosh, this is so cute!"

Just when the barrage in the live broadcast room was soaring, Yueyue stretched her neck again, and Lao Qiu shouted angrily at the driver.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you know that a car can only park in one parking space?"

Maybe the sound was too quiet just now, but this time the Honda driver heard it.

At the same time, Lin Feng also saw the driver's appearance clearly.

Good job!
This fat guy starts at least 200 pounds!
This is a bald man with a big belly, wearing a shiny golden necklace around his fat neck.

The lower body is in black shorts and the upper body is in a white shirt.

The exposed arms are also carved with fierce tattoos.

When netizens saw this, their expressions changed drastically.

"Damn it! This can't be the legendary gangster, right? Yueyue is in danger!"

"What's there to be afraid of? Lin Feng was the martial arts champion back then. It's not certain who will win!"

"That's right! So what are Yueyue waiting for? Hurry up and curse more!"

"It's been a long time since I saw a martial arts champion fight! I'm really looking forward to it!"

"So what if I'm a martial arts champion? Lin Feng will break his bones if he just sits down with his body type, okay?"

"I suggest you go upstairs and turn right. My uncle is a psychiatrist there!"

(End of this chapter)

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